Thursday, June 5, 2008


Ice Cream Cupcake Roundup Results

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Thanks so much to everyone who participated in the ice cream cupcake roundup. For anyone considering making an ice cream cupcake, here are 17 unique ice cream cupcake ideas. Go visit all of these great blogs to read more about their ice cream cupcake creations! Also, be sure to visit my fabulous ice cream loving co-hosts Bethany and Tina over at Scoopalicious!

Click through to see all the ice cream cupcake roundup entries.

Note: Jonathan (who is not only this blog's photographer, but also its artistic director) was not around when I captioned the photos. You'll notice the ice cream cupcake captions are all different sizes and are highlighted in blue which does not match the colors of my logo. For shame. He is not pleased with this, but I'm guessing you guys just want to see the cupcakes and don't care all that much about my design imperfections. You've seen my non-perfect cupcakes and have been OK with it. I hope I'm right.

1. Of Monkeys and Cupcakes: Caramel Apple Pie a La Mode

These ice cream cupcakes were Kate's (Of Monkeys and Cupcakes) first entry into a blog event. Go stop by her blog and show her some love. You'd never know she was an event virgin. I love how she turned a favorite pie into a drool-worthy ice cream cupcake.

2. Confessions of a City Eater: Chocolate Strawberry Bliss Cupcakes

This is a perfect summer cupcake. Fresh strawberries, ice cream, and cupcake - what more could you want? I love how it's overlooking the city. It's thinking, "Aww yeah, you all want me!"

3. Flour Arrangements: Dairy Free Sticky Toffee Pudding Cupcakes

Sophie (Flour Arangements) made this entirely dairy-free ice cream cupcake! I'm so impressed! I'm sure all the dairy-free folks out there will be very thankful for this entry. There is no reason they should be left out of the ice cream cupcake fun.

4. Couture Cupcakes: Chocolate Raspberry Cupcakes

The last cupcake was dairy-free and this one is gluten-free. Yes, we've got all of our bases covered in this roundup! Let's also notice that Minko (Couture Cupcakes) used two different ice creams, both of which she made from scratch!! The other neat thing is that she served her ice cream cupcakes in a cup. If you read her blog entry, you'll see that she packaged each cup up with a little plastic spoon for easy eating. Very creative!

5. Little Ivy Cakes: Miss Scarlett

Ivy made her ice cream cupcakes sandwich style. This has to be one of the best looking ice cream sandwiches I've ever seen. She even made her own crème brûlée to make into crème brûlée ice cream. Wow! She also mastered the meringue frosting during this whole process. She's my new go-to meringue expert!

6. Coconut and Lime: Root Beer Float Cupcakes

So many of the roundup entries were extremely complex. Rachel's (Coconut and Lime) root beer float cupcakes look like something you could quickly whip up to become an instant household hero.

7. Jesse Morris: S'mores Ice Cream Cupcakes

You'll notice a distinct lack of my caption bubbles on Jesse's photo. It turns out that one of Jesse's readers, Masui, already captioned his photo for him and it was too good not to share. His cupcakes are Christopher Kimball's almost fallen chocolate cake with cinnamon graham cracker crunch ice cream, and marshmallow meringue frosting. In the post, he talks about how he bought his ice cream maker partially because he loved that flavor and it's hard to find. Sounds unbelievable to me!

Update: This cupcake won a prize for best frosting at Cupcake Camp! Jesse suspects that they counted the ice cream as the frosting!

8. Cooking in Cleveland: Strawberry-Rhubarb Ice Cream Cupcakes

Ohio Mom (Cooking in Cleveland) made her ice cream without an ice cream maker! Don't let not having an ice cream maker stop you from trying your hand at making your own ice cream for ice cream cupcakes! I love the chocolate shavings and the coordinated red wrappers and red strawberries!

9. Simple Food: Cherry Vanilla Ice Cream Cupcakes

I love the title of Kamaile's (Simple Food) post: "Ice Cream + Cupcakes = Yum-O!" I have to agree! This cupcake looks like cherry vanilla nirvana.

10. Red Kitchenaid : Strawberries and Chocolate

Elizabeth (Red Kitchenaid) made her cupcakes in a star shaped pan. She clearly realized that they would be the star of whatever party she brought them to! Don't you just want to lick the dripping hot fudge?

11. My Own Sweet Thyme: Chocolate Fire Ice Cream Cupcakes

Lisa (My Own Sweet Thyme) got inspiration for this cupcake from her childhood. "For my cupcake recipe I turned to my vintage 'Betty Crocker's Cookbook for Boys and Girls.' It no longer has a cover or pages 1 through 8 but the rest is still spiral bound and sitting on my cookbook shelf. I remember its recipes so fondly from my childhood that I can still see its illustrations in my mind when I think of easy and fun recipes." I love that she was able to take something she loved as a kid and spice it up to make this amazing treat for all ages.

