Tuesday, October 7, 2008


Tapioca Pudding Recipe for Kids

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This tapioca pudding is for kids! I have no kids, so I can't prove it, but look at that photo and tell me that this bowl of tapioca pudding doesn't look like a bowl of Fruity Pebbles or Fruit Loops. The trick is to buy large and colorful tapioca pearls. The tapioca pudding recipe will work no matter what kind of tapioca pearls you buy, but the colorful, big ones are just so fun!!

I found these tapioca pearls at an international supermarket.

Tapioca Pudding Recipe

I got the tapioca pudding recipe from Simply Recipes (check out Elise's post if you want to see what a more adult version of tapioca pudding looks like). I am reprinting it below with my modifications and notes.
  • 1 C large pearl tapioca (colorful is the most fun!)
  • 2 C 2% milk
  • 1 C heavy whipping cream
  • 1/4 t salt
  • 2 eggs
  • 1/2 C sugar
  • 1/2 t vanilla extract
  1. Combine tapioca, milk, heavy cream, and salt in 1 1/2 quart pan on medium high heat. Stir until boiling.
  2. Simmer 5 minutes, uncovered at the lowest possible heat, adding sugar gradually.
  3. Beat eggs in a separate bowl. Mix in some of the hot tapioca very slowly to equalize the temperature of the two mixtures (to avoid curdling).
  4. Return eggs to pan with tapioca. Slowly bring mixture barely to a boil, stirring constantly.
  5. Reduce heat and stir several minutes at a low simmer, stirring constantly until you get a nice, thick pudding consistency.
  6. Cool 15 minutes. Add vanilla. Serve either warm or chilled.
Pudding Cupcakes

I used this tapioca pudding to make pudding cupcakes!


  1. Yum! This looks like a fun project for Maddy and me!

  2. How colorful! What a fun project for kids.

  3. Neat idea! I'll keep an eye out on my next trip to the Asian market.

  4. those things are awesome...i like them so much that i've occasionally made them just to put in common drinks like apple juice and beer.

  5. Kim - But... wait until Thur. when you see what I do with the extra tapioca balls. That's more fun I think.

    Elise - Thanks again for the recipe.

    Aleta - There are so many kinds to choose from. I couldn't believe it.

    Angela - Beer? Hmm.. that would be.. umm.. interesting.

  6. Tapioca pudding is one of my favourite desserts. But no one seems to make it like mum

  7. Minko - Does she have some special secret ingredient?

  8. I'm such a 5 year old. I don't even like tapioca but when I saw this I was like "oh mi god, pretty colors!" Now I need to make it. :)

  9. We love tapioca pudding in this house. What a fun idea!

  10. You need to SOAK the pearls in some of the milk for at least one hour or longer before making the pudding. Otherwise, the pearls are REAL chewy!

  11. I made a batch tonight and it turned out all starchy and mashed potato like. I'm not sure what went wrong. The only thing I can think of is the amount of tapioca pearls in this recipe is about twice what I saw in similar recipes. Oh well.


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