Tuesday, June 10, 2008


Food Photography Tips

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I interrupt my regularly scheduled cupcake blogging to let you know that Jonathan has a post up on Digital Photography School about food photography. If you are interested in some tips for taking better pictures of your food, go check it out!

Jonathan is usually the one reading all of my blog posts. It is so exciting to get to read one of his!


  1. What a great set of tips - thank you Mr Cupcake Project!

  2. yup, I will be checking this one out!! thanks so much for the link. I am probably one of the worst people at taking pictures of my cakes, I definatly need some pointers!

  3. Lysy - Mr. and Mrs. Cupcake Project are glad you enjoyed!

    Kate - I'm not the best at it eithor. Hope his tips help!

  4. I will totally use the tips he posted! :)

  5. Thanks for the link! I'm definitely going to check out his tips.


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