Monday, July 14, 2008


Bread Pudding Cupcakes With Lots of Chocolate

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When my friend suggested that I make bread pudding cupcakes, chocolate is not what I had in mind. I was picturing more of a traditional bread pudding - maybe with some kind of boozy sauce. However, when I came across Chockylit's chocolate bread pudding cupcakes with toffee, all other searches went out the window. I couldn't even think of a way that I wanted to change it. I almost always change something about a cupcake recipe. In this case, I made it as written, except for the frosting.

How Were the Bread Pudding Cupcakes?

The bread pudding cupcakes were a little rich for me. They were almost a cross between bread pudding and fudge. My mother-in-law said the cupcakes were a perfect chocolate bread pudding, but she wasn't quite sure how they were cupcakes. This was a common comment among my tasters - including my ever present taster Ran and Bride and Groom 2.0. Cupcake or not, if you like rich chocolate desserts and you like bread pudding, this might be a winner for you!

The Bread Pudding Cupcake Recipe

As noted above, I got the bread pudding cupcake recipe from Chockylit. I have reprinted it below with my notes.
Makes about 30 cupcakes.

  • 3 C heavy cream
  • 1 C milk
  • 2 t vanilla
  • 1/4 C cocoa powder
  • 1 lb loaf dense white bread, 1 or 2 days old (I used French bread)
  • 10 oz dark chocolate, chopped
  • 8 large egg yolks
  • 3/4 C sugar
  • Chopped toffee, to taste (I made my own using this toffee recipe and used about 1 1/2 C)
  1. In a medium saucepan over medium-high heat, whisk together the cream, milk, vanilla, and cocoa.
  2. Bring to a boil, stirring.
  3. Remove from heat, cover, and let sit for 30 minutes.
  4. Chop bread into 1/2″ cubes. Transfer to a large bowl and set aside.
  5. Bring mixture back to boil and stir in chopped chocolate.
  6. Take off the heat and continue to stir until chocolate is melted.
  7. Whisk together the egg yolks and sugar in a medium-sized bowl.
  8. Slowly add the warm chocolate mixture, whisking constantly until combined.
  9. Pour the mixture carefully over the bread cubes.
  10. Stir until all cubes are covered.
  11. Cover with plastic wrap and set aside for 15 minutes.
  12. Mix in as much toffee as you'd like. I made sure that there were a few small pieces in each cupcake.
  13. Stir to combine.
  14. Scoop soaked bread cubes into cupcake liners until bread cubes are level with the top of the rim.
  15. Carefully pour the remaining liquid into each cupcake, filling until nearly full.
  16. Bake at 350 F for about 22 minutes or until set.

The Frosting

I topped the bread pudding cupcakes with brewed chocolate frosting. It went perfectly!


  1. Holy Hannah!! I can see how this would be a rich dessert with 3 c of cream and 8 egg yolks! I bet I would enjoy every bite. :)

  2. I didn't even realize that until I started to make it. I'm not sure if I would have made it if I had studied the ingredients that closely. It's definitely not for every day eating.

  3. These sound sooo good! I really wondered about making bread pudding cupcakes when I was on my bread pudding binge a couple of months ago, but I never got around to it. It looks like it works out just fine, and ypu've even made them pretty! I'll have to try these.

  4. The name of those cupcakes is enough to capture me! I have to try them. Now.

  5. wahhhh, where's the boozy frosting. heh/ just kidding.
    I love bread pudding and am currently hoarding an orange cranberry walnut bread from the artisan bakery for just such purpose. I'm still on the fence over adding chocolate.
    And forget the groom and bride~ I personally think these would make a perfect wedding cupcake!

  6. Stef, you made these look amazing! The little stars are the perfect thing. :)

  7. I made these as well and they are really rich cupcakes. But oh so good.

  8. Interesting idea! I never would have considered it before I saw yours. Awesome!

  9. My sweet - Thanks so much!

    Lisa - I'm sure you could do the same thing with whatever your favorite bread pudding recipe is!

    Karen - I know! I felt the same way!

    TW - Oh yum!! I wouldn't bother with the chocolate in yours. The orange and cranberry will shine on their own. Although, of course, chocolate couldn't hurt. :)

    Ivy - Thanks!! They were fun!

    Katie - Yup! Definitely rich.

    Girl - Give it a go sometime with your fav bread pudding recipe.

  10. What a great idea - bread pudding cupcakes!

  11. How (and for how long) do you think these cupcakes could be stored? They look incredible!

  12. Cynthia - Thanks!

    Kat - You could make some yourself?

    Anon - I stored them for a week in a tupperware in my fridge.


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