Sunday, February 13, 2011


Chocolate Coconut Rum Cupcakes and an Announcement

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After Wedding 3.0, I did not plan to do another wedding.  In fact, Jonathan STRONGLY encouraged me not to.  Baking 300 cupcakes in a home kitchen is extreme - and even more of a task with a young child underfoot.  One person who definitely understands the challenges involved is this woman...


...Bride 4.0.  Did you catch that?  I'm doing it again!  Bride 4.0 (Amie) has been there for me, helping to decorate, box, and clean up when I prepared for weddings one through three.  When she got engaged to this fine fellow...

...Groom 4.0 (Rob),  I was totally excited for the opportunity to offer her cupcakes.  I am overjoyed that she found her Groom and can't wait to be a part of her special day.  Now, here's the kicker: their wedding is next month (March 26)!!  Even though they have been planning their wedding for longer than a month, we are just now getting down to cupcake selection.  Amie has had so many of my cupcakes that she wasn't concerned with doing lots of tastings; Rob - well, Rob has never met a cupcake he hasn't liked.

Bride and Groom 4.0 decided that they would have two different cupcake flavors at their wedding and they would each get to pick one.  Groom 4.0 said that he wanted chocolate and coconut (at least that's what I thought he said - more on that later).  I created these chocolate coconut rum cupcakes with vanilla bean cream cheese frosting and cocoa dusted shredded coconut and had the happy couple over for a tasting.

Both Amie and Rob (and I) loved the cupcakes.  But, as he was almost ready to head home, Rob turned to me and asked somewhat shyly (and he's not typically shy), "Are these supposed to be the ones for me? I would rather they not have chocolate."  Oops!  I had clearly misheard him.  As you'll see, this ended up being a win for everyone; now I have two coconut cupcake recipes for you.  Chocolate lovers will enjoy these (did I mention that they also contain chocolate chips?) and everyone else (plus the chocolate lovers) can enjoy the second coconut cupcakes I created for Rob - piña colada cupcakes.

Look forward to more posts about their wedding cupcakes, and of course a play-by-play of the baking and the wedding day.

Chocolate Coconut Rum Cupcake Recipe

Before sharing the recipe, I want to give a quick shout out to the Ginger Rum Cakes from My Own Sweet Thyme.  Although I've modified the recipe beyond recognition, that recipe was the inspiration for these cupcakes.

Yield: 12 cupcakes
  • 1/2 C unsalted butter, melted
  • 1/3 C coconut rum
  • 1/2 C coconut milk
  • 2 tsp vanilla
  • 1 1/2 C flour
  • 1 tsp baking soda
  • 1/2 C unsweetened cocoa powder
  • 2/3 C brown sugar
  • 1/4 C molasses
  • 3 eggs
  • 1 C shredded baker's coconut (check out my post on how to make homemade baker's coconut)
  • 1 C chocolate chips
  1. In a small bowl, combine melted butter, rum, coconut milk, and vanilla. Set aside.
  2. In a medium-sized bowl, whisk together the flour, baking soda, and cocoa powder. Set aside.
  3. In a large mixing bowl, beat together the brown sugar and molasses until smooth.
  4. Add eggs to the brown sugar mixture one at a time, beating well after each addition.
  5. Add the flour mixture and mix until just combined.
  6. Add the butter mixture and mix until just combined.
  7. Fold in the coconut and chocolate chips.
  8. Fill cupcake liners 3/4 full.  
  9. Bake at 350 F for 25 minutes or until cupcakes bounce back when lightly touched.
Vanilla Bean Cream Cheese Frosting
  • 8 oz cream cheese, room temperature
  • 1/4 C unsalted butter, room temperature
  • 2 C powdered sugar
  • 1 tsp vanilla bean paste (You can use vanilla extract, but it is so much better with vanilla bean paste.  I elaborate on this in my post about why you should buy vanilla bean paste.)
  1. Mix cream cheese and butter until light and fluffy.
  2. Mix in powdered sugar a little bit at a time.
  3. Mix in vanilla bean paste.
  4. Pipe or spread on cupcakes.
Cocoa-Dusted Coconut Topping
  • 1/4 C shredded baker's coconut
  • 1/2 tsp sweetened cocoa powder (you can use your favorite hot chocolate mix for this)
  1. Toss the coconut with the cocoa powder and sprinkle on top of frosted cupcakes.
Happy Valentine's Day

Happy Valentine's Day to all!  Be sure to celebrate with a cupcake!  Check out my Facebook wall to hear about some of the amazing cupcakes that other Cupcake Project readers are making to celebrate the day and to add yours to the list!


  1. How perfect! I love that you are doing cupcakes for them. Chances are I will not be able to make the wedding, but I know your treats will help make it a total success!

  2. Yay for more wedding cupcakes! These chocolate coconut ones look fantastic. :)

  3. Those cupcakes sound delicious! Congratulations to the happy couple, and good luck with the cupcakes :)

    Come check out my competition!

  4. love the chocolate coconut combination and can't wait to see the other one you created!!

  5. pretty sure this is my new favorite cupcake! thank you for sharing!!! ha, brave lady for taking on ANOTHER round of weddings but, very fun :)

  6. Fabulous cupcakes! I love the addition of coconut milk.... and chocolate! Thanks for the shout out. I feel honored that my little Ginger Rum Cakes would inspire one of your lovely cupcake creations.

  7. Good Luck! you wil do fine. I love this recipe.

  8. Stef,

    I'll be following you on your cupcake journey for the next wedding.
    Your Chocolate Coconut Rum cupcakes, look good to me!

  9. Yum I love coconut! Ps your wrappers are adorable :)

  10. Very nice recipe. Have never thought of making my own coconut, thanks for that.

  11. Hi Stef - loved this recipe. Thanks so much! :) I told my friend that I saw this limited Choc-Coconut cupcake at Starbucks and got it for him since he likes that combo... and he totally bought it ;)


  12. Curious... Cake flour or All Purpose?


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