Tuesday, March 10, 2009


How Many of These Ingredients Do You Have in Your Pantry?

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I often bake using basic pantry staples. Many of you could replicate those cupcake recipes without taking a trip to the store. My next cupcake, however, will likely require some shopping.

I never would have thought of creating a cupcake with carob, barley, chicory, almonds, dates, and figs were it not for Teeccino. After enjoying the flavor combination in beverage form, I thought, "Why not combine them all in a cupcake!" People often ask me how I get inspiration for cupcakes - well, this is it. I had a list of flavors and headed to the store to find them.

In order to make my Teeccino-inspired carob cupcake, I had to buy every item shown in the picture above except the almonds (almonds are a pantry staple for me). This got me wondering - how stocked are the pantries of my readers?

How many of the following do you have in your pantry? (Bragging rights and public accolades to the person who has the highest number.)
  1. Any brand of barley wine
  2. Dates (whole, pitted, date jam, or baking dates)
  3. Figs (whole or fig jam)
  4. Chicory
  5. Sliced almonds
  6. Carob molasses


  1. I'm like Old Mother Hubbard....my cupboards are bare. I only have the bare essentials at home. When I plan on baking something, I usually have to buy a few ingredients to complete the recipe.

  2. I am pretty good at having all the baking and cooking ingredients I need for a recipe but, you have stumped me. I have none of the ingredients you list. Hurrmmmm!

  3. I have the almonds, but only because I recently made a flourless cake. I tend to re-stock the basics, and buy anything extra from bake to bake.

  4. I have all of them! I cook and bake A LOT. I eat figs and dates as a snack. MMmmmm.

  5. Fig preserves are the only thing on that list that I keep stocked. And that's only because I eat a lot of cheese and crackers! (Fig preserves go swimmingly with a cheese plate...)

  6. Cupcake Activist - That's prob good. That way stuff doesn't go bad.

    Ivy - Well, it's a unique list. Like I said, I only had one.

    Lisa - Makes sense. I end up with lots of extra stuff cause I buy to bake but don't use it all.

    Fluffy - WOW!!! I'm curious what you typically use the carob molasses for.

    Igk - Good point. Fig and cheese are so yummy together!

  7. I always have almonds, and I like to have a ton of dried fruit so I have the figs and the dates, but any of the rest of it, no way!!

  8. Hmmm none of those things :( - I only have the very basics.

  9. Yes to:
    Dates - always have pitted in the pantry.
    Figs - dried and jam. Actually...today I have fresh as well - I went to a farmer's market yesterday!
    Sliced almonds - and meal, blanched, slivered, flaked and whole.

    While I don't have carob molasses I do have general run of the mill molasses. And I while I don't have chicory I have chicory essence.

    Barley wine - didn't know what it was!

  10. Jenny - Yeah, those are the ones I figured more people would have.

    Reddeer - Perhaps you'll be inspired to get some of them.

    Kratzy - Oooh.. pretty close. And 3 kinds of fig - wow!! What do you do with your chicory essence?

  11. RE: Chicory essence. I think it is a British thing as it came from my Grandmother - not sure because I'm Australian - but I ocassionally add it to my coffee! If you read "new age" type of things it gives a sense of comfort and security.

  12. Oddly enough, I have dates and almonds. I'm even surprised to have two of those ingredients. :)

  13. I have.... none. Though there are usually sliced or whole almonds floating around my home, my sister/roommate has eaten them all! I guess we sometimes have figs and/or dates, but my sister is really into prunes right now so those have taken over the seat of Dried-Fruit-Of-Choice in the house.

  14. Dates, almonds and figs. I have carob powder and regular molasses. I have never seen carob molasses for sell. Is it in the baking aisle? But then, I tend to space out after awhile in the grocery store. Too much stimulation for my wee little brain, lol! I know what chicory is and I avoid it at all costs...blech!!

  15. Any brand of barley wine - nope
    Dates (whole, pitted, date jam, or baking dates) - actually I recently bought some AND was given some by my aunt!
    Figs (whole or fig jam) - not yet but I have a fig tree...
    Chicory - nada
    Sliced almonds - whole, not slice :(
    Carob molasses - never even heard of it!

    I guess I'm not well-stocked at all!

  16. I love your blog, you have the most creative receipts.


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