Monday, October 13, 2008


Wedding 2.0 is Over!

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Me with a caricature by my favorite
artist, Cbabi Bayoc, who was hired for Wedding 2.0.

I promised regular updates, but I just couldn't do it. I barely had time to breathe this weekend. Thanks for all of your comments, e-mails, and tweets. You guys are the best!

For those, like Ivy, who have asked what it takes to bake that many cupcakes, the answer is that it took me two full days (Saturday and Sunday).

To review, this was my week, starting on Thursday:
  • Thursday, I fasted for Yom Kippur.
  • Friday, I baked the entire day. Then, I wrote a quick post and headed out to the bachelorette party - which I and Bride 1.0 were running (so I couldn't be too late).
  • Saturday, I baked and frosted cupcakes the entire day. Then, I wrote a toast and headed to the rehearsal dinner. After dinner (around 10 PM) I obsessed about the decoration for the apple cinnamon cupcakes and stopped at two stores to buy some colored sugar.
  • Sunday, I had to be at the wedding at 8 AM to help set up. I worked from 8 AM until the time the wedding started on both cupcake and non-cupcake wedding set up tasks. Then, I worked the whole wedding as assistant photographer and female usher - taking a few breaks to eat, dance, and have my caricature done.
  • Post wedding, I collapsed!
Mid-day on Saturday, I started to get nervous. I wasn't sure if I would be able to get it all done and I hadn't had a second to write the toast (never mind that I could have written that well in advance). I don't like to ask for help, but when I need to, I do it.

HUGE thanks goes out to:
  • Kathi, for doing apple peeling, powdered sugar sifting, clean-up work, and piping when my arm was about to fall off.
  • Amie, for straightening my work area and for handing me a steady flow of cupcakes to frost and then moving them to boxes for transport. It's amazing what a little bit of organization and some good company can do to help you stay sane.
  • Nancy, for bringing Amie and me lunch and then sticking around to take over where Amie left off.
  • Jonathan, who helped in countless ways. If it weren't for him, there is no way that the cupcakes would have safely made it to the wedding.
Thanks also goes out to Michael, Elliot, and Brian who also helped out - every little bit counts. I truly appreciate everyone's support!

Jonathan and I (as his assistant photographer) took over 2900 photos at the wedding. That's about 40 GB of high-res photos! He's working on getting them together, and I'll be getting some up soon. I was reluctant to post without photos, but I figured that an update was definitely in order.

Aside from a couple of people, the wedding party was made up of some of my closest friends - several of whom were in our wedding party as well. I feel blessed to have some amazing friends who are always there for each other. We worked as a team all morning Sunday to get everything ready so the wedding could start on time. Even though it wasn't my wedding, seeing everyone come together to make Bride and Groom 2.0's wedding day happen (not just the cupcakes) reminded me of just how lucky I am.

To Bride and Groom 2.0 - your wedding was beautiful and I hope that your married life is as sweet as the cupcakes! Mazel Tov!


  1. Woo! Congrats to all involved. I can't wait to see the pictures.

  2. Congratulations! I've been following your progress with Bride and Groom 2.0 and it looks like all that hard work paid off. Now you can sit back and breathe a huge sigh of relief...until Bride and Groom 3.0.

  3. The cupcakes were so delicious! All your hardwork definitely paid off...I hope you can now catch up on some rest.

    PS: I loved your caricuture!

  4. Phew! Just reading that made me tired.

  5. Congrats to you and and happy couple! Not only do you have great friends but I think your friends have a wonderful friend in you!

  6. Congrats, to the bride and groom, and to you for making all of those cupcakes!

    This post is lovely, I was married recently, and it was very much a team effort, due to our budget. This made me smile, thinking about how lucky I am too!

  7. Stef, it was an honor to help you with the cupcakes.. I even bragged about it to other people at the wedding! ;) You are amazing!!

  8. (Kathi) Grinnnnnnnn!!! That was SO much fun!!! I was really glad to help, and VERY glad to actually get to taste some of the legendary Cupcake Project Cupcakes - they live up to the pictures AND the stories :-D Congrats on a job well done!

  9. Ian - You need not wait any longer.

    Tanya - Thanks for leaving a comment! People keep asking about 3.0 and I can't even bring myself to think about it yet. I'll have to figure that all out soon.

    Kim - :)

    Mindi - It was great seeing you! Glad you enjoyed the cupcakes!

    Kamailes - Me too.

    Anon1 - That's so sweet! Thanks so much.

    Lisa - Isn't it the best to have good friends.

    Friendly and Kathi - Glad you guys enjoyed helping. You guys are the best!


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