Sunday, February 15, 2009


Pickle and Ice Cream Cupcakes

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Update: These pickle and ice cream cupcakes were featured in People magazine and on FOX 2 news!!

Yes, that's me! While you might think my belly is just big from eating so many cupcakes, that is not the case! I'm having a baby! To answer the questions that I've been asked a million times:
  • Yes, we are going to find out the sex - that will be in March.
  • No, we don't care either way, as long as it's healthy.
  • I'm due on Aug. 8.
  • No, I haven't had morning sickness. However, my stomach does feel weird most of the time and I have a constant request in to Jonathan to press on my stomach - hard.
  • Yes, I have cleared with my OB that this will not hurt the baby.
  • No, I have not had any weird food cravings.
Despite my lack of cravings, I simply couldn't announce my pregnancy here on Cupcake Project without making pickle and ice cream cupcakes. I like pickles and I like ice cream, but I fully expected these cupcakes to taste NASTY!

Did the Pregnant Lady (Me) Like The Pickle and Ice Cream Cupcakes?

Shockingly, I really liked the pickle and ice cream cupcakes. The cupcakes themselves tasted like a pickle in cake form. The prominent flavor was definitely dill and they were somewhat eggy like a dill quiche - not very sweet. If you like dill and you like pickles or you have a pregnant woman in your life who has a good sense of humor, you might consider making these cupcakes.

But, my favorite part of eating these cupcakes was actually dipping the pickle in the ice cream and sucking it off. I couldn't believe that I liked that combination of flavors. Weird! Do pregnant women like pickles and ice cream because they are phallic? Do I realize that my grandma reads this?

Pickle Cupcake Recipe

Makes 8 cupcakes

  • 1 C flour
  • 3/4 t baking powder
  • 1/4 t baking soda
  • 1/2 t ground dill
  • 1/2 t salt
  • 1/4 t onion powder
  • 6 T butter, room temperature
  • 1/3 C sugar
  • 1 egg
  • 1/3 C sour cream
  • 1/3 C dill pickle juice (the liquid from the pickle jar)
  • 1/3 C finely chopped dill pickles
  1. Whisk flour, baking soda, baking powder, dill, salt, and onion powder in a medium-sized bowl.
  2. Beat butter and sugar in a large bowl until light and fluffy.
  3. Beat in eggs and sour cream until blended.
  4. Alternately fold in flour mixture and pickle juice, beginning and ending with the flour.
  5. Fold in the chopped pickles.
  6. Fill cupcake liners 3/4 full.
  7. Bake at 350 F for about 25 minutes or until a toothpick comes out of the cupcake clean.
The Ice Cream

I topped the cupcake with vanilla ice cream. Can anyone think of a flavor that would go better with pickle? The topic had never come up for me before and I figured vanilla would be a safe bet.


  1. Where were you when I was pregnant (so many years ago)??? I would have killed for pickle and ice cream cupcakes. Seriously- congrats! Enjoy every minute. Much love + best wishes for you and the baby (and Dad, of course!).

  2. Totally hilarious - and wonderful! Congratulations, Stef. Eat all the cupcakes you want. :)

  3. Ha, that is AWESOME. Congrats!!

    My Grandpa (and my dad) have a real thing for combining salty/sweet. Their fave combo:

    Pickles, Ice cream, chocolate cake, peanuts, jellybeans. All together.

  4. LMAO! That photo of the pickle sticking out of the ice cream is priceless. Although now all I can picture is you sucking ice cream off one in front of your Grandma. LOL

    Congratulations (again)!

  5. Ha! What a fantastic post! Just perfect! We are so thrilled for you guys!!!

  6. Karina - Really? Did you actually crave pickles and ice cream? I wasn't sure if that was just an old wives tale.

    Marilyn - Thanks! I have been! :)

    Krista - Wow. Umm.. interesting family you've got. :)

    Sydney - Thanks and that is so not going to happen, ever!

    Meagan - Thanks! Glad you enjoyed. I figured it was time to share the news.

