Thursday, June 12, 2008


Announcing Vere Week: Giveaways, Interview, and a Cupcake

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Last month, I wrote about the free Vere chocolate I received from Kathy Moskal, Vere's owner. While I had a few complaints about the strength of the flavors in their flavored bars, I found their chocolate quality to be top-notch. Many of you wrote that you enjoyed reading the review. Now it's your chance to review - read on!

Monday through Friday of next week is going to be Vere week around here. Each day I'm going to share some of a phone interview I did with Kathy. You'll get to learn about Kathy, her company, and her chocolate. I'll be making a Vere inspired cupcake too (don't worry, the cupcakes will always be here)! Best of all, each day - Monday to Friday - one lucky commenter will win this:

In case you couldn't tell, that's four full sized Vere chocolate bars in a vere cute gift bag! All that I ask is that if you win, you share on your blog (if you have one) or in an email to me what you thought of the bars. I'll do a small round up of the winners' reviews. You don't need to be an expert chocolate reviewer. I'll even take, "YUM!" if that's your review.

Kathy is an amazing person. She has a huge passion for chocolate and I hope you will all enjoy reading about her and her company as much as I enjoyed the opportunity to talk with her.

What's That Again?

To summarize:
  • There will be a prize winner every day from Monday to Friday.
  • You can enter once per day by commenting on that day's post.
  • If you win, you need to write a short review which can be shared on this blog.


  1. Well, I would be vere interested in trying this chocolate! (getting the bad pun out of the way so nobody else can use it).

  2. Good morning! I hope you have a wonderful day!
    It's like Blog Sweeps Month or something?

  3. I'll play. I'm a huge fan of your blog!

  4. you really want a sweets expert?look no further, my dear! and i have the cavities to prove it!

  5. Oooh...chocolate! I'm so there.

  6. Mike - Hah! I'll be using it all week. In fact, by the end of the week I bet I'll start spelling very wrong all the time.

    Kim - Sweet!

    Bethany - Vere good ice cream for you?

    Ivy - Hah! Hadn't thought of that - but that's a great idea!

    Lori - Yay!

    Maybelle's - It should be! I better start writing.

    Jamie - Thanks so much! I really appreciate it!

    Quite - Hmm... I don't have many cavities. Does that make me less of an expert? Good luck! I'd love to see your reviews.

    Kamailes - Cool! I'll see you on Monday! Good luck!

  7. Wait- so all I have to do is comment, and maybe you give me chocolate??

    You are my hero.

  8. I would love to try the chocolate! Hope I win.....besides that, your blog look interesting!

  9. If you haven't entered yet today, don't forget to do so! There aren't that many entrants yet, so your odds are pretty good.

  10. This is an absolutely delicious idea.

  11. Did you say chocolate, free chocolate?! Count me in!I'm always looking for good dark chocolate.


  12. sounds so very yummy!!!! Please count me in!


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