Saturday, April 10, 2010


Future Foodie Onesie Winner

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There is no doubt in my mind that Rachel is helping her friend to raise a future foodie (and a linguistic genius - if the child is actually able to say pistachio at 4.5 months)!! Congrats to randomly drawn lucky number 19!

Thanks to everyone who entered the future foodie onesie giveaway for all of your great advice and encouragment. You guys are the best!

If anyone is looking for tips on raising a foodie, I'd definitely recommend reading through the comments on the giveaway post.


  1. can't wait to provide a picture of Calvin in his new onesie!

  2. Looking forward to seeing it! Don't forget to email me your full name + address + Calvin's size.

  3. I'm sad I missed the earlier post, but I just wanted to say it was so refreshing to see that you want to do this (and got so much support from the comments). My 7-month old son Patrick eats almost exclusively off of my plate or a semi-pureed version of whatever we are eating. Many of my mom-group friends think I'm crazy, but I think not only is he tasting foods he wouldn't get from a jar (among his favorites: grilled asparagus, white bean & chicken chili, and salmon with tomato-olive tapenade), but he gets great practice on his fine motor skills!

  4. The onesie arrived a week or so ago. It's being enjoyed.


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