Tuesday, November 27, 2012


Need a Gift for a Baker? Here Are Over 50 Ideas!

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Are you looking for a gift for a baker on your holiday list?  I've got you covered!  Over the past year, I've curated a list of my favorite baking-related products on my Peek In My Pantry Pinterest board.  With just a few exceptions (that I indicate on the board), I've personally used and enjoyed every product there.  Peek In My Pantry contains baking basics, book ideas, specialized baking tools, totally unique food products (like miracle fruit and mastic gum), baking-themed jewelry, aprons, and more.  Peek in My Pantry and let me know which gifts you found for your favorite baker and what I left off.

Special Coupon for Cupcake Project Readers

Earlier this year, I told you about the Excalibur Dehydrator (I used it to make cupcake croutons).  Excalibur is offering a special 10% off coupon for Cupcake Project readers Dec. 1 through Dec. 15 - just enter the code 10DEC15 when you check out. 


  1. hi Stef! thanks so much for putting together this wonderful list! I wrote this post: http://thenummylist.com/2012/11/15/best-holiday-gifts-for-foodies/

    but i think you would realllly like this one: http://www.etsy.com/listing/67313510/heart-cupcake-stud-earrings

    i also own the pumpkin pie earring and a cupcake stud

  2. I LOVE my scoops! I would say good cooling racks would be good to add on here!

  3. wow all are wonderful and easy to cook recipes.. really a perfect collection of various recipes...


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