Tuesday, July 8, 2008


Raw Food Frosting Recipe: Use Coconut Oil and Agave

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Raw food frosting ingredient: coconut oil

What is Raw Food Frosting?

Raw food frosting is frosting that contains no ingredients that have been heated above 110-120 degrees Fahrenheit - no sugar, no butter (unless it's from raw, non-pasteurized milk), and definitely no Crisco.

What Can I Use in a Raw Food Frosting?

To make a raw food frosting, coconut oil is a great replacement for butter or shortening and agave nectar is a great replacement for sugar.

Why Make a Raw Food Frosting?

I made a raw food frosting to top raw food cupcakes, of course! That's right, I made cupcakes that required no baking!

Clearly with all the baking I do, I am not a member of the raw foods movement. I did, however, attend a raw food potluck and needed something to bring. I could have brought a salad, but you know I had to bring cupcakes!

What is Raw Food All About?

According to the Wikipedia article on raw foodism, raw foodies believe that "raw foods contain enzymes which aid digestion, meaning that the body's own enzymes may work unimpeded in regulating the body's metabolic processes, and heating food above 110-120 degrees Fahrenheit degrades or destroys these enzymes in food." It is not an eating style I plan on taking up. However, I have respect for those that do so. All of the food at the raw food potluck was fantastic!

The Raw Food Frosting Recipe

I got the frosting recipe from a post on the Raw Freedom Community. While this recipe features lemon juice, you could make the same recipe with most fruits. I have reprinted it below with my modifications.

  • 1 C coconut oil
  • 1/4 C agave nectar
  • rind from 1 large lemon
  • 1/4 C lemon juice
  1. Beat the coconut oil until creamy.
  2. Mix in the agave nectar.
  3. Mix in the lemon rind and lemon juice.
The frosting will spread well. However, it will not be thick enough to pipe. After you put it in the refrigerator, it will harden. I liked it much better cold and would strongly recommend serving it that way.


  1. Just a note - the comments on your Food Interview site aren't working. I got an error yesterday when I tried to comment and then today it won't let me access the "Post a Comment" link. Not sure if this is affecting everyone or not...

  2. Renee - Thanks you so much for pointing this out!! I couldn't figure out why so few people were entering! I think I have it fixed now.

  3. Yum! I definitely need to try this recipe.

  4. When I hear shortening my arteries start to wobble. This is a great alternative. I'm going to try it.

  5. Can't wait to see what you came up with for raw cupcakes!

  6. This is a great idea! And coconut oil is a fantastic product.

    I'm not a raw food expert, but I am a huge fan of virgin coconut oil. I do think that consumers might want to be careful with the type of coconut oil they purchase (some brands have been processed with higher heat). I really love Nutiva. And Jungle Products brand.

  7. Oh, raw cupcakes and frosting...that's interesting! Can't wait to see the cupcake recipe.

  8. Good idea!

    Kitchen Conservatory should start selling mesquite flour soon...just waiting for the order to come in. I'll let you know!

    Sounding My Barbaric Gulp!

  9. Wheeler's - It's definitely something different.

    Giz - Cool! Hope you enjoy.

    Lisa and Gina - The post is up. Check it out http://www.cupcakeproject.com/2008/07/raw-food-cupcakes-cool-and-refreshing.html

    Lo - Thanks for that important tip. You make a great point.

    Kelly - Cool! I'll be sure to check it out!

  10. Just wondering if the coconut oil should be solid or melted when you beat it. In the summer, the oil I have is definitely liquid so I'm wondering if I should chill it first?

  11. Katie - Mine was somewhere between solid and liquid. It was sort of the consistency of vaseline.

  12. well, i'm not sure i could give up my crisco... :)

  13. love the sound of the frosting may try it on top of my wheat free sugar free cookie thingies they're great.

  14. Eh, I think I may just give the frosting a try

  15. I tried it without the lemon as a topping for cinnamon rolls. Fantastic! Thanks for the alternative to Crisco! :)

  16. A friend asked me to make her wedding cake - not very large as they will have a traditional one as well.
    The Raw Food Frosting Recipe - will it run off the cake at room temperature?
    Would it be better used as a filling between layers?
    I need a frosting that will hold up nicely and look pretty (white, preferably).
    Any tips would be appreciated - for cake (raw or using agave) or frostings. Thank you!!

  17. Nancy - For a wedding cake, I would use it between layers. I think it would melt too much if it was sitting out for a long time. Maybe a nut butter frosting would work - like an almond butter sweetened with agave? You could do that on a raw chocolate cake. Those are often pretty tasty. http://goneraw.com/recipes/1275-Raw-Chocolate-Dream-Cake

  18. oh perfect!! thank you for posting this! i'm making raw cinnamon buns tomorrow morning and this lovely frosting will be PERFECT! :)

  19. Just tried it, and it made my stomach cringe. Too much raw coconut oil at one time can be too much. However, the flavor is amazing. I have it in the refrigerator now and will give it a try again at another time. Thank you for this recipe! =)

    Light and Love and Healing to you,
    -Patrick Arden McNally

  20. Thanks so much for sharing all the great information! I'm gonna try that raw frosting. Sounds so good! :)

  21. Citrus allergy - is the lemon juice functional or for flavor? Can I do apple juice - I also want it pink w/ no cane sugar...any ideas for natural color

  22. Unknown - If you want it pink, how about using blended berries instead of the lemon?

  23. For pink use beet juice. It is an awesome pink


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