Tuesday, May 11, 2010


Win a Real Toolbox Filled with Cupcake Supplies + A Copy of "What's New Cupcake?"

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In case you haven't yet heard, a cupcake book made The New York Times Best Seller list.  It's called What's New, Cupcake? and I'm giving away a copy of it - plus a giant toolbox filled with cupcake supplies!

A couple of weeks ago, I had the pleasure of meeting What's New, Cupcake? authors Karen Tack and Alan Richardson at L'Ecole Culiniare in St. Louis (no, I'm not in culinary school - I was the only one there other than Karen and Allen without a uniform).

During their demo, Karen laughed about bringing cake mixes and canned frosting into a culinary school.  You see, What's New, Cupcake? is a book that you should judge by its cover.  It's all about appearances rather than what's inside. While my blog focuses on recipes that challenge your taste buds, What's New, Cupcake? challenges your eyes.

Karen and Allen are GENIUSES!  I admire creativity wherever it is found, and their creativity is unbounded.  One thing that Karen said during their talk really stuck with me.  She suggested that you try to look at ordinary objects (in their world, candies) in different ways; cut that jolly rancher in half and turn it into broccoli, or take a circus peanut, cut it, and make it into feet.

Even if I never make a cupcake from What's New, Cupcake?, I can still learn from it.  I could make homemade cookies in different shapes (the book gives an awesome tip on how to make your own cookie cutters) and use them to top cupcakes; or, I could cut fruit or organic snacks (instead of junk candy) to make my cupcakes extra cute. 

Whether you are passionate about organics or laugh it up as you lick your spoonful of yellow canned frosting (I won't hold it against you), everyone can learn from What's New, Cupcake? to expand their cupcake toolbox.  This brings me to the giveaway part of this post.

The Giveaway Part

McCormick (the makers of spices, seasonings, and food colors) sent me a literal cupcake decorating toolkit.

Although I have talked on this blog about how I don't like food coloring, I admit to liking colored sugars and sprinkles (can you say hypocrite?), and I'm excited to try out the method in What's New, Cupcake? to make my own vibrantly colored sugars and sprinkles using some of the tools that they sent.

Here's the Part Where I Tell You How to Enter

Of course, I couldn't accept this incredible toolkit without scoring one for you guys as well.  Leave a comment with the answer to the following question for a chance to win the toolkit and a copy of What's New, Cupcake?:
  • If you were to send someone a toolkit of cupcake decorating supplies, what three items would you definitely include?  (They can be items in the toolkit shown above or anything that you love to decorate with.)
I will randomly select a winner on Saturday night (5/15) at 11:59 PM CDT to enter.  Don't forget to leave an email address so that I can contact you!

Sorry, prizes may only be shipped to a United States address.


  1. I would definitely include candy-coated sunflower seeds, an offset spatula, and some cupcake liners! I love cupcake decorating!

  2. I happened to see them on the Early show last week and you were right, they are geniuses. I thought Harry was going to eat one of each he was so enamored. I love cupcakes because I can stop at 1 (well almost). I love making them for others more so this kit would be wonderful. I think I would give someone a neat cupcake recipe book like Martha's, those new silicon cupcake baking forms and 3-4 of the colorful sugars and sprinkles.

  3. Offset spatula, fun cutters, some adorable stands to display them!

  4. Definitely a 1M piping tip, some adorable cupcake liners, and maybe some of those jumbo shaped sprinkles!

  5. A good icing piper, black food coloring (so hard to find and yet so so useful), and a good long pair of tweezers--perfect for delicate topping adjustments

    Also, "Hello, Cupcake" was amazing--I am holding a pair of their penguin cupcakes in my picture!

  6. Offset spatula, pink sanding sugar, and napkins! I am always making a mess and I want others to know it's OK to.

    liz.nelson.531 AT gmail DOT com

  7. I'd include fun cupcake liners, lots of colored sugars and sprinkles and of course gumdrops!

  8. Red-hots candies, dark chocolate nonpareils, and cute cupcake liners.

    And canned frosting.

    Just kidding. :)

  9. offset spatula, colored sugar & a really nice pastry bag

  10. Definitely colorful cupcake liners, a large piping tip and an icing bag.

  11. I would definitely put in a 1M piping tip so you can make that perfect swirly top, some pop rocks because everyone needs to try some pop rock cupcakes, and some colored sugar

  12. Colored cupcake cases, pretty sugars for sprinkling on top, and good black coloring.

  13. I'd include a good piping tip or two, cute cupcake liners and sanding sugars. Mind you, I haven't decorated a cupcake in a long, long time...

