Wednesday, February 16, 2011


Goodbye, Scary Cupcake and a Snap Stories Giveaway

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While a few of you, like my mom, thought this cupcake was cute...

...most of you seemed to find her frightening.  I could blame the designer of Ms. Cupcake (who shall remain nameless - but it's someone in my household). However, since it was designed based on a sketch that I drew, I can only blame myself. 

Luckily, I recently renewed a friendship with an incredibly talented illustrator, Emma Hand of Snap Stories.  Emma agreed to make my blog look pretty (bye bye, scary cupcake) in exchange for some commercial and family photo work from J. Pollack Photography.  Win win!!

I LOVE the illustrations that Emma did for my blog (the RSS button is my favorite - how about you?), and I'm also really excited about our plans to work together on some projects down the road (no hints yet).  But, despite all of the work that she did for my blog, the best thing that she's done for our household may be designing my son's favorite board book.

Emma's line of books, Snap Stories, allows you to create an adorable book using ten of your own snapshots.  What kid doesn't love a book about themselves?

The coolest part of Snap Stories is that you don't need any special tools to create your custom book - no scrapbooking corners, glue, paste or scissors.  Each page of the book includes double-stick tape so you can just stick your photo right in.  It's easy enough that you can put the book together with a child and make a craft project out of it.

How to Win a Snap Stories Book

To celebrate the completion of this phase of Cupcake Project's design upgrade (it will be an ongoing project), Emma is giving away several Snap Stories books.  To enter, head over to her blog and leave a comment there (comments here on Cupcake Project are always welcomed, but they won't get you entered in this contest).

Good luck!


  1. I adore the new site! Kudos to everyone involved!

  2. absolutely LOVE your new site. that header is way too cute!

  3. Love your new site design! It's adorable. Also, Snap Stories sound like a great concept. If I don't win, I will be looking at buying a book for my niece!

  4. Love the new look, but I'd love an easier way to search or view all your recipes in one place. You have a search by topic, but to have an ongoing list of everything on one page would be fabulous!

  5. I love the new blog header! Thanks for also introducing me to Snap Stories...I cant wait to get one for my new baby!

  6. Love, love, love the new look, Stef!

  7. I love the new look, the RSS button is cute, but they are all super cute. I am button envious!

  8. With 9 grandchildren it looks as if I'll need more than one book, but it would be4 a start. Love the new layout and your little one is adorable! Boys rule and so do girls.........

  9. Have a little something waiting for you here:

    Pozdrawiam! Anula.

  10. Thanks all!! I'm so happy that you like the new look. To the anon person who suggested that I have a full index of my recipes. I totally agree. That would be a great idea! I just wish there was an easy way to do it. I'm going to try to figure it out.

  11. That cupcake does look a little scary now that I look at it. How funny!

  12. Love the makeover!!! Very cute :)


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