Monday, May 25, 2009


Greek Yogurt Frosting - A Healthy Frosting

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Greek yogurt frosting might be just the thing to top your light, summery cupcakes. Because Greek yogurt is thicker than regular yogurt, it doesn't drip off the side of the cupcake (much) as long as you don't leave the frosting in the sun.

Greek yogurt frosting has a yogurt tang, but like many of the flavors at the FroYo (frozen yogurt) places popping up all over the country, the tang plus a little bit of sweetness works like a charm.

Greek yogurt frosting is obviously healthier than buttercream or cream cheese frostings and although I wouldn't use it on every cupcake, it could be a nice option if you are trying to get into that summer bikini and are able to convince yourself that a healthier frosting negates the cupcake's calories.

Two Important Credits

  1. I got the Greek Yogurt that I used in my frosting compliments of Stonyfield Farms. I actually buy the majority of my yogurt from Stonyfield (when I'm not making my own), but I'd never tried the Greek Yogurt. When Stonyfield asked about sending me some coupons for some free yogurt, I was all over it! Aside from working perfectly for frosting, the yogurt was great for eating all on its own with some fresh fruit and a little sugar. Thanks, Stonyfield!
  2. I got the recipe for the Greek Yogurt frosting from Peter at Souvlaki for the Soul. Peter used his frosting to top some banana muffins - mine topped strawberry banana cupcakes.
Greek Yogurt Frosting Recipe

Here is the recipe for the Greek yogurt frosting from Souvlaki for the Soul, reprinted with my notes.
  • 1 C Greek yogurt (I used Stonyfield Farms)
  • A good splash of vanilla extract (I used 1 t)
  • 1/2 C powered sugar, sifted
  1. Whisk all ingredients until they become a bit thick.
  2. Place in the fridge to thicken even more (at least 30 minutes).
  3. Spread on cupcakes.


  1. yum, what a great idea! sounds super delicious.

  2. This sounds great. I'm going to sneak it onto some cupcakes see if the family notices anything. These should probably be refrigerated, right?

  3. Yes, I would definitely keep them refrigerated.

  4. Thanks for the shout out! These were fun and very to consume immediately!

  5. Awesome! I saw this on Peter's blog too. I have been wanting to try it, but haven't made cupcakes in a while. Thanks for reminding me! :)

  6. I love Greek yogurt for everything! Especially for making homemade fro-yo. YUUUUMM!

    This frosting idea is so smart. :)

  7. That's a great idea. I definitely want to try it. Do you know if there's any vegan Greek-style yogurt on the market?

    1. Pretty sure I saw Greek-style soy yogurt at a big health food store recently. (Good Earth in Fairfax, CA) Which makes me think you should look at Whole Foods and similar stores in your area.

  8. Wheeler - I've never seen any - but that doesn't mean that it doesn't exist. You could make your own though.

  9. I'd have never thought of that! I like the idea. Anything lighter than buttercream is worth a try on my everyday cupcakes.

  10. This sounds like a great idea!

  11. Greek yogurt frosting is a good idea!

  12. Greek yogurt frosting is a genius idea. Looks absolutely light and delicious. I love that bit of tang that the yogurt adds to the frosting. You're so right: sweet and tang go so well together!

  13. Ahhh I got those coupons too!! But I can only find the Greek yogurt at the grocery stores I never go to, and I can never find the time to make a special trip. :( I'm sure I'll be trying this yogurt icing when I finally find the Greek yogurt! :D

  14. Hmmm I would consider this more of a glaze than frosting however it is a much healthier option (Coming from a Dietitian!) Good Job!

  15. I just put your icing on cinnamon rolls. It is basically perfect. Thanks.

  16. I just put it on apple muffins. Nice, lighter alternative to cream cheese frosting. And my 7 year even loves it.

  17. just tried this. i'm a huge fan of the tartness you get from greek yogurt but my family not so much. have you tried w/ just plain yogurt before?

  18. Drifter - I haven't, but I suppose it could work. It would just be runnier.

  19. wow this is a great idea but i am making homemade Dora the Explorer cupcakes for my daughters birthday party.... since it was suggested to consume right away, do u think putting them in the freezer might ruin it? im a new cook so please dont laugh at me....LOL

  20. Pecas - I'd freeze the cupcakes and then add the frosting just before serving. It might work to freeze with the frosting, but I'm not sure. And - I'd never laugh at anyone's question.

  21. Oooo, I will definitely have to try this! I recently moved to an area where specialty foods like Greek yogurt are much more available to me, and I am totally sold on the Greek style. In fact, I don't know if I can go back to regular yogurt now. This would probably be delicious with some honey in it, too.

