Saturday, October 31, 2009


Garlic Cupcake Video Review and Cupcake Stacker Winners

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I asked you guys what you thought of the new Cupcake Project video reviews and in exchange you had a chance to win some über-cool cupcake stackers. Thanks for all of your feedback (yes, I'm making you read to the bottom of the post to find the winners). Some of you (I'm talking to you, Danielle Johnson, Amanda, and Southern Baker) seemed to think that roommate Davin had it going on. Bride and Groom 3.0 listened and Davin is now hosting the videos!

In their video review of the garlic cupcakes below, the tasting trio made the video shorter (as you all suggested), listened to the great suggestion from Foodie Ffanatic and showed closeups of the cupcakes before the review, and responded directly to commenter Trish who said, "And I hate to say the obvious but there was a lot of hand to nose action....egads! While working with food!" Check it out and keep those comments coming!

And the Cupcake Stacker Winners Are...

Jere and Rachel! Congrats!!


  1. Thanks for showing the closer view of the cupcakes before tasting. I have to admit that I would not think of garlic in cupcakes for a wedding. Love that the video was shorter.

  2. "Methinks this garlic is roasted." :D

    Great hand to nose reply too. Very funny.

  3. Need to pan in on the cut cupcake, especially when talking about the garlic pieces found inside. Still too long.

  4. Hello from Russia!
    Can I quote a post "No teme" in your blog with the link to you?


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