Tuesday, March 25, 2008


Graham Crackers Recipe: Graham Crackers Don't Have to Be Square

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In the US, we use graham crackers in the ever popular s'mores and graham crackers are the main ingredient in many pie crusts, but very few of us reach for a graham cracker for a snack after the age of 8. My friend who is a nurse says that they are a popular snack in hospitals. I'm not sure that counts as a culinary achievement.

People inherently understand the value of a homemade chocolate chip cookie or brownies made from scratch. However, even seasoned bakers seem to turn to a box when it comes time for graham crackers.

I decided to give the graham cracker the status it deserves as a treat unto itself for all ages and to make graham crackers from scratch.

I'll give you the recipe first this time, but read on for some graham cracker facts and random tales of graham.

Homemade Graham Cracker Recipe

I got the graham cracker recipe from Free Range Living. She got the recipe from The Fannie Farmer Baking Book.
I am reprinting the recipe below along with all of my baking notes. It makes 36 2 1/2 inch squares.
  • 4 T (1/2 stick) butter, softened
  • 1 egg
  • 6 T sugar
  • 4 T honey (Some graham crackers use half honey and half molasses. You might consider trying that as a variation.)
  • 1/2 t baking soda
  • 2 t water
  • 3/4 t salt
  • 1 1/2 C graham flour (If you can't get ahold of graham flour, there are plenty of graham cracker recipes that use regular whole wheat flour such as this graham cracker recipe from Baking Bites. You may also be able to directly substitute whole wheat flour in this recipe, but I haven't tested it and I make no promises.)
  • 3/4 C all-purpose flour
  1. Preheat the oven to 350 F.
  2. Combine the butter, egg and sugar in a bowl and beat until smooth and creamy.
  3. Stir in the honey and blend.
  4. Dissolve the baking soda in the water and add to the butter mixture.
  5. Add the salt, graham flour, and all-purpose flour to the mixture and blend thoroughly. The dough should hold together and be manageable. If it is too "tacky" add a little more graham flour.
  6. Liberally dust a surface with graham flour and roll the dough to a thickness of about 1/8 inch. For convenience in handling, cut the rolled dough into three or four sections that will fit on your cookie sheet. (I am not good at rolling things out. It doesn't come up too often since I mostly make cupcakes. To make my life easier, I lined my cookie sheets with parchment paper and rolled the dough directly on the cookie sheets. That way I didn't need to worry about the dough breaking when I lifted it onto a cookie sheet.)
  7. With a knife, score the dough, without cutting through, into 2 1/2 inch squares. (Boring! Since your graham crackers are not store-bought, they don't have to be square. Use your cookie cutters to make them any shape you want!)
  8. Prick each square a few times with the tines of a fork. (I did this because those little pricks do make them look like graham crackers, whatever shape they are.)
  9. Using a spatula, place the sections of scored cracker dough on an ungreased cookie sheet. (I didn't have to do this since I rolled right on the cookie sheet.)
  10. Bake on the first side for 8 minutes, then turn the cracker over and bake for another 6 or 7 minutes. (Cheryl of Free Range Living said that she found that flipping wasn't necessary. I agree. I left out the flip step.)
  11. Remove from the oven and cool on racks. (They weren't quite crispy when I removed them. However, they hardened up as soon as they cooled.)
Will I Make From Scratch Graham Crackers Again?

Homemade graham crackers taste very similar to the store-bought kind. However, they were fresher and slightly less sweet. I buy my graham crackers at Whole Foods and they contain basically the same ingredients that I used in my from scratch ones. However, mine were so easy to make and were such a hit with my friends that I'd definitely try it again.

Graham Crackers Destroy Your Sex Drive?

Maybe graham crackers are typically served to kids because somewhere in our collective memory we know that graham crackers are wholesome and we worry that graham isn't good for sex?

Graham flour and later graham crackers were created by the Presbyterian minister Sylvester Graham.

