Monday, November 19, 2007


Christmas Cupcakes - Holiday Cupcakes for the Starbucks Addict

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Christmas Cupcakes Important Public Service Announcement

Christmas cupcakes look oh so cute with candy canes, but I have an important Christmas cupcake warning for you. Candy canes melt in the cold. Take a candy cane, stick it in a Christmas cupcake, and place in the fridge. It turns into a dripping candy cane icicle looking thing.

If you like the icicle effect, by all means stick them in the fridge. Otherwise, place your candy canes in the Christmas cupcakes right before serving.

Many of my tasters pointed out that I shouldn't have used candy canes at all given my "no mint on cupcakes" policy. I saw the candy cane as more of an accessory though, not a cupcake flavor. It was something that would not affect my ability to taste the cupcake and determine if it was good or not.

Unfortunately, when they melted on the icing, I was foiled by the evil mint. The mint flavor (that I equate to the taste of toothpaste) infiltrated my delicious frosting!

Regularly Scheduled Programming

The Bride and Groom wanted me to try creating an eggnog cupcake for them. Like all good Jewish people, I gladly accepted the opportunity to create a new Christmas classic (according to interfaith family, over 1/2 of the top Christmas songs were were composed, co-written or performed by verifiably Jewish artists).

If you love coffee, you will love these cupcakes. It's a bold statement I know, but market research on my friends proved that 100% of coffee lovers loved these (well, at least the frosting).

My mother-in-law, who has tasted almost every cupcake I have made and is also a true coffee fan, said this was the very best frosting I have ever made. My good friend over at Everybody Loves Cheese (and coffee) said she could have eaten the icing with a spoon.

What about the eggnog? The eggnog flavor was definitely there, although it was somewhat mild. It went really well with the latte. Thanks, Starbucks, for the idea.

My only complaint about these cupcakes is that they could have been a bit more moist. These are definitely cupcakes that you will need to have with a glass of milk or, of course, eggnog!

The Eggnog Cake

The cake is a recipe with I modified from here.
  • 4 cups cake flour (not self-rising)
  • 2 teaspoons baking powder
  • 2 teaspoons baking soda
  • 1 1/2 teaspoons salt
  • 2 sticks (1 cup) unsalted butter, softened
  • 2 cups sugar
  • 2 teaspoons vanilla
  • 4 large eggs
  • 1 3/4 cups eggnog
  • 1/4 cup dark rum

Preheat oven to 350°F. and line twenty-four 1/2-cup muffin cups with paper liners.
Into a bowl, sift together flour, baking powder, baking soda, and salt. In a large bowl with an electric mixer beat together butter and sugar until light and fluffy and beat in vanilla. Add eggs 1 at a time, beating well after each addition, and with mixer on low speed beat in eggnog and rum until just combined. Add flour mixture in 3 batches, beating until just combined after each addition.

The Latte Frosting

I got the base recipe for the frosting from the winning recipe of the cupcake hero clove contest.

I loved the texture of this frosting so much that I had to use it again. I just modified the ingredients slightly to create my latte frosting.

  • 1 cup chilled whipping cream
  • 8 oz mascarpone
  • 2 teaspoon coffee extract
  • 1/4 cup ground coffee
  • 2 to 3 cups confectioner's sugar (depending upon how thick you prefer frosting)
Whip up whipping cream in mixer until soft peaks begin to form. Fold in mascarpone, coffee extract, and coffee grinds. Then while mixing over low speed, slowly add the confectioner's sugar one cup at a time, being careful not to over whip frosting.

The Snowflake Sprinkles

I got those adorable snowflake sprinkles at Shop Bakers Nook. I don't see them there any more, but these are pretty similar, just blue and white.


  1. Why "no mint on cupcakes"? That seems rather silly.

  2. I am just one of those people who refuses to bake or cook anything that I don't like and I don't like mint. The other big one is peanut butter. I just don't like it. I know it's popular, but too bad.