  7. Omgosh!! Congratulations! I remember when my mom was preggers with my youngest brother. She would eat snickers dipped in pickle juice! GROSSSSS! LOL. Gotta love pregnant woman food cravings. Looking forward to future cupcake creations during pregnancy. ;)

  8. What a great sense of humor! Congrats! (I worry about myself because I am not pregnant, yet I'm totally up for trying one of those cupcakes :) )

  9. Pickles Ahoy!
    Our Annabel was born on 8/8...a great day to have a baby. Best wishes to you both.

  10. Congratulations! Your baby's due date is right on my birthday, and very auspicious day :) I actually do have a pregnant friend and I'm seriously considering making a few of these cupcakes for her...though I don't know if they'll actually be eaten.

  11. CB - Wow. That does sound gross. :) You have to wonder where people get the idea to try these things?

    Elyse - They actually aren't bad. Although, so far the only one who's had one other than me is Jonathan and he hates pickles. I do think that people would like pickles would like them, but I have no proof of that just yet.

    Karen - Thanks! It would be cooler if it was 8/8/08, but what can you do?

    Anna - It would totally crack me up if anyone actually made them. So.. do you like having your bday on 8-8?

  12. Congratulations! I'm due in 2 weeks, so it's neat to see someone at a different phase of things.

    I have had no weird cravings, but will definitely make these at some point post-baby just for the fun of it!

  13. Liz - Oooh! Congrats to you!! How exciting!

  14. Kudos to Demi Moore whose pregnant photo years ago made it socially acceptable to share the wonderful pictures.

    I craved cucumbers in their natural state, and I always crave ice cream.

    Your Grandma is hip and cool and so infanticipating that none of the assorted mental pickle images will shock her.

  15. Oh my gosh, that's hilarious!

    Congratulations on the pregnancy! I craved pickles too (mainly on burgers) and now kid refuses to eat them!

  16. Aiii -- you are nuts, woman! When he/she grows up and says, Mom, how did you tell the world that I was going to be born? you're going to have to tell him/her about Pickles & Ice Cream cupcakes. Congrats to Mum-to-be and Dad-to-be both!

  17. Congratulations! That last photo and grandma comment killed me!

  18. OH....congratulations! I think your tummy looks gorgeous!

    Thanks for the comment about the soda concentrates. I'm buying some of these today!

  19. wow, congrats!! that's awesome that you came up with this recipe :)

    best wishes

  20. Oh wow.

    Hehe. I'm so glad that I'm not the only strange one who makes weird food and/or strange comments (questionable?) hehee.

    Congrats on your pregnancy. :D

  21. Well, hot diggity! I'm very happy for the two of you!

  22. Congratulations! Have the baby on my birthday (8/2) and we will all celebrate together. I craved french fries and orange juice. I also had to have a tiny piece of chocolate every day.

  23. yesss! I HAD to have pickles constantly when I was pregnant. I loved pickles and ice cream long before that though, and to answer your question... just about any flavor tastes awesome with pickles. Im not much for very fruity ice creams though so they may be funky. YAY! try everything! congratulations!!!!!!!!!

  24. Yay, congratulations!! :) You are due just a week after my sister in law! I can totally see this being a tasty cupcake. I am all about the salty/sweet combo!

  25. Congrats (again) to you and J... this post is brilliant! Very cool stuff

  26. how totally random :)
    There was a store next to my apartment a few years ago called Ice cream and Pickles: of course it was for pregnant women!

  27. good god..they are amazing. as a woman with a pickle tattoo and a vegan cupcake baking fiend... i think i need to do a vegan version of these cupcakes. instead of vanilla icecream however, i will use peanut butter vegan icecream as i/m a huge fan of peanut butter and pickle sandwiches on multigrain bread and know it will work just as well with cupcakes...i am seriously so excited i/m squeeling...thankyou so much!! x

  28. Wow! Thanks so much everyone for your congrats! It means so much to me.

    Fake Ginger - Hmm.. so there goes the kids like the things you eat in pregnancy theory.

    Michelle - Oh good! Glad I could help!

    Hannah - You are definitely not alone. :)

    Toontz - I've had a tiny piece of chocolate every day both before and during pregnancy.

    Miss Shell - Awesome! You'll have to tell me how they turn out!

  29. What a funny post. Congrats, by the way! :)

  30. LOVE that last pic. I guess you could real call that food porn.

    Congrats on your pregnancy and impending baby!

    Loved this post.

  31. Wow! You blow my mind every time.
    I really wan to try your intriguing pickle cupcake recipe.
    I can't wiat to see if you will have a boy or girl. :) It's so exciting!

