Friday, March 27, 2009


Cookie Dough Cupcakes Topped with Cookie Dough Frosting

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Cookie dough cupcakes have a surprise inside - cookie dough!!
But, cookie dough cupcakes also have cookie dough on the outside; I topped these cookie dough cupcakes with cookie dough frosting - literally cookie dough thinned out with a bit of heavy cream to make it spreadable. For an added bonus, there is a raw cookie sitting on top of the cupcake.

You could use the cookie dough filling and cookie dough frosting idea on any cupcakes.

Cookie Dough Filling

If you are going to be serving raw cookie dough, I recommend that you use this eggless cookie dough recipe that is safe to eat.

Cookie Dough Frosting

To make the cookie dough frosting, mix one cup of raw cookie dough with one half cup of heavy cream. It tastes just like cookie dough, but spreads perfectly!


Brown Butter Cupcake Recipe

Update 8/21/11: I recently developed my own brown butter cupcake recipe.  I'd recommend trying that one out instead of the one in this post.

While any cake recipe would work (which one would you use?), I decided to make brown butter (or burnt butter depending on who you are talking to) cupcakes. The cake was rich and a fitting complement to the cookie dough. It might have been even better had I actually followed instructions.

The recipe clearly stated that I should use self-rising cake flour and not all-purpose flour. Since I didn't have any self-rising cake flour sitting around, I just ignored that instruction. While I can't say for sure how that affected the recipe, I will say that my rendition of the recipe made only six cupcakes while the recipe said that it made twelve. I suppose if I had used the correct flour, I would have ended up with twelve fluffy cupcakes vs. six dense cupcakes.

The burnt butter cupcake recipe came from the blog, Create! and I am reprinting it below with my notes.

Made 6 cupcakes for me with the all-purpose flour, but the recipe with the self-rising cake flour says it should make 12.

  • 1/2 C plus 2 T unsalted butter
  • 3/4 C self-rising cake flour (NOT all-purpose; you can do it with all-purpose but - as I discovered - it cut the number of cupcakes in half!)
  • 3 T sugar
  • 5 T brown sugar
  • 2 large eggs
  • 1 t vanilla extract
  • 1 t baking powder
  • 2-3 T milk
  1. First, you must burn the butter. There are some photos of these steps below the cupcake recipe.
    • Place butter in a small saucepan over medium heat, stirring constantly until it turns a dark golden color (3-5 minutes).
    • Take the pan off the heat and strain into a bowl (to separate from the sediment).
    • Let the butter sit until it solidifies, but is still a little soft. (This took almost 30 minutes because it’s hot here; if hot out, put in the fridge for about 10 minutes).
  2. When the butter is solid yet soft, place in a food processor along with ALL cupcake ingredients except milk. Blitz! (I don't own a food processor big enough to put everything in so I just used my Kitchen Aid.)
  3. Add milk slowly and pulse till well-mixed.
  4. Fill six cupcake liners to the top if you used all-purpose flour, or twelve cupcake liners halfway if you used self-rising cake flour.
  5. Bake at 400 F for for 15-20 minutes.
  6. When the cupcakes cool, use a paring knife to cut a hole in them and plop in a ball of cookie dough. See the photo at the top of this post.
Burnt Butter Photos

Here's what the strained stuff looks like from the burnt butter. Beautiful, right?

And here's the burnt butter. Mmmm. There is a recipe on Create! for burnt butter frosting which I may have to try some time.

This photo has nothing to do with burnt butter. It is an expression of the joy that spring is finally here and cupcakes can be eaten outdoors!


  1. Even if you did use self-rising flour there is no way that recipe would have yielded 12 cupcakes. 3/4 cup of any sort of flour is no where near enough.

  2. Wow you took cookie dough cupcakes to a new level. I want these!?!! :D

  3. What a fun cupcake for those cookie dough lovers! Also a Brown Butter Cupcake recipe sounds like a necessary staple in my baking recipe box. Yum!

  4. Is that giraffe + cupcake picture big enough to use as a desktop wallpaper? :) That is such a cute picture.

    And... I wish I had one of your cookie dough cupcakes right now!