  14. I would defintely include pastry bags, both disposable and reusable, variety of tips, and meringue powder.

  15. all kinds of candy like M&Ms, Snow Caps,and Coconut ans a camera to take a photo of the finished cupcakes,

  16. I would include a mini-whisk (I use mine practically ever day and don't know how I would cook without it), a rubber spatula (for ease in getting the rest of the batter from the bowl - to eat), and some hard-to-find extracts to make the cupcakes super tasty!

    michelle.skaflestad at gmail dot com

  17. As a lot of people have already stated, I'd definitely include some cute cupcake liners, and maybe some of the silicon ones too. An offset spatula and a fun cookbook would be good as well. I can't think of a specific cookbook because I haven't looked through a ton, but I know there are lots to choose from!!

  18. I think that it would be fun to include some weird candy as a "decorating challenge" (make the recipient figure out something really cool to do with it). I would also include an icing bag (so useful) and a rubber coated spatula :)

    oragnemunkie AT yahoo DOT com

  19. Marshmallow fluff cause I love it. lol. Red hots and different occasion cup cake liners.

  20. I would include some fabulous liners(in case they didn't know where to find some), silicone cupcake liners( I love mine)in small & large & different shaped sprinkles, because Bakerella does SO much w/ all of hers. As an added bonus above 3? I would put a few fail~safe recipes for basic cake flavours & frostings, sometimes you just don't want to reinvent the wheel every time!

  21. I saw this book at Sam's just this weekend, squeaked at the ducks and thought of you! I almost picked it up there, so now I get to cross my fingers and toes here.

    What I would pack in my tool kit... well, I'm most assuredly *not* a pro! I would have a ton of zip lock bags because I fill them with frosting and cut off the tip to decorate. I would include a roll of paper towels because I dampen them and use them to make smooth surfaces. Finally, I would include some citrus zest. I've found that no matter what the cup cakes look like; they still need to taste good. A citrus zest of some sort seems to brighten even the most bland cuppie cake!

  22. I'm just beginning to discover what fun it is to decorate cupcakes, so I think anything would be great. I think the fun cupcake liners would be neat. Everybody says an offset spatula, so that must be important - I don't have one. And any tips!

    Thanks for doing the contest.

  23. I'm super big on themes, so I would browse etsy for the cutest cupcake liners, and go from there- Matching candy decorations and matching food colors!

  24. A nice pastry bag, piping tips, and a biiig bag from the local candy shop full of candy that could make interesting shapes. :)

  25. First of all I absolutely LOVE this book. Please check out my own blog at http://gottolovecupcakes.blogspot.com/ to see a few projects right from the book. I borrow the book from my sister and I don't think she's getting it back.

    Now on to the contest. I would definitely add an icing bag with tip 21 or 22 for that easy but beautiful icing, food coloring and coconut flakes.

    Good Luck Everyone!

  26. Oooh... I so want to win!!!
    My kit would include edible flowers, colored sugar (is that the real term?), and Earth Balance, since all my cupcakes are vegan and EB is key!

  27. This is fun!

    I would include a star piping tip (love using that tip), vanilla extract (to make yummy vanilla frosting) and colored sprinkles (to add some color!)

    diaryofdelectables at gmail dot com

  28. I love funfetti sprinkles. I don't know why, and I don't use them often, but they make me happy. I also love cookie cutters. I have more cookie cutters than any sane person should have...ever. I'd also add edible glitter, because if you normally don't decorate stuff and you decide to add some glitz, may as well go all out and make it sparkle. Can I add a fourth? Fun cupcake papers are always good.

  29. I think I would definitely have plastic bags to pipe/decorate with. Also I would have to have heart shaped sprinkles. I love them! They make an appropriate decoration at any time. The last thing would have to be gel colors. They add a lot less liquids into the frosting/cake batter. And they also turn people's tongue's funny colors - that always makes it fun!

  30. I would totally add a pastry bag with a star tip, many colors of sprinkels, and some really cute cupcake liners. I love the book. I look through it each time I'm at a book store.

