Saturday, August 30, 2008


Does the Miracle Fruit Work

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Does the Miracle Fruit Work?

The answer to the question, "Does the miracle fruit work?" depends on who you talk to. Everyone at our flavor tripping party felt some effect of the fruit.

Here is a run-down of everything we tried at our flavor tripping party and the effect of the miracle berries on each item.

My Flavor Tripping Report

Lemons and LimesBride 2.0 and some others said that the lemons tasted like lemonade. I didn't find them to be overly sweet, but the sour taste was definitely cut and the natural sugar in the lemon seemed to come out much stronger. Sucking on a lemon or a lime was quite a pleasant experience.

Bleu CheeseThe bleu cheese didn't taste very different to me at all.

OlivesMy friend, Brad, and I both don't like olives very much. Brad was really hoping that olives would taste much better under the influence of the miracle fruit. Nope. They were still olives.

As for the cocktail onions, I'm not sure that they even got opened. No one wanted to try them, berry or not.

KombuchaMy friend Christina walked into St. Louis' only grocery store devoted almost exclusively to local products, Local Harvest, and asked the owner what were some sour things she should buy for our party. The owner recommended this drink, Kombucha. It was crazy sour! It was definitely better with the berry! Although, Groom 1.0 and Jonathan both liked drinking it pre-berry.

GuinnessWe'd heard that Guinness tasted like a chocolate milkshake after eating miracle fruit. Not so. It was definitely less bitter, but it did not reach milkshake status.

Sour candiesThese sour candies were insanely sweet with the miracle fruit - too sweet!

GrapfruitMy absolute favorite thing to eat with the miracle fruit was grapefruit. I am not typically a huge grapefruit fan and I LOVED it! I could not stop eating it! This picture is of our citrus remains.

Patric ChocolatePatric Chocolate is some of my all-time favorite chocolate. I must apologize to Alan of Patric Chocolate (whose chocolate blog you should definitely check out) for wasting his fine chocolate on flavor tripping. The chocolate tasted much worse after miracle fruit. Its finer flavors were lost and you could only taste the sweetness.

DisgustedThe flavor tripping experience was a bit much for some. The part of it that I didn't like was that it actually made my saliva sweet. My mouth felt like it was permanently sucking on a candy. I was glad when it all wore off, but I was also glad to have tried it!


  1. We found Double Chocolate Stout was what really tasted like chocolate milk -- fizzy chocolate milk.

    Rather than bleu cheese, we LOVED what it did to goat cheese, which is, by nature, a bit less pungent.

    We didn't try grapefruit. Will definitely try it next time around.

  2. this is so intriguing! im curious to try it. just gotta get the funds :D

  3. SO need to try it still... Where did you get it?

  4. Pietra - Thanks!

    April - Oooh.. I'll have to try the double chocolate stout next time!

    Sweetkisses - Go for it!

    Garrett - I got it via a friend who got it an an Eden Gourmet store. I talk about where to find it here:

  5. Hi, this really is one amazing berry,lemons really taste sweet:) I received my tablets from Miracle Fruit World and I was delighted with the service, so I will order again. Enjoy


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