Monday, May 18, 2009


Candied Pineapple Recipe

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Candied pineapple, according to a quick informal poll of my friends, is typically thought of as dried pineapple that has been sugared. My recipe was about as dry as a St. Louis summer (for those not from St. Louis, picture rainforest-like humidity). What makes my candied pineapple different from non-candied pineapple is that the juice is extra sweet and the outside of the pineapple has an irresistible glossy shine.

Aside from topping a cupcake, candied pineapple could be:
  • eaten all on its on,
  • used in or on top of a meat dish,
  • mixed into a fruit salad, or
  • thrown on the grill (although I haven't tried it).
Candied Pineapple Recipe

To make candied pineapple, I followed the same technique outlined in a post by The Repressed Pastry Chef on candied orange slices. I am reprinting that technique, modified for pineapple.
  • 1.5 C water
  • 1/2 C sugar
  • 12 pineapple rings (I used the kind from the can, but fresh pineapple would also work.)
  1. In a large, heavy pot, bring water and sugar to a boil.
  2. Add pineapple rings.
  3. Let the mixture boil for about 5-10 minutes. Be sure that all of the pineapple rings are under water.
  4. Reduce the heat to medium and let it continue cooking for about 30 minutes. The liquid will thicken and become a syrup.
  5. Remove from heat but let the pineapple remain in the pot as they cool for about 10 minutes.
  6. Remove to a sheet of parchment paper to cool completely.
  7. The syrup remaining in the pan can be saved and used in other dishes.
Candied Pineapple vs. Pineapple Candy

If you are looking for pineapple candy rather than candied pineapple, check out my yummy pineapple candy. While the cupcake that the candy was on was a bit of a fail, I loved that pineapple candy.


  1. Bet these would also be yummy with brown sugar...not unlike the glazed pineapple on various meats.

  2. Hmmm. These pinapple slices look picture perfect.

  3. Hey thanks for the linkback! My husband loves pineapple so I really need to try this. Great idea!!

    The Repressed Pastry Chef

  4. My mom brought home a pineapple last night. I'm sure this wasn't what she had in mind for it, but since she isn't here to stop me... it just might happen. :)

    Can't wait to see the cupcake that is sure to follow!

  5. Yum, I may just have to make this when I am in Hawaii next week. Thanks,.

  6. Those are huge candied pineapple pieces. I am so curious to see how you use them in your cupcake finale. :)

  7. You know, I've never had candied pineapple--only dried pineapple. Yours looks deliciously moist and sweet. I think I could inhale these little rings all on their own. Delish!

  8. Yum...These look irresistable! Great idea!

  9. i'm having trouble coming up with ideas as to what to do with the syrup; help?

  10. Thank you for posting a quick and easy one. All the other ones I looked at online said to repeat for the next 5-6 days. I love to cook, but not that much. Thanks again.

  11. Mine don't look like that!!!! They still look really plump... Wanted to use the candied pineapple on my cupcakes for Easter tomorrow... Help?

  12. Valorie - If you want to dry them out, you could try putting them on parchment in the oven at the lowest possible setting over night.


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