  31. I would include toothpicks (fantastic for tiny decorating), jelly bellies (handy for making mosaic images on top of the cupcake), and a marzipan log (because you can make the neatest edible cupcake toppers out of it!).

    Thanks so much!

  32. Probably a 4 T size stainless steel scoop [helps get the batter neatly & evenly in the liners!], reusable decorating bags & tips, and of course some super fun sprinkles!! :)

  33. I would put in some cute shaped sprinkles (which have endless uses, imo), colorful/creative/cute cupcake liners, and definitely a good piping bag (with a few good tips). :3

    faceforbreakfast@gmail.com (just in case you can't get my email through my profile for some reason.)

  34. A 1M or 2D tip, gel coloring, and CUTE cupcake liners!

  35. I must have some sparkley sugar or sprinkles because all cupcakes need a little bling. I've always wanted but never gotten an offset spatula. Finally, I think a great tool would be a cupcake carrying case, though it wouldn't fit in the toolbox. Maybe the toolbox should convert to a carrying case?

  36. Clear sparkly sprinkles, at least a star tip, and a damp cloth so I won't lick my fingers so dang much!

  37. What a fantastic giveaway! I have the first book...here's the three things I'd include: zip lock bags, food coloring, and oreos!

  38. An offset spatula, colored sugars, and pastry bags.

  39. Gotta have baggies, toothpicks and sprinkles. Baggies are versatile, toothpicks are indispensable, and sprinkles make things taste better.

  40. Hmm... three things. Definitely some disposable pastry bags with a few large opening tips for piping frosting, then some adorable liners and probably large pastel colored sprinkles.

  41. I would leave a frosting decorating pen (no brand mentioned), an off set spatula and paper cupcake liners - with those tools you could create many wonderful designs. Thanks for the contest!

  42. I would put in icing bags, food coloring, and 2 bag tips (one star and one round). I am really happy that just piping pretty colored frosting on a good cupcake looks great.


  43. Pretty cupcake liners, a piping bag with a star-shaped tip, and a ton of sprinkles! I have a sort of obsession with liners and sprinkles, and have them in all sorts of combinations for different occasions!

  44. Hmm, okay--a spoon for spreading frosting (I always find that using the back of the spoon comes out much nicer than when I try a knife or spatula), an assortment of frosting dyes in all different colors, and pretty, colorful cupcake liners! I have "Hello, Cupcake!" and I love it--can't wait to see what's in the new one!

  45. I would include a decorating bag with a big star tip, colorful sprinkles and cute cupcake liners.
    amandarwest at gmaildotcom

  46. Cupcake liners, sprinkles, and Reese's Peanut Butter Cups.

  47. I would send:
    Pretty cupcake liners, pastry bags, and icing tips.

  48. Do I have to pick just 3? :) I would include a receipe book, an ice cream scoop to help evenly distribute the batter and some super cute cupcake liners.

  49. An offset spatula, some fun liners, and disposable piping bags!

  50. disposable piping bags, silver coloured decorating sugar aaaaand really cute cupcake liners

  51. I would include a recipe book with easy and some more obscure recipes, a cute cupcake apron and some piping tips to decorate.

    molmolk ATaol.com

  52. What a great giveaway! Cupcakes are so much fun!!! I would definitely include a large decorating tip, piping bag & some fun, colored sugars for sprinkling on top! :-)

  53. I would include some dye, decorator bag and my favorite 1M or 2D decorating tip

    Stephanie (sdvjuls@aol.com)

  54. the three things that i would include would be silicone cupcake molds because not many people have used them and they are amazing for cupcakes. i would include various colored and shaped sprinkles because come on, they are adorable. lastly, i would include dried fruit because it can make a cute and healthy cup cake topper
    email: ana153@students.jwu.edu

  55. I would include an offset spatula, cupcake liners, and colored sugars/sprinkles.

  56. First and foremost i would send decorating bags with tips AND a coupler!! i have pastry bags but no coupler...frustrating. Then i guess i would send some interesting candies and maybe 10 pounds of powdered sugar...no canned stuff here!

