Wednesday, July 15, 2009


Dinner Roll Recipe

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This dinner roll recipe was chewy and light on the inside with a crusty exterior. Yogurt gives this dinner roll recipe a bit of a tang and honey provides it with a subtle sweetness. To make the dinner roll recipe more cupcake fan friendly, I baked the rolls in cupcake tins. The rolls came out looking just like little bread cupcakes!

For kicks, you could "frost" them with some butter and jam!

The Dinner Roll Recipe

I got the dinner roll recipe from my Taste & Create partner this month, Robin at Hippo Flambe (is that not the coolest name for a blog?). Robin originally got the recipe from one of my favorite blogs, Baking Bites. I've reprinted the recipe here with my notes and the change to make them as cupcake rolls.

Makes about 12 cupcake-sized rolls
  • 1 1/2 - 2 C whole wheat pastry flour (I know it's uncool to say it, but I'm not a fan of whole wheat flour. I used entirely all-purpose flour for the rolls.)
  • 2 - 2 1/2 C all-purpose flour
  • 1 T active dry yeast
  • 3 T honey
  • 1 C tepid water (105° - 115° F)
  • 1 C yogurt (Robin used Greek style yogurt, as did I.)
  • 1 T extra virgin olive oil
  • 1 1/2 t salt
  1. If using both whole wheat and all-purpose flour, mix the two flours together in a bowl and set aside.
  2. In the bowl of a stand mixer, combine 1/2 cup flour (or flour mix), yeast, honey and tepid water.
  3. Stir well and let stand for 10 minutes, until bubbles form.
  4. With flat beater blade or a wooden spoon, stir in yogurt, extra virgin olive oil, salt, and 2 more cups of flour (or flour mix).
  5. Gradually mix in remaining flour until you have a soft dough that pulls from the sides of the bowl.
  6. Turn out onto a floured counter and knead by hand or use the dough hook attachment on an electric mixer. This should take about 5 minutes.
  7. Cover the bowl with a lid or a towel and let rise until the dough doubles in size, approximately 1 hour.
  8. Spray cupcake tins with non-stick baking spray or coat with melted butter.
  9. Break off pieces of dough and roll into balls that fill each cupcake slot. The balls should almost fill each depression. Both Hippo Flambe and Baking Bites go into detail about how to make sure that each roll is exactly the same size. I don't really care about homemade things all being the same size. I like that people can choose whether they want a bigger one or a smaller one.
  10. Cover with a clean, damp dish towel and let rise for 25 minutes. After rising, mine looked like the photo above.
  11. Bake at 375 F for about 20 minutes, until rolls are a deep golden brown on the top.
  12. Break one open and dig in!


  1. Your bread looks amazing and I love that you made them cupcake-shaped. Very cute.

  2. These look inviting to me, sort of a mini brioche roll. I think this is the perfect accompaniment to a lunch or dinner salad and think I'll try that next time!

  3. Yummy! These look delish!! I want one for breakfast!

  4. yum! making bread is my absolute favorite. i rarely make my bread in muffin tins, but they turn out so adorable that i will have to start.

  5. I heart that these rolls look like cupcakes.

  6. You should really try some white whole what flour in these. I am not a huge fan of knock you over the head with its wholesomeness regular whole wheat flour, however white whole wheat and some whole wheat pastry flours add more flavor without being overkill.

    I love how you made these in a muffin pan. They look like a breakfast treat that way. Now I just need to decide what to make from your site!!


  7. Having gotten a new bread maker, I am an a bit of a bread recipe spree! I have started making it by hand now as well, so these are my next make.

    These will make very cute breakfast rolls, with bacon and brown sauce!

  8. What a lovely attractive dinner roll recipe got from this site and its taste is unimaginable because of the presence of honey and yogurt.

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  9. Hey! Loved your blog, it's very original.
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  10. Looks delicious. I'd like to try one soon. Very nice presentation too. Thanks for the post.

  11. Cupcake-shaped bread is somehow so much more appealing than regular bread... and I love regular bread, haha. Cute idea!

  12. These look incredible! So light and airy, I would probably eat far more than I should at one meal.

  13. well a very easy thing to cook. i could satisfy my hunger quickly when i am very hungry.


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  14. Well, it took me right down until the deadline, but I completed my Taste and Create Challenge for September. It was great fun to be paired with you and my family loved this bread. You can read my post at Busy-at-Home. Thanks for sharing a great recipe!

  15. Fantastic recipe! Wish you had a "print" option...I'd love to add it to my recipe book. :)


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