Sunday, March 23, 2008


Easter Trivia

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Q: What part of the chicken's body determines the color of its egg?

The answer is at the end of the post.

Last night, I attended a Slow Food trivia night (Convivial Pursuit). I never attend trivia nights because I suck at trivia, and frankly, I don't like doing activities I suck at. I love food, however, so I thought a trivia night with only questions about food might be something I could excel at. Wrong! I was of no use to my team. There was only one question that remotely related to cupcakes. They showed the following cookbook on the big screen without the title and author and we were supposed to know the author.

I felt like the whole room expected to me to know the answer. "Come on, Cupcake Girl. Here's your chance to shine." Did I know the answer? Nope.

Any foodies who like trivia and live in St. Louis should consider attending next year. I'd go again, but only to volunteer. No more trivia for me. I've given it a fair chance and I'm going for the clean break-up.

To see the pictures from last night, go to J. Pollack Photography and enter the access code QJPKAKSW at the bottom of the page.

Congrats to the Sauce Magazine staffers on winning the trivia night and to Iron Stef for her big 50/50 raffle win! As you can see on left, Steph was a bit excited.

A: The ear. Chicken breeds with white ear lobes lay white eggs, whereas chickens with red ear lobes lay brown eggs.


  1. So let me get this straight: chickens have earlobes? Chickens have earlobes.

    Okay, I believe you. :)

    Happy Easter!

  2. "I never attend trivia nights because I suck at trivia, and frankly, I don't like doing activities I suck at."

    hehe, so true, so true.

    still waiting on a baklava cupcake post...and I'm a little dissapointed that there was no hamentaschen cupcake. sigh.

    your posts are getting better every time :).

  3. Your husband's photos are great. Everyone should remember he's available to photograph your events, family, pets, food, etc. Must admit that my favorite one is the artistic picture of the inverted wine glasses. (See, Jonathan, I do love you, too.)


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