  57. 1. pastry bag with coupler
    2. a dozen piping tips
    3. candied flowers

  58. I would include a chocolate bar, a vegetable peeler and whipped cream - coz any cupcake can be made awesome (or can be saved) with some whipped cream frosting and chocolate shavings.

    phan.nang (at) gmail.com

  59. Food coloring (I know you dislike but it's such an easy way to make cupcakes special!), sanding sugars, and a star tip :)

  60. Cute cupcake liners, colored sugar, and an apron! I'm always making a mess. =)

  61. A good set of gel food coloring, an offset spat, and some cute cupcake liners.

  62. Cupcake liners, icing tips, and Runts!
    Winning this contest would be rad! Thanks for the chance.

  63. Fun colored or patterned cupcake liners, colorful sugars and sprinkles, and a frosting bag!

  64. Hi! I would include the following:
    (1) Jar of nutella
    (2) Colored sprinkles
    (3) Sweetened coconut flakes

  65. I would include a mini rolling pin (oh the things you can do), a pound of white fondant, and a set of mini cookie cutters.... I think that would be enough to let anyone just go wild!! :-)

  66. I saw this book this past week @ Sam's Club, and stood their in awe looking @ all the beautiful works of art. If I were to have a cupcake tool box, I would include Colored sugar, piping tips, and my 4 year olds imagination.

  67. I would make sure I had a piping bag with assorted tips, food coloring, and a pretty stand to display all of the beautiful finished products!

    lmarginian @ gmail dot com

  68. I would certainly include some of my favorite cupcake and icing recpies, zucchini, and sea salt- for my favoirte salted caramel cupcakes. I love using healthy ingredients and always encourage my friends to do the same.

  69. offset spatula, colored sugar crystals, new piping tips and piping bag.

    susanmfahey at gmail dot com

  70. a cookie press with frosting tips, a little frosting spatula and some chocolate covered almonds (perfect for footballs! Thanks for the suggestion!)

  71. Ooh what a fun give away!! I'd have to give some serious tips, colored frosting, and sprinkles! Cliche but essential!

  72. anything for mini cupcakes - small tins, small wrappers, small decorations, small frosting tips

    amillionthingsilove (at) gmail (dot) com

  73. I would include food coloring, tiny cookie cutters and an interesting piping tip. Thanks.


  74. I would include SPRINKLES! food coloring, and lots of candy!


  75. A plastic-lined canvas pastry bag, assorted pastry tips, a mini offest spatula, a cupcake carrier, grease-proof cupcake liners, and some edible gold flakes for kicks.

  76. I would definitely send some cute liners, an assortment of mini candies and the recipe for my favorite icing!

  77. I would include a pastry bag (with the basic tips), NATURAL food dyes (Do they exist? One would hope), and and some cute cupcake liners.

  78. I would include picks with cute stuff on them, silicone baking cups and small fondant? cutters for shapes or flowers.

    I think that's what they're called; I've never tried doing fondant before but it looks so pretty!

  79. pretty sprinkles are an absolute must. After that I think I would add fun cupcake liners and really good vanilla extract.

  80. Offset spatula, liners and glitter of all sorts! That book and toolkit would rock!!!

  81. Only 3 things... *Definately a mid size ice cream scoop (great for Soda Shoppe frosting)
    * 16" Sure Grip piping bag
    and *Chocolate Jimmies! Nom nom nom

  82. This is fun. I would include...
    my favorite cupcake and frosting recipe
    cute cupcake liners
    vanilla bean paste
    a swirl decorating tip
    plastic piping bags
    pretty colored decorating sugar

  83. In my tool kit I would put colored sugars, food coloring, and piping tips.

  84. Ziplocks for cheap and easy piping bags
    Food coloring
    Colored sugar

  85. This comment has been removed by the author.

  86. I would include funky cupcake liners, disposable piping bags, and a killer buttercream frosting recipe. elly_d@yahoo.com

  87. I would include icing piper and lots of different tips, cupcake liners and lots of cupcake recipes so they could get started right away!


  88. Missy :I would give the tool kit, it is so neat.


  89. I cannot seem to have enough cupcake liners. I need new muffins pans and for sure can't live without my Kitchen Aid!

  90. a good little offset spatula is a must as I think we've all guessed by now. Some fresh vanilla beans for really amazing icing and a set of cupcake sized stencils for beginners with a heart shaped on on top because cupcakes should always be made with love:)

  91. I'd go good food colouring, gorgeous cupcake liners and some really cute intricate sprinkles!

    karinathesecretary at gmail dot com

  92. I would include some super-cute cupcake liners (probably stripes and polka dots!), edible glitter, and piping tips.

  93. A 1M tip, decorative cupcake liners, and some colorful sprinkles. Those three things can make a world of difference!

  94. really good bottle of vanilla extract, cakepop sticks and CNADY MELTS!

