Wednesday, February 21, 2007


Memorial Day BBQ Ice Cream Cone Cupcakes by Ann Carroll

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Ann Carroll does not have her own blog so this is her entry to the Ice Cream Cupcake Roundup.

I would like to enter my awesome Memorial Day BBQ Ice Cream Cones in your Cupcake Contest!! Aren't they adorable?? They are cupcakes to look like ice cream cones...perfect for your summer BBQ's! Kids love them because they can't quite figure out why they aren't melting plus they come with a fun surprise treat at the bottom!!

Here are the details for this showstopping recipe:
These are NOT baked inside the cone like many cupcake cone recipes

Here is what you'll need:
Candy--M and M's are best
Make 1 dozen vanilla/white cupcakes
Make 1 dozen chocolate MINI cupcakes
12 Cake cones
Frosting, sprinkles

Fill bottom of cake cone with handful of M and M's....a cute surprise to find at the bottom of your Ice Cream cone, but also serves as a weight. These are pretty top heavy.

Take 1 regular size cupcake, turn upside down and frost edges, set onto cone and stuff inside a little bit

Take 1 MINI cupcake, turn upside down, frost bottom for 'glue' and top regualar cupcake

Frostin like an ice cream cone, including cute curly q on top...and top with sprinkles!!!
So fun, everyone will love these and think you are the most fantastic and creative baker ever!!
Plus, when frosting sets, people eat these like a regular ice cream fun!!


  1. so much fun and look so yummy! if it's not going to have ice cream (which makes us at scoopalicious sad) it might as well be something that looks like ice cream and we can settle for something yummy looking like your entry! thanks for entering!



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