Wednesday, November 5, 2008


Pumpkin Cupcakes with Rum and Maple

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Pumpkin cupcakes are good on their own, but this pumpkin cupcake with rum and maple kicks it up a notch. The cupcakes smell distinctly of rum, but when you bite into them, you can taste the pumpkin and just a tiny hint of the maple. They are moist and lighter than you might expect from a pumpkin dessert and they're filled with Fall spices.

The best part is that I didn't have to throw the pumpkin cupcakes in the trash. I actually made two batches of pumpkin cupcakes before this one that were so bad that I threw them out. They weren't even good enough to bring into to an office full of people who eat anything. I would have completely given up on pumpkin were it not for the fact that my cupcake class (that I am teaching this weekend) includes pumpkin cupcakes. I needed to get a recipe that I loved. Found it!

Pumpkin Cupcake Recipe

makes 12 cupcakes
  • 1 1/2 C flour
  • 1 t cinnamon
  • 1/2 t ginger
  • 1/2 t nutmeg
  • 1/2 t allspice
  • 1 t baking soda
  • 1/2 t salt
  • 1 1/2 C sugar
  • 3/4 C pumpkin puree
  • 2 large eggs
  • 1/2 C vegetable oil
  • 1/4 C dark rum
  • 1/4 C maple syrup
  1. Whisk together flour, spices, baking soda, and salt.
  2. In a large bowl, combine the sugar, pumpkin, and eggs. Beat until smooth.
  3. Mix in the oil, rum, and maple syrup.
  4. Slowly add the flour mixture and mix until fully incorporated.
  5. Fill cupcake liners 3/4 full.
  6. Bake at 350 F for 20-25 minutes.
Pumpkin Cupcake Frosting

I frosted my pumpkin cupcakes with apple butter frosting. These cupcakes would also be good with my cinnamon cream cheese frosting.

Fall Into Winter Roundup

I am entering these cupcakes into Ivy's Fall Into Winter Roundup.

I was so excited about the roundup . Not only did I have to ask if it was OK to get my entry in late, but then I completely forgot to enter. I had to go back and add to this to the post. Sorry, Ivy! You're the best!

Cupcake Love Connection Update

I have been talking to Minko and her cupcake for Groom 2.5 will be done soon! I can't wait for the recipe! She said she should have it next week. Read the original Cupcake Love Connection post if you don't know what I am talking about.


  1. Yummy! Finally a cupcake I can relate to. I make a mean pumpkin bread, cheesecake and pie - and for the first time ever I used fresh pumpkin this year. Fresh makes a huge difference - it is amazing.

    I used regular jack-o-lantern pumpkin for the first couple, but I bought a pie pumpkin to try and see if I can tell a difference. (And we saved the seeds in the hopes of growing some next year!!)

  2. I am going to make these tomorrow! I have some pumpkin left over from Halloween, and was going to make soup, but these look much more interesting!

    I love your wee pumpkiny men decorations!

  3. This is what I call an adult cup cake, should get loads more like this ...the arrangement on the pumpkin skins is amazing...or did I have one too many of your cupcakes lol.

  4. Looks and sounds amazing!

    I made some the other day, and I think they were my best cupcakes ever! The pumpkin really makes a moist delicious cake!

  5. I've never thought to put rum in my pumpkin dishes, but it makes sense! Great idea.

  6. I made these on Friday and they were fantastic! The cupcake recipe made about 55 mini cupcakes and I had way too much icing but it was so tasty we just ate it out of the bowl. :)

  7. K - I've heard tales of all of your yummy pumpkins. That would be fun if you grew some next year!

    Lisa - Thanks! Did you make them? How'd it come out?

    Rico - Hah! Good luck getting drunk off of these cupcakes.

    Ashley - Yup! Pumpkin cupcakes are great!

    Ivy - Thanks! It's hard to come up with different ideas each time. We just happened to have these pumpkins in our yard.

    Stephanie - The flavors go really well together. Try it in a drink some time - hot pumpkin buttered rum = yummy!

    Kristen - Yay!! I'm so glad to hear that you liked them! Thanks for letting me know!!

  8. I am going to share your receipe ( and blog!) with all my fellow cupcake lovers who follow my blog. how wonderful!!!!! thank you!!!

  9. Diane - Thanks you! And.. your cottages look fantastic!

  10. I made these last night and they were a tremendous hit with both the office and the family! Thank you very much.

  11. Made these cupcakes this morning for a little Thanksgiving dessert and it was delicious!

    You're totally right--the cupcake is surprisingly light for having pumpkin in it, which was a very pleasant surprise.

    Very moist and the spices and rum were a great combo.

    The apple butter icing was also a hit. I was surprised at how easy it was to make too!

    Definitely going to be a repeater.

  12. LOVE these cupcakes. They work at high altitude as well -- a plus for us Denverites :)

  13. I made these last night and they were delish! I chose to use the cinnamon cream cheese frosting and it paired very nicely with the rum and maple notes in the cupcake. They were definately different and a pleasent surprise to the taste buds :) LOVE!

  14. I made these cupcakes last night and the were delish! I chose to use the cinnamon cream cheese frosting and it paired beautifully with the pumpkin, maple, and rum notes. They are unique and interesting to the taste buds :)...Loved!

  15. I didn't have maple syrup or rum around but I did have butter-flavoured syrup and Amaretto so I substituted both and added a shot of rum flavouring to the Amaretto. They were fantastic! Thanks for the inspiration :D

  16. i made these cupcakes this morning and they flattened out, i did 25 mins as the directions say? Do they need to be in longer?

    1. They shouldn't need to be in any longer than that. Not sure what happened.

  17. Would these be ok with out the rum? Should I substitute some other liquid in its place?

    1. You could use a different liquid - like apple cider.

  18. Does "t" mean Teaspoon or Tablespoon in this recipe??


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