  95. Colored sugars, a fantastic bottle of vanilla, adorable cupcake wraps to add a little fun and maybe even an individual cupcake Tupperware holder.


  96. I think I'd have to include a pastry bag and a big star tip, along with a box of gel food coloring. That's all I've ever used - guess I need to update my repertoire...

  97. Those wonderful colored cupcake liners, the set of colored sugar sprinkles and frosting. What else do you need?? ;o)

  98. I would leave one of these fancy frosting tubes: http://www.uncommongoods.com/item/item.jsp?itemId=19278. Or one of the ones that lets you do two frostings at once. I would also send lots of fun cupcake wrappers, and some unusual sprinkles/sugars.

  99. Cute non-pariels, cupcake liners and a big cupcake decorating tip!

  100. For sure I would include piping bags and tips, little paintbrushes, and different kind of cupcake liners!

  101. Narrowing down to three items is tough! For me:

    - pastry bag
    - gel food coloring
    - an assortment of colorful jimmies.

  102. I would include cupcake liners, recipe cards for different cupcakes & frosting & mini muffin pan

  103. Absolutely must include a pastry bag kit with tips, candy assortment for morphing into decorations and some really fun cupcake papers to put on when cupcakes are complete!

  104. Cupcake Liners, Chocolate nonpareils and a good piping tip!

  105. Definitely would include a bag of mini marshmallows, a set of gel icing colors and pure vanilla.

  106. I would include:
    1. Sprinkles
    2. Sprinkles
    3. More sprinkles

    I really like sprinkles.

  107. The things that I use most frequently -- an offset spatula, my Wilton 1M tip and gel food colorings -- so I would include those in my kit.

  108. I plan on getting this book to come up with some cute kid-themed birthday cupcake ideas. Here's hoping... :)

    I'd have to include fresh fruit (because I think they make such pretty toppings), food coloring, and a book (like the one featured) on how to make fun, beautiful and unique cupcakes - really, really easily.

  109. I would definitely include the book, "What's New Cupcake" to give them inspiration. Then I would be sure to include my favorite recipe for frosting and 5 -6 colored sugars.

  110. Cool cupcke liners, pastry bags, some unique tips, pretty sugars and other things that can be used to top the cupcakes, and a nice cupcake recipe book with good frosting recipes!!

  111. I would include pretty colored silicone cupcake cups, ribbon, and candy pearls. I love pearls on cupcakes! :)

  112. I would have to include good cupcake liners, pastry bags and piping
    tips (I'm counting that as one thing), and sprinkles or edible glitter.

    exoduslaughin - at - yahoo - dot - com

  113. An offset spatula, pastry/piping bags and tips, and some fun sugars/sprinkles are the 3 must haves I would put in a cupcake decorating kit. What a fun give-away!

  114. For sure a variety of tips! Also a spatula and pretty cupcake liners!

  115. Definitely a 1M swirl tip, greaseproof vibrant-colored cupcake liners, and a pretty cake plate to displey them on!

  116. We love snickerdoodle cupcakes. So, the box would have to include cinnamon, coconut extract and unsweetened coconut. We make them with whole milk, butter; and have discovered that coconut is a great addition.

  117. I would have to include liners. I love having a variety of sizes, colors, and decorated ones. A good piping set and a pack of disposable camera's. I love to take pictures of my finished products.

  118. Cupcake liners for sure, and an offset spatula, and some really cute sprinkles/sugars. :)

  119. OH how I would love to win this 'tool kit!' I have numerous times given as a gift: the book, 'Hello, Cupcake.' Along with liners, an ice cream scoop, a muffin pan, and my THREE FAVORITE DECORATING TOOLS: a beginners set of cake decorating tips, a large pack of regular M&M's and a bag of shredded coconut.
    This makes for a great wedding gift and sets up the new bride for a lifetime of cupcake fun!

  120. Offset spatula, that giant star tip (I can't remember the number, but it makes life sooooooo much easier), and a piping bag to go with it.

  121. 1) a mini-offset spatula (so much easier to frost cupcakes!)