12. Küchenatein: Oreo Ice Cream Cone Cupcakes

Ice cream cupcakes in an ice cream cone - how perfect is that? I love edible wrappers. What a great idea! If you check out Küchenatein, there is a picture of the cupcakes minus the cone that is also worth seeing.

13. Tempered Woman: Chocolate Cherry Amaretto Ice Cream Cupcakes

Tempered Woman did a series of ice cream posts leading up to this unbelievable ice cream creation. With each one, I questioned whether she was going to use any of that homemade ice cream in an ice cream cupcake. At the last minute, she did. It was worth the wait!

14. Big Black Dogs: Burnt Sugar Lilac Cupcakes

I have never eaten anything with lilac. The concept of a lilac ice cream sounds so luxurious and the blossoms on top make for a great presentation.

15. Lick the Spatula: Kahlua Chocolate Crunch Ice Cream Cupcakes

Mara (Lick the Spatula) baked these cupcakes in an oven-safe espresso cup from Crate and Barrel. I've never even heard of an oven-safe espresso cup. She said that they tasted like an ice cream sundae. Mmmmm.

16. Beantown Baker: Cookie Dough Chocolate Ice Cream Cupcakes

Jen (Beantown Baker) admits on her blog that she suffered through lactose intolerance just to be able to eat these cupcakes. She combined her love of chocolate cupcakes with her husband's love of cookie dough ice cream and came up with the perfect dessert for them both. Also of note is that she was the only one to create a mush layer - a layer of mixed ice cream and cupcake.

17. I Heart Cuppycakes: Choco-Caramel Fudge Ice Cream Cupcakes

It's fun how Clara's (I Heart Cuppycakes) cupcakes spread out to fill the whole waffle bowl. It looks like you could make each bite contain the cake and bowl and all of the fixins. Like Jen, she hearts cupcakes and her husband hearts ice cream so this was an ideal treat for them both!

The End for now!

I'm sure all of these cupcakes will inspire even more creations. If you make some more, leave a link to your ice cream cupcakes in the comments so we can all see them!


Late But With a Good Excuse: I got the following email from Just Jenn after this post was written:

Hi,I know I TOTALLY missed your deadline, but I was having major computer issues (where I couldn't even run my business!) so I...missed it. Phooey. But I still
wanted to send you the link to show you that I did in fact, make ice cream
cupcakes for your challenge.

I totally hate computer problems. I felt her pain. Jenn made Chocolate & Green Tea ice cream cupcakes which are definitely worth checking out, late or not. While you're at it, check out her cute stationary (lots of it is cupcake themed).


  1. Wonderful round up !!

    All those delicious ice cream deserts, I want one of each :)

  2. Holy moly girl~ that is one heck of a round up. Did it take you a week to do all of that?!?! I personally love the bubbles, it reminds me of that show where the bubbles pop up during the video to give you more information, heh.
    The entries are amazing, I can't wait to vist each and everyone. People's creativity never fails to amaze me in this crazy bloggyland!

  3. They all look amazing!!! And thanks for the shoutout for my first event!

  4. So many delicious ice cream cupcakes. Thanks for putting this together, great round-up.

    Ulrike from Küchenlatein

  5. This was the MOST exciting event EVER!
    All of them look so great.
    Thanks Bethany, Tina, and Stef. :)

  6. Love the roundup! The explanation bubbles reminds me of VH1 when they do those old music videos and make fun of them! HAHA! This was such a fun event. Thanks for hosting CP and SCOOP!

  7. ooooh my silly self loves the explanations of what is what. how fun is that. and yes i am a finder of the 'most random items ever' for baking and serving...i think i could open a kitchenware shop or something. plus the espresso oven things were like $1.00 on Clearance. even better!!!

    everyone's projects are so many creative ideas!!! thanks for hosting!

  8. YES YES YES YES YES YES YES they all look so good!!!

  9. these are amazing and so creative ... pity we can't taste them all
    were recipes posted on the sites ?

  10. I'm so glad everyone liked the pop up video style comments! Thanks for letting me know!

    OM - Me too!

    TW - Yup, it took forever to write, but probably not as long as this interview I'm about to write up. I keep procrastinating getting started.

    Mara - $1 WOW! You are quite the power shopper!

    K8 - No prob! Anytime!

    Ost - Glad you enjoyed. Thanks for participating!

    Ivy - Can you just show up at my house whenever I have a bad day?

    CB - I thought about that too. I love popup video!

    Cakespy - Yeah, I could eat all of them!

    Baby - Yeah, go out to the individual sites to see the recipes.


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