Sunday, September 30, 2007


Every New Reader Is Exciting, But...

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It brings me great joy that all of you read and enjoy my blog. I get particularly excited when you come out of the closet and say hi in the comments. Each new reader is equally important to me. It's true. However, I must admit that I was a bit more excited than normal (OK, a heck of a lot more excited than normal) when I discovered that Kate Heddings, Senior Food Editor at Food and Wine Magazine, reads my blog.

Check out the F&W blog, Mouthing Off, at to
a) see what Kate has to say about cupcakes, and
b) try to imagine how happy I was when I first saw that she mentioned Cupcake Project.

You should now have a big smile on your face. If you don't, you must work on your imagining skills.


  1. hi, i'm no Kate Heddings
    but i'm a new reader too.

    i also bake cupcakes, and have tattoos of cupcakes, an night lights with cupcakes, in general cupcake related paraphernalia rules my life.

    anyway. ive just started my own baking blog so im going to link you if you dont mind.

  2. Shannie - Of course I don't mind. I'd also be happy to link back to you. Good luck with the blog. I just checked it out. Glad to see that you are another organic baker.


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