Saturday, June 19, 2010


Blueberry Granola Chocolate Chunk Cupcakes on Paula Deen

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This month, the folks over at Paula Deen asked me to come up with a blueberry cupcake recipe.  Blueberry has never been one of my favorite flavors.  I didn't like blueberries at all until I discovered that not all blueberries are huge and flavorless - like most of the ones you can find at the supermarket.  Last summer, I bought a bag of fresh, tiny blueberries at our local farmers' market and ate almost the whole bag in one sitting. I'm now a blueberry believer!

I wanted to give Paula Deen's readers a blueberry cupcake that would be special (not interchangeable with all the mediocre blueberry muffins out there) and, as is always my rule, it had to be something that I would like.  I ended up with these:
These blueberry cupcakes have fresh blueberries, granola (I used my homemade blueberry granola), chocolate chunks, maple syrup, and apple butter, and they're topped with homemade whipped cream.

Head on over to Paula Deen's site to get the recipe!


  1. Yum!
    I've just been given some verjus/verjuice - I had no idea what it was but it looks good! Any ideas on how to use it in cupcakes?

  2. very nice! I have some blueberries in my fridge right now that I could:
    A) Add them to some yogurt for a healthy breakfast...
    B) Make these super yummy looking cupcakes.

    seriously, who are we kidding, we both know that this is no contest :)

  3. Karina - I hadn't heard of it either. But, I just looked into it. I wonder if you could mix a little bit of it into whipped cream, like I do with balsamic vinegar. Now, I really want to get my hands on some.

    Cookies - Hah! Enjoy!

  4. I love the idea of incorporating apple butter. Well Done! I've been having a lot of success using whole wheat pastry flour in replace of all-purpose flour in my muffin tin experiments such as these blueberry honey muffins:


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