    2) themed cupcake liners

    3) disposable pastry bags

  122. I think I would have to include a small flat spatula for spreading frosting, a box of toothpicks (multiple uses!), and different decorating tips - they count as one thing, right? :)

    I took a cake decorating class and it was kind of fun to learn all the different ways of doing basic things.

  123. I would include
    cupcake pan
    cupcake liners
    powdered sugar

  124. I would definitely include some fun cupcake liners of different shapes, a spatula, and maybe marshmallows!

  125. off-set spatula - a must even if you already have one (or several)

    gel food colors - not sure why I EVER used those horrible drops! and I can actually get true black using these things!

    set of good quality piping tips

  126. Some must-haves would include:
    Sprinkles (what's a cupcake without 'em?!),pastry bags, and some adorable cupcake liners!


  127. I'd definitely include food colourings! Red, Yellow and blue - mixed together give more results than the sum of its parts!

  128. colorful cupcake liners, candy flowers, and a set of food dye.

  129. Really?? Only three items, oh that's tough! I guess it would be pastry bags, pretty liners and sanding sugar. Or maybe toothpicks or maybe gel food colors or maybe.....

  130. I would put a Heath bar, coffee, and vanilla.

  131. Hi - I would definitely put in candied flowers such as rose petals and violets (hard to find these days), the best paste food colors and a set of fancy papers - it's SO hard to limit myself to just 3 choices!

  132. I would include sprinkles, piping bag, and sugared flowers

  133. Just found this blog. OMG! I may never have another productive moment in my life! I'd go with an offset spatula (so original, why didn't anyone else think of it?), the Wilton Cupcake decorating set, and some adorable liners (More originality! Am I good or what?)


  134. I would definitely include some colored sugars, sprinkles and cupcake liners! This is a great giveaway! Thank you!

  135. I would include the following things...
    1)a set of the plastic squeeze bottles with the icing tips (4 different sizes in a set)

    2)an assortment bag of different candy bars and candies (yes this would be 1 item because it would be in 1 bag...gotta be creative!)

    3)and really good gel food colorings

  136. Wonderful Book!!! So amazing!

    I would place in it Fun Grease Free Cupcake Liners, Piping Bags & LOTS of Fun Decorating Tips!!!

  137. Cute cupcake liners are a must, I'm always searching for more. Also a set of star piping tips, and a good silicon spatula would be very handy.

    I really want to buy that book... Even though I'm more about taste, too, I'd love to have some creative decorating ideas.

  138. Three things that I would include int he toolbox would definately have to be Powdered Sugar, Offset spatulla and pastry bags.


  139. Wow, how nice of you! My choices would be icing bags and tips, spatula and sprinkles.


    Thank you for your kindness.

  140. This comment has been removed by the author.

  141. Oooohhhh! What a fun giveaway!

    An offset spatula, reusable pipping bag with a large star tip and a container with different sanding sugars.

  142. Raspberry Extract (can add it to boxed chocolate cake or icing or anything really), fondant to make whatever kind of animal, decoration, flower, etc. on top of the cupcake and a big swirl piping tip

    bags aren't needed because you can use plastic sandwich bags and cutters aren't needed because you can use a razor or a knife.

  143. ooops forgot to include my email

    Raspberry Extract (can add it to boxed chocolate cake or icing or anything really), fondant to make whatever kind of animal, decoration, flower, etc. on top of the cupcake and a big swirl piping tip

    bags aren't needed because you can use plastic sandwich bags and cutters aren't needed because you can use a razor or a knife.


  144. I'd definitely include some cute cupcake liners, a reusable decorating bag and a 1M icing tip for perfect swirls!

  145. GRRRR! I forgot to put my email as well!

    I'd definitely include some cute cupcake liners, a reusable decorating bag and a 1M icing tip for perfect swirls!

    rehanaDOT ali AT gmail DOT com

  146. Pastry bag, an offset spatula and cupcake liners. Inspiration and help eating the mistakes.

  147. offset spatula, disposable piping bags, and lots of sprinkles!!

  148. I would include an assortment of food gel colors, a cupcake book, and a pastry bag/tips!

    Thanks for the opportunity! :)

  149. I would include cupcake liners for sure (a combo pack of big and small), decorating tips for piping on frosting and designs, and a bag full of candies for the creative mind!

