Wednesday, June 4, 2008


Mango Lemonade: A Toast to Coconut & Lime

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Rachel of Coconut & Lime is celebrating her four year blogoversary! I not only love her blog, but I've gotten to know her a little bit through email, twitter, and the co-baking project we did together. She seems like a super nice person who I'll hopefully get to meet one day.

To celebrate her blogoversy, she requested that people make either a recipe from her blog or a recipe with her signature ingredients (coconut and lime). I knew I wanted to participate, but I've been swamped so I didn't think I would have time to make anything elaborate. I thought I was in luck when I saw that she had a recipe for mango lemonade - easy! Also, I just happened to have a bunch of leftover mangoes from the mango cupcakes that I coincidentally made for my own blogoversary.

As it turns out, it wasn't as easy as I thought. I misread her recipe. It called for a ginger simple syrup and I just added some ginger. OOPS! The lemonade was insanely sour! Jonathan and I added a ton of sugar to it to try to make it better, but still the sourness was overpowering!

The recipe still sounds great if followed correctly, and I suggest you check it out over at Coconut & Lime - but be sure to read carefully!

I raise my sour glass to give an un-sour toast to Rachel for a blog well done!

Note: Scoopalicious and I will be posting the entries in the Ice Cream Cupcake Roundup soon. We're almost done with it!


  1. I just wanted you to know that you are soo great!
    Mango Lemonade-Niice. I just made limeade with peaches last night.
    Slurrrp. :)


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