Tuesday, November 18, 2008


Thanksgiving Cupcakes

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Thanksgiving Cupcakes

Thanksgiving cupcakes are scattered throughout Cupcake Project. But, I decided a Thanksgiving cupcake roundup was in order after Jonathan was asked by Lucky You whether I had any Thanksgiving cupcakes on my blog.

Here are the cupcakes that I think would be perfect for Thanksgiving:

pumpkin pie cupcakesPumpkin pie cupcakes

Pumpkin pie cupcakes: The Thanksgiving table always needs some pumpkin pie. Why not make yours in cupcake format?

pumpkin cupcakesPumpkin cupcakes with apple butter frosting

Pumpkin cupcakes with apple butter frosting: Really anything with apple butter frosting would be perfect for Thanksgiving. It is just about my favorite frosting ever!

sweet potato cupcakesSweet potato casserole cupcakes

Sweet potato casserole cupcakes: These are the Thanksgiving cupcakes that I made last year. There is also a sweet potato casserole recipe at the bottom of the post that is amazing if you want your sweet potatoes in non-cupcake form.

Thanksgiving Cupcake Ideas from Other Blogs
  • For cupcakes that look super cute, check out the turkey cupcakes from Jaki's Bento. They are totally adorable!
  • Simply Recipes has a gluten-free pumpkin cupcake that is well worth checking out.
  • For ideas and inspiration (but no recipes) check out Iron Cupcake Milwaukee. There are some tasty looking creative creations there!


  1. Hey you!
    My favorite is the pumpkin pie cupcake! It looks sooo gooood!

  2. I just want apple butter frosting. On everything.

  3. Hey! I don't know if this interests you enough to give me your phone number, but someone left a turkey cupcake on the desk of my co-worker today! Literally, it's 2 cupcakes, a wee one for the head and a big one for the bottom in the shape of a turkey, with candy corn used for the tail feathers. It's cute! I took a picture with my cell phone, and if you would like to see it, let me know!

  4. Katie - Alas, I have an old school phone with no photo mail. Can you email it?

  5. These cupcakes were a HUGE hit at dinner last night. Thanks for the recipe!


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