  150. I would include fun cupcake liners, off set spatula, and a multitude of fun hard to find sprinkles!!


  151. I would have to include a piping bag, multi-colored non pariels, and a glass (that's for filling the pastry bag without getting the frosting all over yourself).

  152. I would include fancy cupcake liners, and a frosting decorating bag with a star tip. Those are the essentials for me!

  153. I've been seeing these new "cupcake in a jar" kits so I think that would be super cute to send someone - a mason jar with a funky ribbon wrapped around it and sprinkles and colored sugars to decorate!

  154. Really fun and cute cupcake liners
    Sugar decorations (flowers, little ladybugs...)
    A couple of those cupcake holders you can bring in your lunchbox: yeah it's not technically for DECORATING, but you want to protect those gorgeous cupcakes when toting them to lunch, right?

  155. I would include a really good book that gives recipes for cupcakes and frosting, a good regular cupcake baking pan, and a beginners pastel food color kit.


  156. A copy of What's New Cupcake, lots of creativity and a little bit of patience.

  157. This is very exciting! I'd include a piping bag and tips, a little mortar and pestle for crushing toppings, and a rainbow of liner colors.

  158. I would include piping bags & tips, an assortment of sprinkles, and at least 1 million cupcake liners. You can never have too many, right?

  159. I would include No Stick Spray with flour (so there is an option not to use liners), an oven thermometer (to make sure they bake perfectly) and disposable decorating bags (to create a beautiful design).


  160. I would include an offset spatula, piping bags/tips and a cupcake stand. What a great giveaway!

  161. armadillo_nihootie@hotmail.com
    I'd include some cute liners (sometimes liners and a little icing is all the decoration you need), a good icing spatula, and an array of gel food colors from Wilton. I love to mix them and get my desired color!

  162. fun cupcake liners are a must! Of course, hello cupcake book for inspiration and lastly, an icing spreader(spatula thing)


  163. zeinabnajaf[at]gmail{dot}comMay 12, 2010 at 4:02 PM

    i would include cute cupcake liners, a spoonula (its a spatula and spoon in one) and of course, a bag full of candies to top off the cupcakes with (m&m's are my candy of choice)

  164. I would include a 1M tip, vanilla bean paste and cute liners

  165. Fun cupcake liners, giant piping tips and little candies and sprinkles.

  166. Chocolate frosting, mini chocolate peanut butter cups, and chocolate sprinkles! There's no such thing as too much chocolate :)

  167. Off set spatula, sanding sugar, and piping bags.

  168. I LOVE Cupcakes! They are, to me, little cups of love decorated carefully for any occassion...cupcakes in our house are super special. In a kit I would include Hello Cupcake and What's New Cupcake along with my mom's red velvet cake recip and my frosting recipe. Cupcakers also need different display stand like the Wilton 3 tier stand.

  169. Lots of disposable piping bags means no clean up, French piping tip makes the most beautiful rosette and finally, americolor gel paste (electric colors) as they make STANDOUT frostings! Thanks for letting me play.

  170. I take a really simple approach to cupcake decorating, but they always turn out great. (IMO...) So I'd definitely include a variety of colored and patterned liners, lots of decorating tips (especially the wide star ones...they make actually frosting the cupcakes a million times easier!) and sprinkles. I like the big, kind of long, chunky ones, personally.

  171. I would include icing bags, icing tips, a really good whisk, and some fabulous cupcake liners!

  172. I would include cute polka-dot cupcake liners, a Spatulart silicone measurement conversion bowl scraper (google it, it's amazing), and various sanding sugar. All this is making me wonder why I'm still typing and not making more cupcakes... haha..


  173. crazeladyshopper@yahoo.comMay 12, 2010 at 6:43 PM

    love these people!
    I would include 1M tip, superior vanilla and Valrhona chocolate :-)
    Thanks for the great give away!

  174. I would include an offset spatula, adorable cupcake liners and a good icing piper!

    I love cupcakes!

  175. My three items would have to be toffee pieces, sparkly sugar and candied fruit. E-mail is kerry.kassie@gmail.com

  176. I would include licorice strings, M&Ms, and cute note cards.

    amanda.townsend2 at gmail dot com

  177. Great giveaway. I have their Hello, Cupcake book and it's fabulous.
    I would send sprinkles, colorful cupcake liners, and a piping tip.
    Thanks for the chance!

