Wednesday, July 23, 2008


Rhubarb Compote: Just Two Ingredients

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Rhubarb compote wins the prize! What prize? The prize for the fewest number of ingredients used in anything on this blog to date. The rhubarb compote has just two ingredients - rhubarb and sugar. It takes a while to make, but it's well worth the effort.

What Do You Do with Rhubarb Compote ?

Of course, I used some rhubarb compote in a rhubarb cupcake. The rest, however, was spread on slices of bread like a jam or entered directly into my mouth with a spoon. You could use the rhubarb compote anywhere you might use applesauce or jam.

Rhubarb Compote Recipe

Full credit for this rhubarb compote recipe goes to Stephanie at A Whisk and A Spoon (spelling aside, there must be something about the name Stef and food blogging). Stephanie used her rhubarb compote to fill some amazing-sounding yogurt cupcakes. I used the rhubarb compote directly in the rhubarb cupcake batter. Here is her basic recipe rewritten with my notes:

Makes about 2 C rhubarb compote

  • 2 lb 2 oz rhubarb
  • 1 C sugar
Note: As a general rule, measure out sugar equal to 1/4 - 1/3 of the weight of the rhubarb.

  1. Trim off the tops and bottoms of each stalk of rhubarb.
  2. Use a paring knife to peel away any strings.
  3. Cut into 1 inch pieces.
  4. Put rhubarb pieces and sugar into a heavy-bottomed pot.
  5. Add a small splash of water (just to keep the rhubarb from burning) and place over medium heat.
  6. Stir frequently to keep from sticking to the bottom.
  7. Keep checking it and stirring until all the rhubarb breaks down. Timing will vary based on how much rhubarb you use. It took about 45 minutes for the amount in this recipe.
  8. When cool, transfer to a container and refrigerate. This will keep for a week or two.


  1. The rhubarb looks so delicious in the picture of it on the spoon. Yum. Rhubard is in my top 5 foods for sure. :)

  2. When I was growing up we always had huge rhubarb plants in the backyard, so we ate a LOT of the stuff in breads and cakes, stewed and spooned over ice cream, and in berry pies. I have, however, never had a rhubarb compote. I'm forwarding your recipe to my mom, and I just might be able to comvince her to make this for our visit next week. It looks much, much better than the stewed variety, and I bet it tastes much the same...

  3. I LOVE rhubarb pies. So I think I would love this. I'll have to tell my mom about this recipe - she grows rhubarb in her garden.

  4. I love the summer tang of rhubarb! A nice reminder that delicious can be easy - and something I'd probably eat, as you say, directly from a spoon. Is there a better delivery system?

  5. glad you made this--looks beautiful! i love having it on makes my morning granola and yogurt a little more exciting.

  6. i absolutely love rhubarb. glad to read your recipe for inspiration :)

  7. That looks absolutely delicious! I love rhubarb compote on top of cottage cheese perogies with cream gravy. Delicious! :)

  8. Now you make me remember that I was going to go back to the stall at the farmers' market that had rhubarb *and I forgot*. Sadness. :(

    It was very young and small, though, as we're right at the beginning of the season (if that).

  9. I've never eaten rhubarb... I need to get around to that!

  10. Try adding this compote to ginger snap biscuit base & layer with double cream (trifle like)& rhubarb compote - delicious.

  11. You all have such great ideas for using rhubarb. I want to make some more now!

    Ivy - Wow - It's in your top 5 foods! That's quite an honor!

    Lori - Oooh.. neat! Maybe I should try growing some next year.

    Jennifer - I've never had a rhubarb pie without strawberry in it. I bet it would be good all on its own.

    Mariyln - Nope! There certainly is not!

    Jeanine - Delish! What a great sounding combo!

    Steph - Thanks again for the great recipe!

    Andreea - Glad you liked it!

    Sarah - Hopefully you picked some up the next time.

    HTEAC - Yup - you've got to give it a try!

    Kirky - That sounds aweseome! Thanks for the idea!

  12. Hey, I made this yesterday-threw some wild blueberries into the mix and had it on top of some soy vanilla ice cream.

    The compote was soooo good. And if you haven't tried soy ice cream-it's pretty good too. :)


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