  3. I love how firm you are on the no mint policy. I happen to be a fan of mint, but I appreciate the firm stance anyway.

    This cupcake was made for me. I would probably sell my soul for an eggnog latte. My favorite is when they have the stuff left over after the holiday season and they let you have an eggnog latte even though its no longer on the menu.

  4. This is adorable! And I love the post name, hehe.

    I personally enjoy the Starbucks gingerbread lattes. Got a cupcake for those? :)

  5. Sara - Hah. Glad you like them!

    Hillary - That's so funny. The Bride just told me today that she wants me to make a gingerbread latte cupcake so I guess one will be coming up!

  6. I LOVE LOVE LOVE what you did with the frosting- but I'm a certifiable coffee addict. Starbucks knows me by name. They may even have rights to my first born. Makes me think of Tiramisu- maybe try this frosting on an amaretto cupcake??
    My lil' beastie is a certifiable eggnog addict (what 10 year old asks for eggnog on her Christmas list anyways?!?!) so I'm gonna have to do some good ol fashion recipe stealing, errr, borrowing on this one me thinks... Thanks much!

  7. Ok, so I am a baking novice. Where does one find mascarpone and how do I get coffee extract?

  8. Tempered Woman - Thanks! Couldn't have done it without your yummy frosting base! It would be great on an amaretto cupcake. Great idea!

    Manda - You can find mascarpone at most supermarkets that have a good cheese counter. As for coffee extract, that's harder. I ordered mine online.

    It would probably be fine without the extract, just maybe not quite as strong a coffee flavor.

  9. Define 'coffee grounds' we mean actual ground coffee, or instant?

  10. i live in a country where store bought egg nog does not exist , would it be ok to use the kind you make yourself ?

  11. Anya - I don't see why that wouldn't work. However, if your homemade kind has rum in it, I wouldn't add the extra rum in the recipe unless you want it really rummy.

  12. I loved, loved, loved this cupcake ... it was my favorite of all the ones I tried.

    I must make some of these too ... soon!

  13. Hi! I have just stumbled upon your blog, having google searched 'candy cane' for ideas for my wedding! I think we may be having cupcakes with candy canes in now!

    Your blog is utterly fantastic!

  14. One way to make the cake itself moist, as my mom suggested, would be to make a coffee reduction/simple syrup and brush the cakes before they're frosted. Perhaps do that and then put less coffee in the frosting? We made some today, and they were delicious, but that was perhaps a bit much on the coffee. This frosting recipe is immaculate...

  15. Recently found your site - LOVE IT!Can't wait to make these cupcakes - though I guess I should wait till closer to the holidays! My husband LOOOOVVVEES eggnog, so I think these will be right up his alley. Since he is not a frosting fan, I think I will use your cream whipper trick and make a whipped cream frosting.

  16. I love this recipe and the gingerbread one.

    Have you ever thought of making a "mudslide" cupcake?

    My mom is a huge fan of Kahlua, and for some reason starts bringing it out more around this time of year. I think a warm mudslide cupcake would be awesome!

    Id do it myself, but Im not sure where to start!

  17. Bebe - Thanks! I haven't made mudslide cupcakes, but I totally should. Great idea!

  18. I was wondering which tip you use to make the ruffled frosting?

  19. Anon - I wish I remember how I did it! I should have written it down. If I remember, I'll let you know. Sorry!

  20. But mint choc chip is one of the best flavours ever!
    To each his own. I'm not a fan of caramel, toffee or nougat which wipes out a lot of sweets for me.
    These egg nog latte cupcakes look totally adorable and scrummy :)

  21. If you live near Seattle WA, Dawn's Cake and Candy in Kirkland has these little white snowflake sprinkles (and a whole lot more fun stuff for baking and candy!).

  22. I made these recently and they were quite tasty. I did fill them with eggnog pastry cream. Twas delicious, if a bit messy.

  23. These sound delicious...I may have to try them.

    Also the frosting looks to me like it was done with a leaf tip. =)

  24. oh oh! How long do you bake these? Just noticed that was omitted and I have them in the oven!

    1. 20 minutes. Hopefully you took them out. Sorry about that!


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