Sunday, April 25, 2010


TV, or Yes, Theresa, I am a Real Person

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What happens when your pickle and ice cream cupcakes get written up in People magazine?  It turns out that you get to be on local TV (the clip is at the bottom of this post)!

If you are not from St. Louis (or even if you are) you may not recognize the dude on the left in this photo - it's Tim Ezell from the Fox morning show.  The lovely lady on the right is my prego friend Lori who got to come on the show to taste test my cupcakes.  It was great for my nerves to have a friend along.  As for the person in the middle holding the plate of cupcakes, that's me!  I thought that I'd shown enough pictures of me on the blog that my readers would have some idea of what I looked like, but judging from Theresa's tweet after the episode aired, I guess not:

To show you even more of what a real person I am, I will point out that my biggest dilemma about being on TV was what the heck to do with my hair.  I've been into braids recently...

...but I thought maybe that would be too cutesy.  I took a poll in my hula hoop class (clearly they are all fashion experts) and it was a unanimous vote for hair down - so that's what I did. (Yes, I wrote this whole section just for an excuse to throw in another picture of Myles.  Next time, maybe he'll get to come on the news with me.)

My biggest fear about being on the show was having to scoop ice cream on air. Would the ice cream be too hard?  Would I grunt?  When you watch the clip, you'll see that I had the opposite problem; it was too soft and stuck to the scoop - oh, well!

The folks at FOX 2 were super nice and I look forward to the opportunity to feed them cupcakes again some time in the future!

Here's the clip:


  1. Big congrats for your recent fame! I've been following you for a couple weeks and drool over every post. I wanted to thank you, too, for donating your goodies to my organization's trivia night in Feb. (Tenth Life Cat Rescue). They were extremely popular.
    And your Myles is *adorable*!

  2. cute clip! thanks for sharing it. you were great and I loved how you brought along your pregnant friend to taste test! congrats.

  3. My bad for not staying on top of the blog - I read so much of your stuff via twitter that I forget who is who...until now! Thanks for starting my Monday with a huge laugh!

  4. How fun (and nerve-wracking)! I love the picture of you and Myles--how cute!

  5. Congrats on being featured! :) I hopped over from DPS.

  6. Elizabeth - Glad my donation went over well. Happy to help! And glad to hear you are enjoying the blog! Thanks!

    LMC - Thanks!!

    Theresa - No problem! Glad you got a kick out of it.

    Liz - Thanks! :)

    Mei - Welcome! Hope to see you around.

  7. Wow that's exciting. I'll have to pick up that copy of People. Congratualations!

  8. I love your blog. Congrats on your recent fame. That's amazing. That pickle cupcakes look so unusual.


    cupcake necklaces

  9. Congrats on the tv fame!! So cool. And I love Myles' striped green pants - very cute.


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