Saturday, August 30, 2008


Warning: Only Eat This Cupcake with Miracle Fruit

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Miracle Fruit Cupcakes
Miracle Fruit Cupcakes

I made special cupcakes just for the miracle fruit flavor tripping party: grapefruit lime cupcakes topped with goat cheese. The kicker is that they have NO SUGAR. By no sugar I don't mean that they have some kind of sugar substitute or honey or agave, I mean there is nothing sweet in them except the natural sugar in grapefruit and lime.

Prior to eating a miracle fruit, the cupcakes didn't taste as bad as I thought they would. They tasted a bit like a somewhat sour biscuit. After eating the miracle berry, the cupcake tasted - like a cupcake! It was much sweeter and the goat cheese tasted like a mildly sweet frosting!

Miracle Berry Cupcake Recipe

Makes 8 cupcakes
  • 2 C flour
  • 1/2 t baking powder
  • 1/4 t baking soda
  • 1/2 C (1 stick) butter
  • 1/4 C grapefruit juice
  • 1/4 C lime juice
  • 1 egg
  • 1/4 C plain yogurt
  1. Mix together the flour, baking soda, and baking powder and set aside.
  2. In a medium-sized bowl, cream the butter. (It was so weird to cream the butter without adding sugar!)
  3. Add the juices.
  4. Mix in the egg.
  5. Slowly add the flour mixture.
  6. Mix in the yogurt until just incorporated.
  7. Fill the cupcake liners almost to the top. Bake at 350 F for 20 minutes.
Miracle Berry Frosting Recipe
  • Goat cheese
  1. Spread goat cheese on the cupcakes. (That's it! No sugar, no butter, no whipping!)


  1. Wow, awesome. I've heard of miracle fruit tastings, but this is the first time I've seen someone come up with a recipe designed specifically to interact with the trippy compounds. Very clever.

    I want to play, too. Followed your link to the miracle berry sources but was surprised to see there was nothing listed locally for NYC. I guess we are spoiled and feel entitled here. Mail order time...

  2. Michelle - It should be at Eden and Garden of Eden stores in NY. You'll probably want to call first though.

  3. Hey, Miracle Fruit is not enough, you olso need the right set of foods to try, visit Miracle Fruit World for a complete list of foods to try! Enjoy

  4. Very interesting! And you were a great subject to read about. I enjoyed the article! :)

  5. Your post is really fun, as always.I read the New Your Times article about Miracle Fruit and found it fascinating. How cool that you have tried it! And of course you made a cupcake. Call me Captain Obvious but what a great response!

  6. Thanks for the tip, Stef.

  7. Ooo. So far, I've only tried citrus fruits and hot sauce (not together) with miracle fruit. I've heard about places in Japan that bake sour stuff specifically for the miracle fruit. The recipe you posted looks brilliant. Will definitely try out and give feedback.


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