He had some great ideas...
  • We should eat foods high in fiber and with whole grains.
  • Eating pure foods on a regular basis results in a long, healthy life.

and some less great ones...

  • If food sits in the stomach for too long, it overstimulates the organs and causes sexual arousal.
  • Rich, fatty foods only increase sexual urges.

Graham invented graham flour in the 1830s. It's a form of whole wheat flour that has a slightly coarser grind. It's higher in fiber than white flour and according to Graham, digests faster so as not to subject people to the desires of the flesh. This flour led to to the graham cracker: The Anti-Sex cracker. Now there's a marketing campaign slogan if I ever heard one.

Graham crackers were originally made with 100% graham flour. Nowadays as you saw in the recipe in this post, they are typically a mix of graham or regular whole wheat flour and all-purpose flour.

I wonder what Graham would think of my Better than Sex Chocolate cupcakes?

Graham Crackers and Dieting

As far as dessert snacks go, graham crackers are not that bad for you. According to calorie-count.com, two squares of graham crackers are 59 calories.

When I was a kid, I used to put graham crackers in my cereal bowl every morning. I loved eating them all soggy with milk. (FYI - I strongly recommend dunking graham crackers in milk. Mmmmm.)

Anyway, one day I decided I needed to lose weight and I decided the way to diet was to stop putting graham crackers in my cereal. I don't recall if that 59 calories a day reduction in food intake caused any weight loss, but I do wonder if I am the only one to ever go on a diet that only involved refraining from graham crackers.

And This Relates to Cupcakes How?

To make beach cupcakes, you need shells and sand. I got the shells from chocolate.com. Crushed graham crackers made up the sand.


  1. I love graham crackers and will try your recipe for sure - how fun that you've briefly strayed off the cupcake path!

  2. Very clever! I would have never thought to make graham crackers! I can see how these have endless possibilities!

  3. I'm in Australia, but I read all this talk about Graham crackers. Any idea what the Australian equivilent would be?

    1. mcvities digestives are richer versions of graham crackers.

  4. Wow, I'm so excited to try making homemade graham crackers. Growing up graham crackers in milk is the only breakfast I can remember my mom eating. Maybe these would make a good mother's day gift :)

  5. Karen T. - I haven't quite strayed. I just figured that if I was going to use graham crackers in a cupcake, I should talk about them. OK - maybe a strayed a bit, but just a bit. Glad you liked the recipe.

    Karen - They certainly do!

    Cass - According to Cook's Thesaurus, they are called wheatmeal biscuits in Australia.

    Amy - Aww. that would be a sweet Mother's Day thing to do.

  6. Graham crackers are not something I've grown up with but I like the sound of the recipe. I will definitely try these if I can find graham flour in the UK. nice post.

  7. excellent! I agree if you are going to use them in a cupcake why not try making them from scratch? You're a real pro now ;-)
    Only thing~ if they aren't square then my chocolate bar and marshmallow don't fit perfectly on top, hehe

  8. I've been wanting a recipe for homemade graham crackers but have never taken the time to look it up (with 2 kids under 3 it's no wonder!) Thanks for making this one "fall into my lap." Now I only need to find graham flour...

  9. Ooooh, how cool! Those look delicious. I love how you rolled them out on the sheet--genius! Me and rolling out dough do not mix, hehe, but that would help, I'm sure!

  10. The little pricks also keep them from rising. Graham would be so proud!

  11. I love having the history along with the recipe. Sweet!

  12. AV - Thanks! Even you you can't find graham flour, try them with whole wheat flour. They are a nice snack!

    TW - Maybe you should make your own chocolate that is in a circle shape?

    Erica - Good luck! Glad I could help you out!

    Nancy - Hmmm.. I hadn't realized that. Thanks for the comment.

    Chou - I like knowing the history too. Glad you enjoyed!

  13. This looks like an awesome recipe I can't wait to try it.

    My Grandpa used to dip his gram's in milk. I thought he was the only one :)

  14. Jenn - Your grandpa had good taste!

  15. I'm definitely going to try the graham crackers and the cupcakes.

    Cass - My American friends and I use digestives or very lightly sweetened oat cookies here in Finland when we need graham crackers.

