Sunday, January 7, 2007


How to Convert a Cake Recipe to a Cupcake Recipe

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How to Convert a Cake Recipe to a Cupcake Recipe

You don't need a cupcake recipe to bake cupcakes. In fact, most cake recipes can be easily converted to cupcake recipes:
  1. Make the cake batter as directed in the recipe.
  2. Fill one cupcake liner halfway with the batter.  
  3. Bake at the temperature called for in the cake recipe, but check for doneness starting at 20 minutes.
  4. If the cupcake is not done, check on it at five-minute intervals until it is fully baked.  Note how long baking took.
  5. See how high the cupcake rose.  Some recipes don't rise at all, while others will double in size.
  6. Use the cupcake's height to determine whether you should fill the remaining cupcake liners more or less than halfway.
  7. Bake the remainder of the cupcakes for the time that you determined in steps 3 and 4.  You may need to add a few minutes to account for a full cupcake tin.


  1. Can your cupcake recipes be converted in the opposite direction to full-sized cakes? I'm particularly interested in the garbanzo bean flour chocolate ones

    1. Yes, you'll just need to adjust the baking time.

  2. I used your ultimate vanilla cupcake recipe to make an 8" cake but I can't seem to find the right time/temp to bake. The outside overcooked b/c it took awhile for the middle to cook through. Should I decrease the temperature? I'm going to make it again tonight...trying to get it right before my daughter's birthday party this weekend!


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