Sunday, April 29, 2012


How to Turn Cookie Dough Into Frosting

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I've posted about cookie dough frosting before (see my posts on chocolate chip cookie dough frosting and peanut butter cookie dough frosting), but did you know that you can easily create your own cookie dough frosting out of any cookie dough?  The next time that you bake cookies and find yourself licking the beater, take a moment to think about how incredible that cookie dough would taste on top of a cake or cupcake.  Imagine oatmeal raisin cookie dough frosting on maple cupcakes, snickerdoodle cookie dough frosting on pumpkin cupcakes, or shortbread cookie dough frosting on apple cupcakes.

How to Turn Cookie Dough Into Frosting
  1. Start with any cookie recipe.
  2. If there are eggs in the recipe, leave them out.  Although I eat raw cookie dough with eggs (tsk, tsk) all of the time, you can get sick from raw eggs.
  3. Remove any baking powder or baking soda from the recipe.  These are in the recipe to help the cookies rise.  Since you aren't baking cookies, you don't need leavening agents.
  4. Remove any mix-ins from the recipe. Instead of mixing raisins, chocolate chips, dried fruit, etc., into your cookie dough, sprinkle them on top of the cookie dough frosting as decoration. 
  5. Mix all remaining ingredients together in a large bowl.  Don't worry about the order that you add the ingredients.  Since you aren't baking the cookies, the specific recipe instructions don't matter.
  6. Evaluate the thickness of the batter.  If it's too thin (unlikely since most cookie batters are thick), add flour a tablespoon at a time until the batter is a good consistency to pipe. If the batter is too thick, add milk a tablespoon at a time until the batter is a good consistency to pipe.
  7. Pipe or spread on cooled cupcakes or cake.
I don't promise that this method will work for every single cookie dough out there, but it should work with most of them.  I'd love to hear what recipes you experiment with and how they come out.  Leave a comment on this post or share photos on the Cupcake Project Facebook page.


  1. a-hwhaaat?? this is amazing! i've never heard of such a thing! okay cookie dough frosting is about to change my life, i think...

  2. Sounds delicious, but according to this NYTimes article (, uncooked flour may be more likely than eggs to carry salmonella.

    1. Thanks for the link. I read the article and others on the subject and I don't feel that the risk is great enough to change my behavior. Obviously, you need to make the choice that is right for you.

    2. What if you use powdered sugar in place of the flour?

    3. That is exactly what I was thinking when I read this because of the whole flour issue. Plus, the sugar would make the frosting even sweeter.

  3. Oh my goodness!!! x

  4. I am going to try this the next time I make cupcakes. Thank you for the tips.

  5. The thought never entered my head. I sure am glad you shared this.

  6. I never considered combining the two, but I suppose it makes sense that you, who brought us the cupcake/icecream challenge, would also think to combine the two mediums. What's next - cupcake pies? Actually, that's a really good idea... I'd better get onto that!

  7. How many cupcakes will this frost? I'm wanting to do this for my son's birthday party!

  8. This reminds my of when my husband and I would literally make cookie dough without the eggs, sit on the couch, and eat the entire bowl.

    I should be embarrassed...but I am not.

    1. I think that's awesome, have no shame!

    2. my husband and i do that *all*the*time*

      i don't think we'll ever stop!!

  9. I just have to say this- you are amazing. That is all.

  10. That's like licking (raw) flour?! Sorry it doesn't work for me!

  11. you could always toast the flour a bit to get rid of the 'raw' state. might even taste toastier.

  12. This is genius, really, such a wonderful and creative idea!

  13. Not to be a downer, but the USDA says people get sick from the flour in cookie dough more often then the raw eggs. I guess flour raw can have samanella and make you sick if not cooked to proper tempature. it was on Good Morning America a couple of months ago. just thought I would mention this.

  14. Thanks to everyone for the warnings about flour and eggs and salmonella.... But I totally think this is a great idea! I want to try it, only one concern: seems it might be too rich. But I'm not complaining, I'd eat a whole batch of raw cookie dough (and throw it up later, but hey, who cares? ;D)

  15. Hang on a minute... isn't this basically buttercream with flour added??? And as for raw egg making you sick doesn't that only apply if the eggs are bad? Mayonnaise is mostly made up of raw egg, (although most commercial brands admittedly contain pasteurized egg). Meringue is made with raw egg and isn't always cooked through. It's the very young and old who need to watch their raw egg intake. (Just my knowledge from reading stuff. I don't claim to be an expert. :-)


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