  178. The 1M tip. Makes decorating lots of cupcakes so much easier! :)

    After that, I am not sure :) My next cupcake decorating adventure will probably be fondant, I would suggest a fondant roller and silicone mat. And some markers :) But that makes it four.

  179. A pastry tube with decorating tips, colored sugar, and my kitchen aid super mixer!

    voodookitten at tx dot rr dot com

  180. I would include an offset spatula, cookie stencils (still works great on cupcakes!), and a set of piping tips. My daughter wants me to include "those feety things" which means cupcake stands.


  181. 1. fun liners always add an extra little something
    2. sprinkles!!! who doesn't love sprinkles?
    3. chocolate is not only delicious but truly underestimated on the decorating side of things

  182. 1) Some adorable cupcake liners
    2) Food coloring
    3) Assorted candies that can be used ot make all kinds of cute decorations!

    crushlow AT gmail dot com

  183. Some cute silicone cupcake liners & maybe some homemade white frosting (vanilla or flavor of choice) for getting started.

  184. 1) grumdrops for flowers

    2) edible glitter

    3) cute cupcake liners

    namin212 at AOL dot com

  185. What a fabulous give away thank you! I would include..
    *a bottle of carmel for yummy fillings :0)
    *gold edible glitter to warm the heart through site
    *nuts! full of flavor to add that something special!

  186. Hello!! Althoug I'm from Argentina, i have some friends staying in the USA until May 20th in Orlando. Hope I can participate too! Mmmm, let's see.. The decorating tools i love the most are cool piping tips of all kinds, lots of diferent sprinkles and, of course, a creative soul! (I prefer white paper liners........ boring!)
    Kisses and congratulations for your blog from Argentina!! Magdalena.

  187. Liners, sprinkles and an offset spatula!

  188. I would include food coloring, a set of icing bags and tips, and an offset spatula.

  189. A cupcake toolkit...hmm...
    1. Recipe book of all of my favorites
    2. Powdered sugar for all the frostings (cream cheese, butter, etc.)
    3. Liners - not to sound repetitive, but they are a must! :-)

  190. 1. Stand-alone cupcake liners (cute ones, of course!)
    2. Piping tips
    3. tooth picks (so useful for decorating in so many ways)


  191. 1. Mini cupcake liners because lets be honest, anything miniaturized is much cuter! and mini-cupcakes are easier to eat and don't leave me with a frosting mustache :)
    2. I could include some pretty cupcake boxes (that way my "friend" can share some of the treats they've made!)
    3. Finally I would include a bunch of recipes for various cupcakes, frostings and toppings. I would flag ones I've already made in the past that were a big hit.

  192. A frosting gun, the key to all fancy cupcakes. Cupcake liners, a cupcake cant go naked. And my new found friend, thanks to you Stef, Vanilla bean paste, the proof that your cupcakes are homeade and oh so yummy.

  193. Holy Cow there are a lot of comments so far!

    I would definitely have to include a variety of tips, pastry bags, a wide variety of cupcake liners, mini cookie cutters, chocolate molds, sprinkles, and luster dust!

  194. cupcake liners, food coloring, and sprinkles!

  195. A great spatula, unique cupcake liners, and a tool for squirting filling into cupcakes. thanks for the giveaway!

  196. I would include a nice pastry bag, piping tips, cute liners & an offset spatula.

    Awesome contest!

  197. I would like to find in the tool box
    funky cup cake wrappers, Jelly Bellies,which make awesome flowers, and sprinkles of all shapes, and colors! I live sprinkles

  198. I would include a set of good pastry bags and tips, gel paste food coloring, an offset spatula and cupcake liners for every occasion!


  199. My gift tool box would include a 1M Wilton tip, a good receipe and pretty cup cake liners. Happy baking! :)

  200. I would include these awesome measuring cups a friend got me for Christmas from Urban Outfitters that are heart shaped and oh so cute! I would send different color non-perals sprinkles that I used just this weekend to make cheesecake pops! Got the idea from bakerella.com! So fun and sooo tastey! And I would find the cutest cupcake baking cups! There are so many out there that are absolutely adorable!

    I used to be so scared to cook or bake anything and I have recently fell in love with baking. It is so fun and creative!

    email: caronina524@hotmail.com

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