Friday, December 4, 2009


Banana Whipped Cream with Cacao Nibs

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Banana whipped cream is the ultimate in decadence for the banana lover. Use it to top even the most boring desserts (if you're short on time, you could even use a store-bought cake) and you'll be sure to impress. Mixing in some crunchy cacao nibs takes the whipped cream to the next level of dessert heaven.

Banana Whipped Cream Recipe

Tip: Most recipes that call for bananas recommend that you use overripe bananas because they are extra sweet. This requires advance planning. If you have a spur of the moment desire to bake with bananas, you can microwave a not-so-ripe banana to bring out its sweetness.
  • 1/2 C heavy whipping cream
  • 1/3 C sugar
  • 1 banana
  • 1/4 cup cacao nibs
  1. Whip heavy whipping cream until it looks like whipped cream.
  2. Mix in sugar until incorporated.
  3. Peel and slice banana.
  4. Microwave the slices for 45 seconds. (This may vary by microwave. You are looking for something very soft, but not liquid.)
  5. Mash the microwaved banana and let it come to room temperature.
  6. Stir the banana and cacao nibs into the whipped cream.
Where Did You Get That GORGEOUS Cupcake Wrapper?

The gorgeous cupcake wrapper came from Alison of Sugar Cat Studio. I am excited to announce that Sugar Cat Studio is going to be a sponsor of Wedding 3.0!!! I'll be showcasing a variety of wrappers from Sugar Cat Studio in the months leading up to the wedding, and Alison will be creating custom wrappers for Bride and Groom 3.o's big day!

Don't wait to see her designs here, though - go check them out on her etsy site now. They would make a great gift for a cupcake lover. I adored the box they came in with the cute cupcake sticker!

Coming Soon

The cupcake under the frosting is up next.


  1. Your banana whipped cream with cacao nibs looks so wonderfully delicious. It'll be easily be the perfect whip cream for almost any cake.

    Thanks for providing the recipe for this awesome whip cream.

  2. LOVE the wrappers!! What do you use to bake the cupcakes in since it looks like they're placed in the wrappers afterwards?

  3. The banana frosting looks delicious!
    I would love one of the cute wrappers!

  4. Vicky - You bake in any cupcake liner that you have on hand. Then, slip the lined cupcake into the decorative wrapper.

  5. I have made this before and used it to top hot cocoa- hot chocolate with a tablespoon of peanut butter in it of course! My little cousins just love the twist on traditional hot cocoa.

  6. Banana whipped cream sounds so good!

  7. That sounds decadent! banana whipped cream...yummy!! :)

  8. I tried this, and it's super awesome! It makes approximately 1 cup of finished cream. I did add less sugar; even with 1/4c, the cream was still PLENTY sweet. 3-4 TB would probably be enough. 1/3c would be overwhelming for me. Definitely add in the cacao nibs!! But again, 1/4 c was overkill. I scaled it back to 3TB and everything was fabulous. Thanks for sharing this idea!

  9. This may sound very odd, but at the request of my 4 yr old great niece, she is wanting to make a banana cream pie with banana icing. I cam across this recipe and it looks like it would be light enough to do so. Am I correct or do you have another suggestion? Thank you :) Cassie

  10. Cassie - It is really light and quite delicious. I've never made banana cream pie, but I don't see why it wouldn't work. Interesting choice from a 4 year old!

  11. Hi there,

    Am wondering if there is a need to add lemon juice to prevent the banana from 'turning black?'
    Or it'll be ok in the whipped cream?
    Thank you!

  12. RL - I did not have a problem with it turning black.

  13. Wondering if there is any substitution for the Cacao nibs, I haven't been able to find them by me even at Wegmons and Whole Foods. I read on another site that semi-sweet morsels can be used as a substitute but that didn't sound like it would work logistically. Any thoughts?

    1. You could always use mini chocolate chips.


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