Sunday, March 29, 2009


Pancake Recipe Using Blue Cornmeal and Orange - Different and Delicious

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Pancake recipes have been high on my tasting list recently. I haven't been posting all of the pancake recipes I've tried because this isn't a pancake blog; it's a cupcake blog. Besides that, I'm not always up for a food photo shoot at breakfast time. However, this pancake recipe for blue cornmeal pancakes made the cut!

Why Did This Pancake Recipe Make It on Cupcake Project?
  • I made this pancake recipe for Taste & Create, the monthly event where food bloggers get paired with other food bloggers to try each others' recipes.
  • The pancake recipe was exceptional. Don't make this recipe expecting a smooth, light, and fluffy pancake. This recipe is for the pancake lover who appreciates a dense pancake with a textured inside and a sweet, complex flavor.
  • Of course, I am going to use this pancake recipe as a cupcake inspiration. You can look forward to a blue cornmeal orange cupcake.
About the Pancake Recipe

My partner for this month's Taste & Create was Grace from A Southern Grace. This is actually the second time I've been paired with Grace. The first time I made her breakfast quinoa and subsequently made quinoa cupcakes. She's got all kinds of recipes on her blog, but I suppose I'm drawn to her breakfast ones. This time, I spotted her blue cornmeal pancakes and had to give them a try. Oddly enough, she got the recipe from Katie at One Little Corner of the World during a previous Taste & Create. Katie found the recipe in the cookbook "With a Measure of Grace: The Story and Recipes of a Small Town Restaurant". Was that a mouthful of pancakes, or what?

The Pancake Recipe and Cooking Notes

Makes 20 medium-sized pancakes. Cut the pancake recipe in in half or even quarter it if you are making them for just a couple of people, or make the whole thing and put some in the freezer for a lazy Sunday morning.
  • 3 C flour
  • 1 C sugar
  • 1 T baking powder
  • 1 t salt
  • 1 C blue cornmeal (You can use regular yellow cornmeal if that's all you've got.)
  • 4 eggs
  • 3 C milk
  • 1/2 C oil (Any vegetable oil will do. I used my favorite not-too-olivey baking olive oil - Jovia Groves' 2007 Arbequina, but any olive oil will do. You can order Jovia from Extra Virgin.)
  • 1 tsp vanilla extract (I used 1/2 t vanilla extract and 1/2 t orange extract to give the pancakes an orange flavor. I highly recommend it! If you don't have orange extract, you could use some orange zest instead.)
  • More oil for greasing griddle (I prefer to use butter to grease, but either would work.)
  1. In a large mixing bowl, combine flour, sugar, baking powder, salt, and cornmeal.
  2. In another bowl, lightly mix eggs, milk, oil, and extracts.
  3. Add the wet ingredients to dry ingredients and combine well.
  4. Preheat griddle to medium-hot. A drop of water will dance over the griddle when it is ready. Grease by spreading 2 tbsp oil on it and spread around with a folded paper towel. Keep the towel around to use for the next batch of cakes. (I used a cast iron skillet since I don't own a griddle. I just dropped some butter on the skillet and swirled it around until the whole skillet was covered. I did not need to use a towel.)
  5. Pour from a pitcher or use a ladle to make standard round cakes. Turn cakes when edges are set and small bubbles form and pop on the surface.
  6. After a minute or so, peek underneath. If they look golden and pancake-like, turn out to a plate.
  7. Eat right away or keep warm in the oven until you are ready to enjoy them!
What to Put on Your Pancakes

You can't go wrong with maple syrup on your pancakes (as long as you use the real stuff and not maple flavored crap). For an extra special treat, you might want to try making a homemade Grand Marnier syrup.


  1. I looove pancakes--any kind of pancakes! I've never seen any with blue cornmeal, but it makes perfect sense to me to add cornmeal to them. They look wonderful!

  2. yum, pancakes. i have never cooked or baked with blue cornmeal before, but the photos look delicious.

  3. i love that you flavored these up with orange--what a great touch! and although i'm slightly addicted to maple syrup, i think your notion of a grand marnier syrup is absolutely brilliant!

  4. I can't get into cornmeal pancakes! Is it a regional thing??

  5. Blue cornmeal is not for everyone but I love their texture when dipped in maple syrup. I frequent a Southwestern restaurant that has them on their weekend brunch menu and have them all the time.

  6. What a fabulous Taste and Create! I adore blue cornmeal, so I can't wait to try these pancakes. Bring on the heavy and dense. I'm ready for it. How delicious do these look?!

  7. HTEAC - Yeah, I suppose it is regional. Have you ever had sourdough pancakes? They were all the rage on our trip to Jackson Hole, but I couldn't really get into them.

  8. From one Stef w/an F to another Stef...Those look lovely...Great work! I've been enjoying your blog.

  9. Yummy! Great photos too. I've never cooked with blue cornmeal before - it's not a very common ingredient here, I think.

  10. I just made these this morning. The sugar adds a wonderful crunch and the subtle orange flavor goes amazingly well with the heartiness of the corn. Much lighter than I expected, definitely try these hotcakes!

  11. These sound amazing! I am all for a warm but interesting breakfast (or lunch or dinner for pancakes!)!


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