Thursday, February 5, 2009


The Perfect Valentine's Day Gift

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Note to ladies reading this: Stop reading now and send this post to the special guy in your life.

Note to men looking for the perfect Valentine's Day gift: You could give your Valentine a box of chocolates for Valentine's Day, but wouldn't a box of homemade flourless chocolate mini cupcakes be better? Both are decadent and bite-sized, but the latter shows that you care just a little bit more than she might have even realized. Yes, guys, I am suggesting that you bake these for your special lady. You can do it, and she will love your for putting forth the effort.

How to Make Flourless Chocolate Mini Cupcakes

The last time I made flourless chocolate cupcakes, they weren't quite so sexy. I made them for Passover. However, the recipe remains the same. Follow the instructions from that post, only cut the baking time in half to make mini cupcakes. You'll end up with some decadent, rich, and fudgy cupcakes that will definitely put her in the mood for whatever you've got planned later.

Other Valentine's Day Cupcake Ideas


  1. Fabulous! I am going to try these for sure! Thank you :)

  2. Where did you find that gorgeous plate?

  3. Betty - Cool! Enjoy!

    Kim - I found it at Hobby Lobby. They had a bunch of cute ones!

  4. Ooh, mignardise! I'm always on the look out for little sweets like these, because that's the name of my blog. They look delicious and so pretty!

  5. I can't believe how great your cupcakes look! Can't wait for Valentine's day.

  6. I know I would be more than happy to get these cupcakes for Valentines. Stunning!

  7. Great V-day gift idea! Making mini cupcakes makes them very adorable.

  8. It's like you some how knew that I had no idea what to get gluten-free Cathy (luckily she already read this post, so I can say this).

  9. Simply lovely and great for V Day. The plate and decorations look fantastic.

  10. Made these the teachers LOVED them,the kids loved them,my youngests OT Really LOVED it,and papa loves them too! another hit thanks a heap!

  11. thanks for sharing!

  12. My boyfriend always use a storage box for his valentines gift for me. He told me that he likes my facial expression when he ask me to guess what’s inside.


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