Friday, March 30, 2012


2012 Food Blogger Bake Sale for Share Our Strength - Call for Bakers, Volunteers, and Eaters

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Kimberly Henricks-Friedhoff of Rhubarb and Honey and I are excited to be St. Louis's hosts for this year's Food Blogger Bake Sale for Share Our Strength!   Last year, St. Louis food bloggers and avid home bakers raised over $800 to help Share Our Strength fight the problem of childhood hunger in America.  We plan to meet and beat that number this year!  The bake sale is going to be an amazing day filled with sugar highs and smiles.  Please help spread the word by sharing this post or the Facebook event with your friends and family.

If you don't live near St. Louis, remember that this is a nationwide effort.  Check out the list of Food Blogger bake sales by state and see if you can get involved in one near you.  If there isn't one in your area, perhaps you'd like to host!

The Details
  • Where: Sappington Farmers' Market
  • When: April 28, from 10 AM - 2 PM
  • Who: We need bakers, volunteers, and eaters!
    • Bakers:  Are you a home baker who can bake something from scratch (cakes, cookies, brownies, pies, fudge, cupcakes, bread, anything)?  We'd love to have your baked goods as part of the sale.  We are looking for baked goods to sell.  You don't need to be a food blogger, and your baked goods don't have to be gourmet. 
    • Volunteers: Whether or not you are baking, we'd love a little help setting up, selling baked goods, and cleaning up.  This is a nice chance to spend an afternoon hanging out with some fun folks.
    • Eaters: If you've ever wanted to eat the computer screen while reading some of your favorite food blogs, now's your chance to taste the food without having to make it yourself.  Mark your calendar and invite your friends!
How to Sign Up

To sign up to bake or volunteer, simply fill out the form at the bottom of this post.

Special Thanks

Special thanks goes to Gaby Dakin of What's Gaby Cooking for coordinating this effort each year.


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