Wednesday, May 2, 2012


St. Louis Food Blogger Bake Sale Recap and an Online Bake Sale Going On Now

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I came home from the St. Louis Food Blogger Bake Sale for Share Our Strength with a sugar high (from snacking all day on the best baked goods in town), a stash of baked goods that I simply couldn't consume during the sale, and a pile of money ready to be counted. 

Our goal for the sale was to beat last year's number of $800.  Although we had a busy day, there were lots of lulls (were they due to the Cardinals game or the looming storm?).  I feared that we hadn't come close to the $800. 

Clearly, I was too busy chatting it up with the other awesome volunteers, bakers, and shoppers, and playing with my favorite shopper (above) to notice just how many sales we had made.  I piled the dollars on my kitchen counter, counted, re-counted, re-counted, and re-counted again. $975!!  I was in awe!  Even with that number, we still had a lot of baked goods that had gone unsold.  We sent them Perennial Artisan Ales (a local brewery) who generously offered to give them to their patrons that evening and collect donations.  They collected another $25 for us, pushing us to an even $1000!!  Woohoo!  We still had a few baked goods left over (not too many) and those were donated to the St. Louis Crisis Nursery.

Kimberly and I owe a HUGE thank you to so many people for making the day a success.  But, before I get on with the lengthy thank you list, I want to point your attention to another bake sale happening online right now.  The Food Bloggers Bake Sale for Hope is an online auction.  Winners will be mailed baked goods from bloggers around the nation.  You have until the end of the day today (May 2) to bid.

Now, on to the thank yous!  Let's start with all of our incredible bakers.  Go check out their blogs; these folks have talent!

I'm sorry that we couldn't have a photo of everyone's baked goods.  If we missed yours, it is not a reflection on the quality of your product.  Also, we tried to get everyone's contributions on the list, but if we overlooked yours somehow, please let me know so I can add you to the list!

Our bakers:

Stacy Anderson - Every Little Thing
Brown Butter Brownies

Laura Beaver - Food Snob St. Louis
Cinnamon Roll Cookies and Boozy Banana Bread

Amrita Rawat - The Sweet Art
Salted Chocolate and Raspberry Key Lime Macarons

Julie Edmonds - Inkredible Stamping
Pressed Sugar Cookies and Cherry Date Nut Bread

Nupur Kittur - One Hot Stove
Jammy Thumbprint Cookies and Savory Samosa Puffs

Vicki Bensinger - At Home with Vicki Bensinger
Sugar Cookies with Buttercream Frosting

Amy Burdge - Eat It, St. Louis
Apple Cinnamon and Blueberry Hand Pies

Rachel Bates - Crazy Cupcake Girl
Peanut Butter, Jelly, and Potato Chip Cupcakes

Sandia Hoormann - Bite of Life STL
What's Shakin' Ma'con and Caramel Sutra Cupcakes

Elizabeth Cowie - Eating Local in the Lou
Rosemary-Lemon Cookies

Natalie McLaury - The Sweets Life
Chocolate Chip Blondies and Zucchini Bread

Stephanie Tolle - Iron Stef
Chocolate Salty Balls and Dulce de Leche Cookies 

Tony Busekrus - TonyLovesFood
Apple and Mixed Berry Mini Pies, Rustic White Bread, and Smoked Pugliese Bread

Krista Wampler - Bake Me Away
Chocolate Caramel Thumbprint Cookies and White Chocolate Raspberry Cookies

Amy Trapp - Special Treats
Rocky Road Cake Pops

Kimberly Henricks - Rhubarb and Honey
Chocolate Cranberry Crispies

Nancy Pollack
Peanut Butter Cookies

Eleanor Bergquist
Cherry Almond Chocolate Chip Cookies

LaTia Thomas
Chocolate Ripple Cupcakes and Drunken Cheesy Muffins

Laura Kuentzler
Chocolate Cupcakes with Marshmallow Frosting

Stefani Pollack (me) - Cupcake Project
Chocolate Peanut Butter Hi-Hat Cupcakes and Brown Butter Cupcakes
Our volunteers:

From let to right: Sandia, Tony, Kimberly, the other Stef, and me

Thanks also goes out to our awesome volunteers: Sandia, Tony, Stef, and Elizabeth (sorry you didn't get in the photo).  We couldn't have done it without you!

Our host:

Sappington Farmers' Market has been our gracious host for the past two years.  We truly appreciate their hospitality and the wonderful gift basket full of goodies that they donated!

Our evening host:

Perennial Artisan Ales gladly responded to our last-minute plea to help sell baked goods to the evening crowd.  We are grateful for their participation!

My partner in crime:

Thanks to Kimberly, without whom this may have never happened and whose company I still enjoy after an entire day and evening together. 

I'm looking forward to working with everyone again next year!!


  1. We had a lot of fun picking and choosing 10 items! Mmmmmm, delicious gluttony, mmmmm. I also support the St. Louis Crisis Nursery, so I am doubly glad stuff went there!

  2. Thank you Stef- you did a brilliant job hosting this fundraiser as always.

    We enjoyed the goodies we bought: My husband adored the PB&J cupcakes with potato chips, and I tasted macarons for the first time and loved them.

  3. Just wanted to say thanks again to my fabulous co-host! You rock, Stef!

  4. congrats on such a successful bake sale! Those are some tasty looking treats. Wish I lived near St Louis.

  5. Wow congratulations on a fantastic $1k from the bake sale. Brilliant news. Loving all the photos, there are some amazing sweet treats there, yummy!

    Sweet 2 Eat Baking

  6. Yay, I'm so glad we raised more! What a great event!

  7. Thank you so much for hosting this! I was happy to be a part! And sooo happy to finally taste Cupcake Project goodies for myself :)

  8. Everything looks pretty and delicious. Congratulations!

  9. Wow, that's a lot of baking! You guys did a great job, congratulations!

  10. I am glad you all had a good time. I enjoyed the pictures.

  11. Looks like a great sale! I participated in the Atlanta food blogger's sale. Such a great cause and lots of fun. Your cupcakes look amazing, by the way!


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