Sunday, August 31, 2008


The 5 Steps to a Perfect Flavor Tripping Party

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Miracle Fruit

Ever since I read about the miracle fruit (a.k.a miracle berry) in the New York Times and subsequently wrote about it on Slashfood, I've wanted to attend a flavor tripping party.

What is the Miracle Fruit / Miracle Berry?

If you missed the recent hoopla about the miracle fruit (otherwise known as the miracle berry), it's a berry that makes sour foods taste sweet. You eat one berry and for the next 30 minutes to an hour you experience food in a completely new way. It's like drugs for your tongue, and it's fun to try at a party with friends (a flavor tripping party).

In order to properly enjoy miracle fruit, you'll need to complete the following five steps:

1. Acquire miracle fruit - this was the trickiest part for us.
2. Prepare a spread of items to try with the miracle fruit. Try the items before eating the miracle fruit (so you can really taste the difference).
3. Make sure one of those items is a sour cupcake (OK, that's not required).
4. Eat the miracle fruit properly - there is a correct way to eat the miracle fruit.
5. Try each item!

Click on each step for more information.


  1. Gives a whole new meaning to "tripping."

  2. You can actually get Miracle Berry tabs from; it's 20 dollars for 10 tabs but each tab is 2 servings so that's basically like paying a buck a berry. I haven't tried it yet but ThinkGeek hasn't let me down yet.

  3. Hmm, a pill that alters things I taste... I can "get it in berry or pill form"? Hmm, you know I wouldn't have minded this about 15 years ago; you know, when I had a job that didn't care about that sort of stuff...

    1. You can get this in berry or pill form and its all natural. Its not a drug so you don't have to worry about work :) in fact, my boss was the one who made me try it for the first time! :) Here is the site where I got mine:

  4. It's not like crack cocaine or opium or whatever, it is not illegal in any way. If you have to think of it in a stupid way, think of it like something you'd get from Willy Wonka.

    Actually, that's a lot less stupid than thinking it's going to get you busted on a drug test.

  5. Not so sure about all this-it's very strange and mysterious to me. Are you in a flavor-tripping cult?

  6. Ivy - Hah! I couldn't decide at first either, but it was fun to do once.

  7. Have you ever seen The Graham Norton Show on BBC America? He had on Gordon Ramsey and Juliette Binoche not too long ago and they all tried one of the magic berries. They then tried Guinness, a lemon wedge, and one audience member drank vinegar after eating a berry. Graham and Juliette said the berries worked while Gordon Ramsey spit everything out (even the Guinness). It was really quite hilarious!

  8. I've gotten the ones from Think Geek and they work! I had a wedge of lemon and it tasted like a lemon drop. I want to try grapefruit next. (I've never liked grapefruit for how sour it is!)

  9. I don't know if they still carry them, but you could buy miracle berry plants to grow from In addition, they sell dwarf banana plants, several types of citrus, a "curry" plant, and more exotic edibles & plants for flavoring food.

  10. The miracle fruit is awesome! I was a bit sceptic first but then i saw it on CNN and i had to try it and it eorked like a charm!

  11. I bought mine from they usually run specials.I must say these miracle berries are quite interesting. And yeah Gordon Ramsey was an ass because they worked when I tried it with friends.


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