Friday, July 24, 2009


Vegan Frosting - Chocolate Ganache Using Tofu

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I wanted a vegan frosting that didn't require margarine (most vegan frosting recipes that I found online called for margarine - yuck). Finally, I found a vegan frosting sans margarine that was worthy of topping a vegan Cupcake Project cupcake. It's a vegan chocolate ganache where tofu takes the place of the typical cream.

I waited until they were done enjoying the vegan cupcakes with vegan frosting before telling my tasters that the frosting contained tofu. They were shocked. It was not at all obvious.

The main difference between the vegan chocolate ganache and other chocolate ganaches is the texture. Typically, ganaches have a lustrous sheen. The vegan ganache had a definite matte finish. The texture was also different - it was thick, almost like brownie batter (tasted like it, too!). More pics are coming when I post the cupcakes. It looks a bit more attractive once it's all smoothed out.

Vegan Frosting Recipe

I got the vegan frosting recipe concept from the Vegetarian Times. Here is my altered version.
  • 1/2 C soft tofu (use less if you want it to be more creamy)
  • 2 3/4 oz chocolate (use your favorite brand of chocolate here - semi-sweet or dark both work)
  • 1/4 C sugar, optional (if you use dark chocolate or baking chocolate, you will need to add some sugar to give it sweetness)
  1. Melt the chocolate in a double boiler or in the microwave. (I usually microwave it. Put it in for thirty seconds, stir, and repeat until it's all melted.)
  2. Pour the melted chocolate over the tofu and stir until combined.
  3. If needed, mix in the sugar.


  1. I've made vegan truffles using cashew butter, I'm wondering how that might work as a ganache? I'm interested to see more pics!

  2. Interesting ! will love to try it.

  3. definately going to try this, I've made a similar one before but this sounds simpler

  4. I look forward to the vegan cupcake you're cooking up!

  5. I'm not vegan, but I really liked this ganache idea using tofu.

  6. Next, you wanna tell me how to make vegan marshmallows??????? ;P

  7. This recipe looks really good and I am all for using tofu when baking, but I also think it's important to note that vegan margarine is not your mother's margarine. For instance, there's Earth Balance Natural Buttery Spread, a vegan margarine that is gluten-free, non-GMO, non-hydrogenated, and cholesterol free. I've used it to make really delicious frosting for cupcakes and it turned out perfectly!

  8. why not just make a dark chocolate water ganache?

  9. Two of my favorite ingredients!

  10. I am going to make this to put on my whole wheat flax mini cupcakes I made...that will give them a little added touch of sweetness!!

  11. My roommate is vegan and I made truffles for her last birthday, I found that soft silken tofu will give you that sheen that you see in a regular ganache. It is also a bit sweeter and creamier naturally.

  12. Fantabulous, Stef! My husband is quite sensitive to dairy and I almost always have tofu in the fridge. Mille fois, mercy. A thousand thanks.

  13. I just tried this and it was really good. Just wanna share what I did: I used the food processor to make it a lot smoother! But be careful not to over-mix it! You don't wanna end up splitting the frosting if you know what I mean ;) BTW, I have a business making vegan desserts. I specialize in cupcakes. So this recipe is definitely another plus in my recipes! Thanks :)


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