  5. OH. MY. GAH. This is amazing, simply amazing. Not only does your cupcake base sound delicious (mmm, burnt butter cake...sign me up!), but the idea of having cookie dough AND cookie dough frosting is beyond good! How fabulous. I wish I could have one of these right now.

  6. Looks very good - will have to give it a try one day.

  7. Yay! We can eat cupcakes outside!

  8. wow, the cupcakes are smashing! and i am so making your carob cupcakes a couple of posts down!

  9. I think I just gained 5 pounds reading the blog post! :-) Amazing - I love cookie dough - this I'll have to try!

  10. As a huge raw cookie dough fan, very creative!

  11. Wow, those look great! I think I now have an obligation to make those for a certain cookie dough-loving boyfriend of mine.

  12. These look awesome! Cookie dough is the best.

  13. THAT looks really fun. And really...thick.

    I love it. You're my hero for coming up with the cookie dough frosting.

  14. Oh man, this recipe is a keeper!

  15. I loved your recipe. I used regular flour (I looked up what to use if you don't have self-rising and added the extra baking powder and salt). I did get 12 cupcakes. I have never had cupcakes disappear so quickly in my house. Thanks so much for sharing your recipe.

  16. this is delightful, will have to try it! :D

  17. Okay, so, I know this post is old, but I was saving this recipe for my husband's birthday because he looooves cookie dough. I made them today, and they are splendid. The cupcakes themselves are AMAZING! I splurged and bought really good butter from Whole Foods, and I think it was worth it because pretty much all the flavor comes from that glorious brown butter. Also, I used cake flour and added the extra baking powder and salt and I ended up with nine cupcakes. The cake flour, I think, was worth it. They were so tender. These cupcakes were pretty work-intensive, but they are so delicious and they get a huge stamp of approval from the cookie dough loving hubby!

  18. I didn't read through all of the comments to see if someone else tried this already, but I made some eggless snickerdoodle dough (your snickerdoodle recipe with ~3 T milk instead of the egg :) ), and even though I didn't actually make snickerdoodle cupcakes, I did take a bit of the plain brown butter cupcake with a bit of the snickerdoodle dough and WOW! Those two flavors compliment each other SO WELL! I think I'm going to try it in the whole cupcake form later this week!

    I made the mistake of using Ghiradelli double chocolate chips, and the strong chocolate flavor really overwhelmed the mild brown butter cake flavor... still yummy, but not quite what I was expecting... THANKS FOR SHARING!

  19. A substitute for self-rising flour is
    3/4 cup all-purpose flour
    1 teaspoon baking powder
    1/4 teaspoon salt

    and all ya gotta do is mix them together.

  20. i'm in love!! i cannot wait to make these!!

    thanks so much for sharing your love of cupcakes with the world!!

    xo ~ kristi

  21. I dont have a food prossessor or a kitchen aid, anything else i can use?

  22. gotta ask. i recently went to Arizona and found this dessert on a restaurant that was like a cookie dough cake covered with ice cream. is this alike? =)

  23. Anon - You could mix my hand.

    Ana - Hmm.. don't know what that one was like. This doesn't have any ice cream. I bet that was quite good though!

  24. I'm a vegetarian and i don't eat egg, so what would you recommend i replace the egg with? Thanx!

  25. Quick question, is cream necessary to make the cookie dough into frosting, or can milk be used?

  26. Sam - I would just recommend that you use a different, vegan recipe.

    Katy - Milk should work just fine.

  27. What does T stand for?

  28. u said your cupcakes turned out dense?? did they taste good?

    1. They did, but I'd still recommend my other brown butter cupcake over this one.

  29. Love it but can't eat raw cookie dough. :(

    Nancy, Denver Roofing Contractors

  30. yummy.
    my rework is here:

  31. Recently tried these out for myself! They were a massive hit! Thanks.
    Please check it out on the blog link below...

  32. Do you add chocolate chips to the brown butter cupcake recipe? I see in the picture that there are chocolate chips in the cupcake prior to adding the dough inside or the frosting. If so, how much do you add?

    1. Good question. Yes, add the chips. You can add as many as you'd like - somewhere between a 1/2 cup and a cup is usually good.


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