Monday, September 29, 2008


Pecan Butter Frosting with Chocolate and Bourbon

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The tricky part about pecan butter frosting is getting your hands on some pecan butter. Pecan butter is not something that is sold in most stores. It is, however, fairly easy to make nut butter yourself - but there is a trick.

Pecans don't have as much oil as peanuts or even cashews, so you will need to add in a few tablespoons of vegetable oil as you make it or it will take forever. By forever, I mean over 3 hours (which is how long Jonathan spent trying to make pecan butter for me the first time I made this frosting). You could, of course, make this frosting with any other nut butter you happened to already have sitting around. However, the pecan butter is so yummy!

Pecan Butter Frosting with Chocolate and Bourbon Recipe
  • 1/2 C butter, softened
  • 1 C pecan nut butter (check out my instructions on how to make nut butters)
  • 1 T milk (more or less to taste)
  • 2 T bourbon
  • 2 T cocoa powder
  • 2 C confectioners' sugar
  1. Place the butter and pecan nut butter into a medium bowl and beat with an electric mixer.
  2. Gradually mix in the sugar and cocoa.
  3. When the frosting starts to get thick, incorporate milk and bourbon one tablespoon at a time until all of the sugar is mixed in and the frosting is thick and spreadable.
  4. Beat for at least 3 minutes for it to get good and fluffy.
Note: The color variety in the frostings in the photo comes from using different varieties of chocolate and more or less milk.


  1. Do you have a written out recipe for pecan butter?

  2. Simply fill your food processor with nuts and start processing. You'll need to stop and scrape down the sides regularly. Add small amounts (about 1 T for every cup of nuts) of vegetable oil after the nuts are already ground very finely and are starting to get buttery. Add more oil if needed to get the consistency you want.

  3. this is an awesome butter frosting, something I will mate a date with , real soon!

  4. Big Boys - Fun! Let me know how it goes.

  5. that looks so good! ive never had pecan butter before but i like pb and i like pecans better than peanuts sooo i think id like these!

  6. As autumn rolls in, I'm craving pecans like mad. Wish I had some of these cupcakes tonight!


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