Monday, July 13, 2009


Why Does Cantaloupe Taste Like Corn?

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"Thanks for the corn muffins!"
"These are awesome corn muffins!"

I'd be flattered if these were comments made after I served people corn muffins. In this case, I served cantaloupe cupcakes containing zero corn. I would be offended, only I had to agree that they tasted just like corn muffins! (My other recent cupcake, which also tasted like a corn muffin, at least contained corn meal.)

I happen to have two friends who are allergic to corn. This cupcake would be perfect for them or anyone else reading this who likes the taste of corn but suffers from corn allergies.

I can't begin to tell you why cantaloupe tastes like corn. Maybe it's the gritty texture and the mild sweetness? If you've got an idea, please let me know in the comments.

Cantaloupe Cupcake Recipe (AKA Fake Corn Muffins)

Makes about 13 cupcakes
  • 2 C flour
  • 1 1/2 t baking powder
  • 1/2 t baking soda
  • 3/4 C unsalted butter, softened
  • 2/3 C sugar
  • 2 eggs
  • 2/3 C sour cream or Greek yogurt
  • 2/3 C cantaloupe soup (see my post on cantaloupe soup) or pureed cantaloupe with 1/2 t ground ginger and 1 t lemon juice
  1. Whisk flour, baking powder and baking soda in a bowl.
  2. Beat butter and sugar in a large bowl for 1 minute, until light and fluffy.
  3. Beat eggs and sour cream into the butter/sugar mixture until blended.
  4. Alternately fold in flour mixture and 2/3 cup cantaloupe soup in three additions, beginning and ending with flour.
  5. Fill cupcake liners 3/4 full.
  6. Bake at 350 F for about 20 minutes or until toothpick comes out of cupcake clean.
The Frosting

Everyone's favorite part of these cupcakes was the lemon ginger whipped cream that I frosted them with. I used the cream whipper to make the whipped cream, but you could also make it with a regular mixer.
  • 1 C heavy whipping cream
  • 1/4 C powdered sugar
  • 1/2 t ground ginger
  • 1/2 t lemon extract
  1. Whip heavy whipping cream until it looks like whipped cream.
  2. Mix in everything else.
For extra fun, I topped some of the cupcakes with ginger-flavored pearl sugar. Flavored pearl sugars are a great alternative to sprinkles. Sadly, these gems are hard to come by. I found them at a local store that no longer sells them. The only place I've been able to find them online is a French site (it looks like they do ship to the US, but it's pretty pricey - lucky European readers).


  1. Well they look gorgeous as always, and probably still taste fab. I've never cooked with cantaloupe before, but have to try now to see for myself if it tastes like corn!

  2. The pedant in me compels me to point out that these are not 100% corn-free. Baking powder and powdered sugar both (almost always) use corn starch as a filler and anti-clumping agent.

    I was able to find potato-starch baking powder when I learned that regular baking powder has enough corn to make my very sensitive and honestly a little whiny* allergic-to-corn friend ill.

    Evidently with a coffee grinder and some potato starch one can make their own corn-free powdered sugar too.

    * though being allergic to corn must really suck! it's in everything!

  3. Lemon ginger whipped cream!!! You never cease to amaze me. This sounds incredible.

  4. that's the weirdest thing ever. i've never thought that cantaloupe tastes like corn, but then again i've never baked with it. maybe it changes taste or it's the combo of ingredients that you used. but as long as they tasted good, what the heck. you've just invented something brilliant.

  5. Danni - It so does!

    Cuthalion - Thanks for the clarification. Interesting. I had no idea.

    Eliana - Aww.. thanks!

    Veggie and Amanda - Yeah, I was quite shocked!

  6. How strange - I would have never guessed that cantaloupe could taste like corn! They do look delicious, though.

  7. What a neat idea!!! I never have cooked cantaloupe before! I love this!

  8. I don't think cantaloupe tastes like corn, but I *like* corn, and I really *don't* like cantaloupe!

  9. These are looking very wonderful because of the presence of corn and mixing of colors.


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  10. AKA-Fake corn muffins, That's so funny!

  11. AKA corn muffins i tried but i failed drastically. suggest some alternatives.


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  12. I make canteloupe preserves which aresweet so I'm gonna try this with it. I'm sire it won't taste like corn lol. Ty for recipe


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