Friday, November 7, 2008


Cupcake Project's G, PG, and PG-13 Rated News

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I have news - lots of news. The first is rated G. It's very kid friendly. The second is PG due to difficult topics. The third is rated PG-13 for language. If you want something R rated, check out my post on How to Make Nut Butter.

Let's start with the G-rated news!

Cupcake Project is going to be featured in a kids' book! The book is called Meagan Hearts Baking and it's the story of a little girl who learns how to bake cupcakes! At the end of the book, there are several real life cupcake bakers that are featured, and I am one of them. The banana cupcake recipe from my grandma is also featured in the book. I love that Grandma is a part of it! The book should be out some time this month - I'll keep you posted.

The PG News

I've been awarded an E for Excellence Award twice this month. That's double E (like electrical engineering, but not at all).

The first award was from a much-loved cupcake blogger, How to Eat a Cupcake. You should go check out the Halloween cupcake roundup that she just did with I Heart Cuppycakes. Great stuff!

The second was from someone I have never mentioned here before, Katie at Not Just Your Average City Girl. Katie has a series of posts that talks about her battle with bulimia. I often find myself skimming quickly through food blogs just looking for recipes, but I read her story from virtual cover-to-cover.

From Katie's blog:
A big reason I decided to start this blog was to help me continue my recovery with bulimia. I thought that if I could learn to cook food, enjoy it, and share it with others, it would help me get over my fear of becoming fat. In some ways, this blog has really helped me get over a lot of the anxieties I have associated with food. But in other ways, it has made my recovery even harder, especially since I joined Tuesdays with Dorie and am now baking scrumptious treats once a week!
Head on over there and cheer her on.

I'm going to pass the E for Excellence award on to:
  • Patric Chocolate Blog - Alan of Patric Chocolate makes some of the best chocolate ever! If you want to truly understand chocolate (not simply eat it), you will be riveted by his blog. BTW - If you just want to eat his chocolate, there's a great coupon on Food Interviews that's good through Wednesday. You can also read about my tour of the Patric Chocolate factory.
  • Cakespy - Jesse of Cakespy is known for her adorable cupcake art. I love the art, but what I love even more is her creativity. Her post experimenting with various vegetables in cupcakes was sensational.
  • Bakerella -Every time I head over to Bakerella's blog, I find myself pulling Jonathan over to the computer to say, "Look at this!" Her baked goods are true works of art.
PG-13 Rated News

The other day, the following email went out to a few of my friends:
Stef may be too modest to toot her own horn, but she is getting a "Kickass Award" in a week, and it's really cool.

It turns out that I'm not too modest. I'm quite excited to Kick Ass. I also love that one of the other winners is the International Institute. That's right - I won and an entire institute won. Anyway, if anyone is in St. Louis and wants to come to the awards event on Thursday, it promises to be a fun and free evening. If I don't know you, come and introduce yourself!

Does the word "Ass" actually make something PG-13? I have no idea.


  1. Congrats on getting a KickAss!!! You deserve it!

  2. What great news! Thank you for so many fantastic blogs on food, many thanks and congrats again :)

  3. That is way cool about being mentioned in a book! You're famous! ;) Thanks again for entering in our Halloween Cupcake Contest! Hope you had fun. I know I did! :)

  4. Cheese - Thanks so much! You kick ass too!

    Rockaroo - You're most welcome. Thank you for commenting. That's what makes it all worth while.

    CB - :) Don't quite feel famous, but I'm excited about it! Your contest was a big hit! Congrats on getting so many entries!

  5. I love Stef, Cupcake and Joe's Cafe! I'll be there Thursday night.

  6. Great news about being featured in the book! I think that's wonderful!

  7. how exciting! jenna @

  8. Wow congrats! Sounds like a cute book! I just found you on twitter. I'll be following your blog now! I love it!


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