  22. Any thoughts on how you might thicken it up a bit without making it much sweeter? Mine's looking pretty runny right now...Oops.

  23. Corrine - Did you chill it? That helps, but it's still a bit runny.

  24. I did chill it but it was still really runny (it's possible I went overboard with the vanilla). I just wound up calling them muffins instead of cupcakes, and no one knew the difference...Thanks!

  25. If you put the yoghurt in some muslin cloth (or a clean cotton hankercheif if no muslin cloth), tie it up and hang over a bowl in the fridge and leave overnight then a lot of the liquid will strain off and you'll be left with lovely thick yoghurt. This is how dessert yoghurt is made in Indian quisine.

  26. @Lisa
    that is a great idea! However you can also put the yogurt in a clean cloth and squeeze the water out of it.

  27. I make my own plain yogurt. I line a colander with coffee filters, fill with yogurt, and drain over a bowl in the frig. The longer you drain it, the thicker it gets. Works like a charm!

  28. VERY RUNNY. I wouldnt consider it a frosting. Very disappointed because I was looking for a healthier alternative.

  29. KLS - Sorry that it wasn't what you were looking for. You might try the chocolate hummus with Justin's Chocolate Nut Butter - that one is fairly healthy and somewhat thicker. Be sure to use the Justin's nut butter though as opposed to a more oily chocolate nut spread.

  30. Hi Stef,
    I live in Singapore where it's very warm and I am actually trying to make cupcakes for after dinner on Friday but I'm wondering if there's a way I can make them on Thurs then somehow keep them until Friday?

    Should I make the cupcakes on thurs then refrigerate them? then only make the icing on Friday... thaw out the cupcakes just before dinner and ice them on the spot? only worry is that I wont have enough time. Cold cupcakes dont taste so good huh? :)

  31. Steph - You can leave the cupcakes out for a day. They will be fine. Just frost them on Friday.

  32. Turned out beautifully. I sprinkled on half a package of gelatin before refrigerating. I used it on top of a red velvet cake instead of cream cheese icing, and just covered the cake right before serving. All the kids (yes, KIDS!) came back for a second slice. The gelatin did the trick to hold the consistency. Still drippier than regular icing, but it was fine to spread it on before serving and it went well with the cake. Thanks for the recipe!

  33. If you aren't afraid of the fat, add 1/2 C butter to thicken the frosting a bit. I tried it with the butter and it stays pretty solid at room temperature. Just mix in softened butter with the sugar and yogurt, and refrigerate for at least 30 minutes.

  34. You could also mix in a little bit of cream cheese (fat free works great!) as a thickener. I really like the idea of straining the yogurt first, though. That seems like it would create a perfect consistency. I'm making this later in the week to use as the frosting component of a fruit pizza!

  35. You might also find adding some single cream (whipping cream for those of you in the US), and whipping the yoghurt up will give it a harder feel to it, without adding the same badness of butter or cream cheese. Add about 50ml / 300g of icing.

  36. I've heard a lot of good reviews about Greek Yogurt. Honestly, I have not tasted this kind of probiotic yogurt food yet. I think it would be a good idea to try this yogurt out to see how it really tastes like.

  37. Love the frosting, but what cupcake is this? It looks yummy!

    1. Strawberry banana cupcakes (

  38. I think if you made the yoghurt into yoghurt cheese first, it would be even thicker and may work better. I think you line muslin in a seive over a bowl, put the quantity of yoghurt you need inside and let it drain overnight in the fridge - it will lose some liquid and it will be more like cream cheese (apparently!).

  39. Just tried this recipe. It was excellent (cooling the yogurt gave it a very nice consistency)! My husband does not like frosting that is too sweet so I just added a bit more yogurt. I also included orange and lemon zest. Yum!!

  40. I can't wait to try your version of Greek yogurt frosting. I can't stand regular cream cheese + butter frosting. It's too sweet and fat for my standards.

  41. i haven't tried it, but its seems to be a better alternative to the other unhealthy options.

  42. Has anyone tried this with a sugar alternative? I am part of a weight loss challenge at work and my assignment is to find healthier recipes for the things we love. I love baking and was thinking of using this recipe on top of applesauce spice cupcakes, but I need to cut-down on the sugars.

  43. I used this recipe to make my daughter's birthday cake last night. She's very health conscious. I baked the cake in a cookie sheet so the cake itself would be thin. Used this Greek yogurt frosting, and did all the decorations with fruit. Wrote her name in pineapple, made butterflies out of sliced strawberries, used blueberries and raspberries, etc. It was SO delicious - I can't even believe how good it was. You get your cake fix, and it's so light and delicious with the fruit and yogurt! Thanks for the recipe!


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