Monday, January 19, 2009


Inauguration Cupcakes - Sweet Potato Pie Cupcakes

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I took this photo at the St. Louis rally for Obama.
Note that I did not make up the quote.

I'm in California this week getting away from the freezing cold of St. Louis. Like all good media on vacation, I bring you a rerun.

When Barack Obama spoke in St. Louis earlier this year, he mentioned that one of his favorite desserts was sweet potato pie. It also happens to be one of mine!

With that in mind, if you are looking for cupcakes to make for your inauguration party, I propose sweet potato pie cupcakes.

Astute readers will note that the photo above is of my pumpkin cup-pies (mini pumpkin pie cupcakes). I did warn you that this was going to be a rerun. For the inauguration, I would suggest that you follow the cup-pie instructions from my post, but instead of making the pumpkin pie filling, make sweet potato pie filling.

It just so happens that I have a sweet potato pie recipe that is tried and true. I found it as a kid in the Williamsburg Cookbook and I have made this recipe probably more than any other recipe (that includes cupcakes!). Here is that sweet potato pie filing:
  • 1 1/2 C canned sweet potatoes, mashed
  • 2/3 C sugar
  • 2 T butter, melted
  • 1/2 t nutmeg
  • 1/2 t vanilla
  • 1/2 t salt
  • 2 T lemon juice
  • 3 eggs, beaten
  • 1 C light cream
  1. Mix sweet potatoes and sugar.
  2. Add butter, nutmeg, vanilla, salt, and lemon juice. Mix well.
  3. Gradually add eggs and cream. Mix until smooth.
Enjoy the inauguration, and I'll respond to any blog comments when I'm back from California or if I decide to break my own rule and get on the computer during vacation.


  1. Yes! Sweet Potato Pie Cupcake for Obama, that's adorable.

    I read a lovely article on Obama and SPP:

    :) Happy Inauguration Day

  2. These cupcakes look gorgeous! I've never made anything with sweet potato, but I am thinking about trying these.
    Hooray for W's last day in office! I think the whole country should be partying!!

  3. LOL, I have a feeling there's going to be quite a few Sweet Potato Pie recipes making their rounds this Inauguration.

    I'm also posting a recipe tomorrow, LOL

    Your cupcakes are a GREAT idea and they look so easy to manage:) Any ease we can offer these days is certainly welcomed!

    Have a wonderful vacation, Stef!

  4. Thanks for the awesome recipe. I have made sweet potato Pie but never cupcakes. I just know these would have to rock. Hope you enjoy history in the making tomorrow and God bless America.

    Debbie/Phx AZ

  5. I live in Los Angeles! Where in CA are you!! I hope you have a great time!

    Love the cupcakes as always!

  6. Just out of curiosity, are we talking about actual sweet potatoes, or yams?

  7. Yum - sweet potato pie... amazing!

  8. Caviar - That was a fantastic article. Thanks for sharing! I want to be the judge of a sweet potato pie contest!

    Barbara - Thanks! You could always start with the actual pie vs. the cupcakes. It's super easy. You can even make it in a pre-made graham cracker crust.

    Louise - Loved your post! The trip was fantastic!

    Veggie - Thanks!

    Dolce - I watched it from my friend's place in San Jose. It was quite exciting.

    Bldrnpdx - Either would work.

    Zesty - Thanks!

  9. I just made these and shared them with colleagues at work. They turned out great!

    One problem was that the crust was too thick at 1/4". I ended up with only enough crust for 20 cupcakes as opposed to 30. Also, there was a bit too much buttery crust flavor in each bite. Next time I make these, I will roll the dough a bit thinner.

    Also, I cut the streusel topping recipe by half as you suggested, and I ended up short (enough for about 16 cupcakes). I will make the full streusel topping recipe next time.

    Otherwise, great recipe! I love sweet potato pie, and I know Obama would be so proud!

  10. John - Thanks for your comments. Glad you liked the sweet potato pie cupcakes. I'm sure others will find your tips really helpful. Sorry that the proportions didn't work for you. If the crust was too buttery, you could also try using a graham cracker crust instead.


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