Wednesday, September 3, 2008


Cupcakes in Rome

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I meant to write a post about interviews - about how I was recently the subject of two interviews. I was going to touch on how I typically do interviews (over at Food Interviews) and how fun and exciting it was to be the subject, for a change. I was going to thank the sites that interviewed me and link to them (as I like those I interview to do). I probably was even going to come up with something funny to say about interviews in general.

But then, I had a HUGE surprise in my Inbox this morning.

My cupcakes were in the newspaper in Italy!

Reporter Chiara Lalli of DNews chose my All American BBQ Cupcakes for a story on Food Porn. I was so excited! I used Google Translate to read the section about me. The results were not the best, but I got the idea:
Sweet and homeland from the site Slashfood "All American Bbq Cupcakes," coloured and patriotic cakes prepared by Stefani Pollack suitable for each type of recurrence by birthdays to weddings. And always much fashion to consume with the in cold evenings or a drink iced under the sun in August.
To get a better idea of what that and the rest of the article said, and to see if I knew anyone who might read this paper, I reached out to my Twitter friends. Within minutes of my asking if anyone was in Rome, I got a response.

Rossella76 of Ma che ti sei mangiato was kind enough to offer to translate the article for me when she gets her hands on it. Thanks so much!!

Back to Those Interviews

Of course, I do still want to talk about the interviews and the awesome sites that did them!

The Food Channel

The first interview was on The Food Channel. OK - it wasn't really an interview. Bill from The Food Channel asked me to talk a little bit about myself, and then he wrote a great write-up about Cupcake Project that also featured three of my recipes: Better Than Sex Chocolate Cupcakes, Pumpkin Cup-pies, and Mimosa Cupcakes.

Before you think that people are just chasing me down to write about me and my cupcakes, I should also mention one more thing: I got the write-up because I was following Food Channel on Twitter and they asked who wanted to be written up. I happily volunteered.

Some might say this is like telling someone what you want for your birthday and then getting it and being excited about it. I am not above that! Thanks, The Food Channel!!

Cupcakes Take The Cake

Rachel from Cupcakes Take The Cake (a blog that no cupcake lover couldn't love) sent me an interview to do over e-mail. She then jazzed it up with a slew of Jonathan's photos. I was visiting my mom in New York when the interview first went live and she couldn't have been more proud- well, until she got wind of the newspaper in Italy thing. If you want to know more about me, my cupcakes, or this blog, check the interview out - it really is quite an extensive interview.

I was excited to be featured on Cupcakes Take The Cake and even more excited to meet all three Cupcakes Take The Cake bloggers at a cupcake shop while I was in New York. That interview is coming soon over on Food Interviews.

If you made it to the end of this self indulgent post, thanks! My next cupcake, featuring several key breakfast ingredients, is coming up soon.


  1. Most impressive with the international press!

  2. Nothing wrong with a little self and your cupcakes deserve it!

  3. WOW! How exciting! I am so happy for you!

  4. Awesome!! Congrats on all the fame! =) Speaking of breakfast cupcakes - I found a French Toast cupcake with Maple Buttercream frosting that is to die for! Everyone that has tried them has raved about them! Let me know if you are interested in the recipes. =)

  5. You guys are all so great! Thanks for being so sweet and supportive!

    Elims23 - I would definitely be curious to see the recipe! Thanks!

  6. You're almost as impressive in the interviews as you are in person. Note that I'm craving a cupcake...

  7. hey stef! i just emailed you that recipe! let me know if you don't get it.. =)

  8. Congrats on the press! You deserve the kudos.

    And, personally, you are my inspiration for today's post on my blog.

    Thanks for the heads up to the King Arthur website. I found a new toy!

  9. It's about time the rest of the world got to know you!


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