    P.s. Send the pic we took together. :)

  32. Congratulations! How marvelous :-)

    Has Elliot started making puns about a bun (or cupcake) in the oven?


  33. Congrats,so happy for you both! I adore dill & pickles,no pregnancies for me,but I'll give them a try anyway and let you know! LOL While pregnant with my last set of twins,I had to have slush puppies daily,generally grape or raspberry,but orange,watermelon or strawberry were good exchanges,if no puppies available DH had to keep me well stocked in popsicles.We had the first set of twins helping me polish off those & my then 14yr old.

  34. Congrats! I have to say, these don't sound very tempting. I do love pickles and I do love ice cream. Maybe next time I'm pregnant or feelin' crazy I'll have to give these a chance.

  35. Not that pregnant women are crazy.

  36. These were delicious! The person who said that they were eggy and quiche-like got it right. I got mine from a friend close close to the source, and it was the perfect thing to eat this morning.


    pumpkin eater

  37. How is it I missed this post? A HUGE congratulations to you and yours Stef! I'm thrilled for you! Now, I must go back and pick up that link for those Oreo Cookies. Their anniversary is coming up in March and I want to add it to the post I did last year.


  38. What a great post. Congratulations!

  39. ROFL - I am cracking up! And yes, the 1st thing I thought of when I saw that last picture was a you know what... ha!

  40. Congrats! And its not the pregnancy- pickles and ice cream taste good together because they have the salty/sweet thing going on. I actually accidently discovered I really liked pickles and chocolate pudding together. Don't ask how that happened.

  41. Congratulations!

  42. OMG...Stef thanks so much for sharing and I don't think I knew you were pregnant either. This is hysterical and the photos are cracking me up! You are so creative and I can't believe how you've kept up with posts. I've slacked since this baby is draining me....but not enough to still eat ice cream! It's tempting but not sure I can bring myself to try this one!

  43. I just love your last presentation picture!! OMG
    Congratulations on your expected new family member.

  44. well idk about pickles and ice cream but i have tried these things called koolickles which are big sour dill pickles marinated in sweet coolaid--there a little salty sour and sweet and besides being bright red the flavor actually grows on you

  45. i always said that if people saw me eating a pickle, i must be pregnant, but no, i didn't have one pickle, can't stand them...
    it was funny actually, when i was just pregnant and no one knew about it, i was visiting my parents and 2 of my sisters were eating pickles (one married, one not). and this lady walked in and asked: how many of you are pregnant, and i looked up in alarm, how did she know? but she wasn't even looking at me, she was looking at the pickle eaters...

  46. CM - Funny story. :) Pickles are definitely not for everyone.

  47. When I was pregnant with my daughter (17 years ago!) i LOVED pickles in chocolate ice cream. SOund gross, but actually was very satisfying. To this day, both my kids occaisionally drink a little pickle juice when the pickle jar is empty...

    PS-Butler Indiana has a an annual pickle festival. This year I plan to take some of their pickle ice cream and deep fried pickles and revisit this recipe...

  48. congratulations! i bet you'll get tons of traffic from that little shout out! how did the cupcake turn out, was it yummy?

  49. This is too funny!!! I myself am 8 months pregnant and had a pickle craving early in the pregnancy...but never with cupcakes or ice cream. What's weird is that the more I read your post, the more is actually sounded good to me...hmmm...maybe I should try it...
    If nothing else...thanks for making me laugh.

  50. You really should think about writing a book called "Whimsical Cupcakes". I bet you would sell tons of them. I know I'd buy one.

  51. What about peanut butter frosting for the pickle cupcakes?! I recently tried a peanut butter and pickle sandwich and I loved the flavors together! Just throwing it out there! =)

  52. yay!thanks for this recipe! im pregnant and just yesterday I ate a whole jar of pickles...and a shit ton of sweets. Now i can condense my cravings!

  53. Its 11:15 pm. I just found your blog and looking at one recipe led to 5 other which led to this one. This was a hilarious post! Love the phallic remark & loved the picture of the pickle in the icecream... I think that makes me a perv. Oddly enough I want to bake...instead hem... eat pickles

  54. Ooooh such an interesting cupcake should definitely give it a try.


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