  16. I'm delighted to have stumbled across your delicious looking blog. I am celebrating Sylvester Graham tomorrow and I hope you don't mind that I borrowed your link as an extra bonus.

  17. My daughter has a severe allergy to soy, which it seems is contained in every commercial graham cracker. I wish I had thought of making graham crackers before our camping trip.

  18. I'm trying out different graham recipes and this one was nice. I've got this recipe bookmarked for some repeat performances!

  19. I tried the honey/molasses combo (always looking for ways to use molasses that I bought for gingerbread, after which we found out my son is allergic to ginger) and I used a 1/4c of quinoa flour and 1/2c of all purpose flour (quinoa has a slightly nutty flavor and a very high protein content for a grain).

    I am very pleased with the results! I think I might add a smidgen more molasses next time.

    Hodgson Mill has whole wheat graham flour and it is at my local grocery store in the natural foods section. Bob's Red Mill had quinoa - both grain and flour. Same store for me.

  20. It's been 35 years since I made graham crackers...but I remembered the recipe I used called for cream of tartar and I never really understood what that was for. I love home made graham crackers!

    I'm going to try your recipe and use a little flax meal in there too.

  21. Just today I was thinking about making my own graham crackers for some smores. It must be in the air...

  22. I just made these. They are so good, even though I did not get them rolled thin enough. Thanks for the recipe, you are bookmarked.

  23. Pinky - I just came across a recipe for chocolate graham crackers in a King Arthur Flour book, bet that would be really good too.

    Tanya - So glad to hear that you liked them!

  24. Very cool... exactly what I was looking for... ran out of time this weekend to try it but will give it a whack on Saturday.


  25. I live in Australia - add bran to the whole meal flour and the crackers will have the consistency that they do in the States. A baked cheesecake really does need a graham cracker crust! and nothing else really makes a good s'more!

  26. If you like graham crackers dipped in milk (I do btw!) then try nilla wafers and honey teddy grahams. Only the honey work though, the chocolate never get soggy.

  27. Hi - non-anonymous Kathi in Indy again :-)

    Reading some old posts, and looking for inspiration and ideas.

    Have you ever thought about making a s'mores themed cupcake? This Graham cracker experiment made me think of graham cupcakes, filled with a chocolate ganache, and a toasted marshmallow topping. Or maybe a chocolate cupcake with a marshmallow filling and a graham topping. Or a marshmallow cupcake....

  28. Kathi - Yeah, s'mores cupcakes are pretty popular, I've just never made one. I'm just not that big of a marshmallow fan. But, maybe I'll give it a go sometime.

  29. I did the honey/molasses combo and subbed whole wheat flour directly for the graham flour. They turned out fabulous big summer hit in my house as I also used a from scratch marshmallow recipe.

    Thanks for the idea- I just never imaged making my own grahams!

  30. I love graham crackers dipped in milk (Even the soggy parts that sink to the bottom)! A favorite childhood snack that I still enjoy today :)

    My mom also used to make home made frosting and make us graham cracker and frosting sandwiches.

  31. Thank you so much for sharing this recipe. I found it searching for graham cracker recipes and used it as the base for some crackers I made for my 17 month old daughter. I made them with a twist and added spinach, strawberries, and blueberries. And you can't even taste the spinach! :) Here's the link to my recipe, if you're interested. http://candleinthenightblog.blogspot.com/2011/10/homemade-healthy-graham-crackers-with.html

    I'm so glad I found your blog. Too many fun things to try now!!

  32. I am soooo loving your blog!! Great ideas!!

  33. Graham crackers and peanut butter are an addicting snack...try to eat just one! :) We also had graham crackers and frosting when there was leftover frosting from Christmas cookies. Brings back memories :) Thanks for the recipe--I would love to try these sometime!

  34. how come sex has to come into play a lot throughout this recipe?


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