Thursday, October 4, 2007


Cupcake Hero Contest: Cloves

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Laurie of Quirky Cupcake has been kind enough to make me the co-host of this month's Cupcake Hero contest. The theme of this month's contest is cloves.

I remember working with cloves in kindergarten when I made a primitive room freshener (an orange with cloves stuck in it). Do other people remember doing this?

More recently, I used cloves in my very first blogged cupcake. I ground them in my coffee grinder and permanently discolored the grinder, much to my husband's chagrin. Bakers beware.

That will all change this month as I get to check out all of your great ideas and bake some of my favorites to help Laurie pick the winner. I think the hardest part will be baking the recipe as it is written. I have become accustomed to modifying recipes to my own tastes. In fact, even if there is no reason at all to change a recipe I tend to do it just because it's rebellious. Aren't I wild and crazy?

I can't think of a time when I have been an official judge. However, my friend, The Groom, seems to think that there is nothing that I don't judge. You might say I'm opinionated. I'm excited for this opportunity to put my opinions to good work!

Speaking of The Groom, several of you have asked for an update on what flavors have been chosen for the wedding. Others of you have been more bold and have asked things like, "Have you forgotten about your goal? Why have you not mentioned the bride and groom in a while?" Well, my dear readers, I have not forgotten about the wedding and the huge cupcake baking extravaganza that awaits me in December. The bride and groom, however, have been busy recently and haven't had time for cupcakes. Whaaaa?!? I know. The Groom has been out of town for work and The Bride, well, I hear there are just a few more she wants to sample and they are on my to bake list for November. As soon as I know which ones they choose, I will definitely let everyone know. Who knows, maybe one of your clove cupcakes will end up at their wedding!

Here are the contest details direct from Quirky Cupcake:

If you want to participate, send your deets to superslush AT AND stef AT by October 31. That's right, due date is Halloween!
Your blog name and URL
Link to your Cupcake Hero entry
Picture of your cupcakery (250 width is preferred)
We will work as fast as we can to come up with a winner. A rad Cupcake Hero t-shirt will be the prize. So, I say to you, Are you the Next Cupcake Hero?


  1. In my defense (groom). I have been out of town, but there have been lots of cupcakes made for various other reasons as well. Contests, other friends coming into town, etc... However, this has in NO WAY impacted the delicious and wonderful samples we have had. As stated there are a few more to make, but no decisions have been made to this point. There are clear favorites, and fortunately Stef has been willing to make most everyone we asked for (no mint) as well as unique ones we never imagined. Looking forward to the final decision.

  2. For those of you who plan to enter this tourney, I think it is only fair to give you a heads up on the judge. We have all learned a lot about each other's cupcake preferences. I believe the following to be things to keep in mind when making your cupcake:

    The judge likes:
    Denser then fluffy cupcakes
    Little frosting
    Unique flavors
    Organic foods (Whole Foods purchases)

    Just some helpful hints. Good luck everyone!

  3. Hmmm... interesting commentary. I actually like both dense and fluffy cupcakes. Other than that, the other things are true. However icing can always be scraped off and I know others love it, so I would never hold large pretty icing swirls against a cupcake in my judging.

  4. Hi Stef.

    Great to hear you will be co- judging the next Cupcake Hero comp. Cloves. Wow what a great idea. so warm this time of year. And I do remember studding oranges with cloves.You have just taken my number 1 idea :)
    I have been really busy lately with not much time to bake but I am looking forward to coming up with an idea for this one.


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